5 : Dancing with A stranger

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Savvy's POV

“How can I help you?” The man in front of me speaks with a familiar voice. For a while, it gave me the vibe of Hunter's voice. But this man is not Hunter.

“I- I am so-sorry. I thought I-I know you.....your voice is familiar.” I stammered and observed his familiarity. He is someone close. I can sense the resemblances with someone.

“I wish... We had known each other.” He smiled displaying his perfect white teeth. “I am Blaze.” Offering his left hand for handshakes... Unknowingly. Then, I noticed his hands. Six fingers on the left and he is Left-handed as he extended his left hand, just like mom.

“I am Savannah.” I smiled and accepted his handshake with my left hand. Growing in with dangerous people around, I was taught first to notice strangers around you for safety. That's the very first rule of defence. Observation. “Are you one of the guest?” I asked.

“No... I don't even know who is marrying whom. I am here for business. But my assistant fucked up.”

“I am sorry, but I don't know how it feels when your assistant fucks up.” I laughed and he joined me too.

Blaze. He is oddly familiar, looks harmless. Yes, his aura screams power, yet it is relaxed. I believe he can be trusted. At least, for now.

“Ms Savannah... They are calling for you.” He brought me to reality. I could hear their call for me for the final dance. That's weird. Why would I have the final dance? This belongs to the groom and bride.

“Savvy... I want this final dance with you.” The begging in the voice of Grace was audible through the mike.

“Are you Savvy?” Blaze asked.

Nodding, I smiled and invited him inside. He mentioned his business here. Maybe he could complete his business while helping me to ease my awkwardness.

I expected his rejection, but Blaze agreed and walked with me inside. Dad was right. I should have stayed away from this wedding, but I almost ruined the event.

Dad is not a control freak now otherwise he could have forced me to stay away. This all happened after Sara protested about controlling nature when he tried to separate Valerio and Her. Now, dad let things happened and interfere only, when invited. He interferes only in the case of his children when things are out of control. Life-threatening. Luckily, he is tolerant now.

“Will you dance with me?” Grace asked me. “Just like we promised each other?” She looked at Maddy to invite her to the dance floor through the sad eyes.

Without waiting for words, Maddy joined us, and we dance just like we practised as children in our dance class.

Later, it was the time for groom and bride to dance but grace refused and her mother danced with Josh.

“Dance with me?” Josh asked me and pulled me into the stage as soon as Mrs Walsh left the stage.

“Focus at Grace.” I glared at him.

“Savvy please think about it. We can be happy. We will support the child. Or better we will adopt the child.” He begged while dancing.

“I said I will never be able to trust you... I have already moved on.”

“There is no one.” He chuckled like I threw a joke and pulled me close where I could feel him getting hard.


Josh married Grace. And he wants me sexually today. That day he claimed he is addicted to her body and now, he changed his side. He is not trustworthy.

“Leave me.” I looked around for Maddy. I need to leave. Where is she?

“Savannah is uncomfortable.” I heard a familiar voice. “The drama is enough for today.”

“Think about it.” Josh was about to kiss me, but I have pulled away from him and landed into a masculine arm. Those arms were warm, they felt safe. Home.

“You lost your chance. You could have told me the truth When the first time it happened, but you went on and on.” I glared at him and looked at the owner of those masculine arms.


The best man, who walked beside me and refused to talk to me the whole time.

“Shall we?” I was mesmerized in the smile that I forget I was asked a question. Observing his dimple on his left cheeks, I discovered that I never notice him at all. The fact that I was self-centric when we were growing. Again, I was ashamed of old Savannah Rogers.

“Ms Rogers?” He called.

No words to form, I simply nodded and followed him like a lost puppy in the crowd to dance.

“Your hair looks perfect.....” He held my hand and encircle me with another arm. “Beth did this.”

How does he know that?

“She brought this hairpin when she went shopping with me two months back.” He explained and started moving. I followed his moves and finally, we were dancing.

It is been almost 7 years. Those 7 years without his irritating voice, was equivalent to creepy silence in the Rogers estate. His absence made me realize his significance.

“You left,” I said.

“Yes. I did.” He looked at me with his familiar black eyes. “You ordered me.”

“I ordered you many things, but you followed only the last one... I didn't mean any of those words.”

“It doesn't mean you can say those words.” He faked his smile and looked around. I could feel people looking at us, but my focus was the best man.

“You are his best man.”

“Yes. And you are the maid of honour.”

“Why did you accept this? You knew he betrayed you. He knew your feeling for me.”

“Even you knew my feelings for you.” Raising his eyebrows, he waited for my answer, but I was speechless. I couldn't answer him. I failed to gather my courage to accept that it was my fault. He smirked before spinning me and pulled me closer.

“You met him but not me,” I said wrapping my arms around his torso.

“I always meet him. He is always my friend.” 

“What about me?” I asked.

“What about you?”

“Don't play games, Hunter.” I stopped our dance.

“I don't play games, Ms Rogers.” He flashed me his vicious smile. “I hunt.”

“He is not the Hunter Maxwell, I knew. What happened to him?” I asked myself and watched Hunter with Blaze.

Does Blaze knows Hunter?

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