46: Hidden Past

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Savvy's POV

“Steve Morrison.” Glaring at the man in front of me, I blinked several times to recheck the reality. He appears more handsome in real. I wonder why Blaze has not his looks. Blaze looks so much like a Maxwell; Blaze looks so much like Hunter, As if they are not cousins, they are brother.

“You look so much her.” He praised me like a genuine person and locked the door. “Protocol.” Smiling, he sat on the couch pushing the food trolley. “Tia informed me about your hunger strike... Make sure you eat and stay hydrated. You have three more life to think.”

Am I dreaming?

His voice is concerned. Anyone could have the delusion, that Steve Morrison is concerned about me. But I doubt it. Hunter believes all Maxwell and Morrison are dangerous. But they all behave so naturally, so genuine that it is hard to believe Hunter's claim.

“Why I am here?” Demanding, I tried to establish my superiority. He must be aware of Mark Rogers, All the elite socialist are. Dad has already exhibited his power on several occasions.

“Tia was right... You are feisty.” He grinned and damn! He is handsome. His left cheek has a dimple. It is amazing to view. He is too good to be old. “You are just like her.”

“You mean my mother?” I asked.

“Of course, you look a lot like her. Even you inherited her classiness.”

“How you know my parents?” I demanded. Their indirect conversation is getting on my nerve. Why can't everyone talk clearly?

“Let's eat and talk...” serving on two plates, I was relieved that he is eating too which means food is safe for consumption. “I will narrate, our story.”

“We don't have any story with each other.”

“Mine, Abigail and Mark... Even these Rossi.” The way he called Mark and Rossi, I knew he hates them.

“The story doesn't include me,” I stated before sitting on the couch. The queen-sized room gives me enough space to walk around which helps a lot, at least I still can move. Even the attached bathroom has a jacuzzi...all this means, My abduction was planned. The proof is my dresses. They all were fitted for my pregnancy. These people planned everything. Clean moves, but they have invited crisis in their life.

Mark Roger will ruin everything. Just like he ruined the Schmidt empire. He didn't consider twice before informing the authority about the human trafficking circuit run by Andrew Schmidt, who was once my uncle Andy.

“Of course, it doesn't include you. You are the outcome.” He said with nothingness. Now, this is scarier than what Tia Showed me. His empty voice is annihilating my confidence. Even Dad fails to scare me. But today, I am scared because I am pregnant and the father of my children is the reason for our misery and at the top of all this, Dad is not here. Now, I could feel Mom's pain, trauma, her overprotective nature.

“I am not interested in talking to you.” Dismissing him, I was about to walk into my dreamland, but Steve blocked my way and gesture me to sit back, politely.

“Finish the dinner with me then go to sleep.” Calmly and politely, he orders.

Without arguing, I surged back to my previous place and took the plate that he offered. I was waiting for old Morrison to start eating so that I could be assured about the safety of the food.

“It's harmless.” Saying, he took the first bite of the dinner. “See....” I hated his saccharine smile.

“It's too much.” Mumbling, I stared at the food.

“You are pregnant and your skin looks dead.”

“So Bea lied. She will not take my babies.” I concluded with a hopeful voice. I am expecting that I will have my babies with me if at all dad fails to arrive on time. The way they all are taking care of me, doctors and a proper meal.

“No... Beatrice was right. She will take all the little Maxwells.”


“Because I promised Beatrice your absence in her life... I don't want these things.” he pointed at my baby bump. “And Bea is barren. These Maxwell are keys to the heart of her future with Hunter Maxwell.” He clarified while eating.

“Hunter will never love her... He loves me.” I challenged him. I am keen to dismiss Hunter's crime if he saves my children.

“Yes... That's why he will never know that you are alive.”

I almost choke on air. “Why are you doing this?” My children will live with their father but will never meet me. With time, Hunter will move on and settle with Bea, while I will yearn for my family. My children. My Siblings. My Parents. Everyone.

“I didn't get Abigail, so I am compensating myself with her look-alike... Her daughter.” He announced his motive. He knows my parents. How?

“How do you know my parent?”

“Oh... That is an amazing story.” Chuckling, “Abigail was the daughter of my caretaker. She got pregnant at the age of maybe 12-13... So her parents left little Abigail at the orphanage. Every year, she visited to see Abigail. Even I started visiting the orphanage with her. That's how I met beauty. Abigail Evans. Even Elizabeth Rogers is beautiful. That redhead is exotic. I would like to taste her... Even Rossi's whore. Why Mark is blessed with all the beautiful women?” he doubted.

Glaring at Steve, I scowled, “You are....” But then, I stopped.

“We were dating... Abigail assured me of her love then suddenly Mark came into the picture, and she broke up with me... Mark was a 15 years old kid, and I was 24 years old man. I was settled with money and security, yet she chooses that ugly boy who couldn't even talk properly.”

“She loved him.”

“Still she agreed to date me.” Mocking me, “have you ever thought about why your parents kept running before meeting Ethan Rogers?” He asked. As if he knew my answer.

“Because we were poor.”

“Then you never noticed your Father... You don't know him. Nor, you know Hunter.” He laughed.

I was offended. Despite spending 24 years of my life with my father, this man knows my father more than me. I spent hours and hours with Gran and Hunter, yet I don't know about Him as well.

“Then tell me what you know about My father and my fiancée?” I invited him for a direct civil conversation with the mission of receiving my answers.

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