13 : Subconcious decision

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Savvy's POV

Seeing the family in front of me, makes me question my plans. Those plans were easy to execute. After the abortion, I will focus solely on my bakery. Even we will start the preparation for the wedding of Sara and Valerio.

The way Valerio is kissing his future wife, brings envy in me about their love for each other. It is a complete PDA. Even Matt and Dan are getting restless. Poor kids.

“That was a hell of a kiss.” Teasing her, I took the pram of the twins while she was busy waving to her future husband.

“He is going out of the country for 2 days.” Her voice held sadness.

2 days.

It is a matter of two days. Yet, this couple is behaving like it is for 200 years.

“He will be back....” I rolled my eyes while pushing the pram, that has fighting twins. Finally, one of them took the dinosaurs and the other wailed louder.

“Matty... Stop.” Sara ordered her son, who eventually pouting to return the dinosaur to his brother.

“He is mama's boy.” I cooed Matt, but he cowers away and hugged his brother. “He doesn't like kisses” I exclaimed. “Silver is the same.” I giggled remembering the reaction of my baby sister, Sylvia when someone kisses her.

“Danny is more like Val.” Sara took sobbing Dan into her arms and Matt pouted with lack of attention.

“Matty is angry?” I asked the little boy in the pram in baby voice.

“Don't pamper him much, he is an attention seeker,” Sara said while patting the toddler's back in her arms.

“They are almost the same. How do you know who is who?” Giving Matt a soft cookie and looked at the baby.

“Their features are the same, but they are different. Matt is elder, territorial, stubborn while Dan is a good child. Matt has a darker shade of eyes and Dan is a little chubby.” She explained.

“They look the same... I understand only one thing. Dan like dinosaurs while Matt likes Cars. That's it. Otherwise, Val makes them wear the same clothes.” I complained.

“Val is a hypnotise by his boys....” She laughed. “I wanted to give him a daughter, but...” Pausing, she kissed Dan. “He preferred vasectomy.”

“He is too young. My parents should learn from him.”

“Why do I feel your parents are trying another baby?”

“Who knows?” I shrugged off.

“What about you?” She interrogated with her 'i-know-everything' look. Another drawback of growing with professional criminals. Again, a debate. What should be the category of people like her and Dad? They both did what was necessary to survive, so are they criminals or survival?

“My decision is final,” I answered avoiding her eyes.

“What about the father?”

“He doesn't want the baby too.”

“I don't trust you. You don't want the baby and that's why you didn't inform him.” She said with the sweetest voice while playing with Dan in her arms. I could tell she is angry but the way she controlled her anger was fascinating. Dan is too young to see his mother's wrath. Her rage is so dangerous that she could kill anyone without regretting. She even destroyed the Rossi empire. But it was her love for Valerio Rossi that made her guilty.

“I informed him, and he said he doesn't want the child from ME.”

“Then don't involve him.” She suggested. “I don't want you to regret later... After the abortion, Kate fell into depression and who knows... If things go worse than maybe you will never be able to conceive. Some women are fine still they are given only one chance of conceiving.”

“Why are you always so pessimistic?” I said while wiping Matt's mouth. “You should worry about your wedding.”

“My wedding is 3 months away.”

“Why did you stay?” I asked. Her decision is unusual. A woman like her is confident. Although she was born to a prostitute and was trained to be one until taking her chances, she escaped where she again fell into the trap of another dark world. Slavery. Dad brought her because he saw a 17-year-old scared girl who was forced to be an assassin. He paid for her, her education and later discovered that Sarai Bellman is the half-sister of August Costello. August was a Schmidt whom we consider as the real secret keeper. He used to lead the investigation unit of the Rogers Security Firm where he used to hide and filter many secrets before delivering to Dad. There, he noticed Elizabeth and fell in love with her but instead of helping her when she was facing torture, he stayed quiet and kidnapped her when she fell in love with Dad.

“Stay?” She settled Dan to his seat. Passing him his dinosaur, she looked at Matt.

“I mean, you could have started your life somewhere better. Val abuses you. Your scars are sometimes worse.”

“He doesn't abuse me... Yes, his mood swings are worse, but he is doing better. He was drugged for year's, so he is troubled sometimes. And for scars..... He prefers rough sex. Even I have a high tolerance. Consider it, this is the way we are.”

“Your love is toxic,” I stated. Maybe my words are hurtful, but she needs to admit the way Valerio treats her not good. She is a strong woman and doesn't need a man.

“Yes, I know... It is not just me. My Italian man tries harder than you can imagine. He will never admit, but he still goes to therapy and exercise meditation, even doesn't come home when he realizes that he is out of control.” She said. “And I know why you ask this question.” Taking my hands in her hands, she rubbed them like she is trying to calm me. “Look at these boys, they are mine. Val made them with me... There is a baby inside you too. And you love the father. Because you never loved Josh. Josh was never in your mind. You tried to love him as if you were a compel to. To me, it appeared that you are just trying to keep him happy.”

“I don't want that man who refuses to acknowledge my baby.” Scowling, I freed my hand. No matter how hard I try, the two blue-eyed women, mom and Sara Always knows me.

“You want to abort because you want the father's attention.” She smirked. “Keeping the baby will bring the attention too.... from him.”

Arguing her was a waste so instead of answering, I choose silence.

I don't want any attention from Maxwell. He is a coward, who refused to acknowledge my baby.


My baby.

Till the baby is inside me, it is my baby. And I will abort it. Then, Maxwell will regret it. Or not?

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