43: The night of Confession

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Savvy's POV

"You shouldn't have done this." Panting Hunter warned, zipping his jeans. His forehead covered with sweat is alluring and the smell of his release is my achievement. I made him restless.

I smirk.

"I want to teach you a lesson so that you remember it for the rest of your life." Mumbling, he opened the glass of his side and inhaled fresh oxygen. "You raped me." He accused.

"It's not like you didn't enjoy this." I shrugged.

"Forcing someone sexually is rape." He cited his definition of rape. But it didn't matter.

"Shut up." Commanding, I took off my jeans. "It's hot here."

"Just go to your flat... Then take off all your clothes." He threw my jeans at me. "Get out."

"I want you," I demanded.

He shook his head with agony while murmuring something, which ears fail to understand. I tried to concentrate but nothing worked.

"It's not the right time." Finally he said something meaningful. I could understand the words, but he didn't mean them. He wants me to stay with him. I know. I can feel it.

"It's never the right time," I said and struggled to climb on his lap.

"Savannah.....this will hurt you," he warned again.

"I know..." Whining, I successfully pushed back his seat and climb on his lap. "You don't co-operate at all."

"I'm dying to co-operate, but you are drunk... Wasted." pushing me away, He said, but the room was little, so he pushed back his seat a little more to create an area for him to push me again.

"Thanks." Smirking, I took off the thong and helped his length to get out of his jeans.

"Stop....." Holding my hands, Hunter glared at me.

"Convince me." I peck his lips and stroke his length.

The moment my hands contacted his warm excited member, he gasps and closed his eyes. I knew he enjoys my touch. I may be drunk, but I know what I am doing.

"Savannah, you will regret it." He managed to say.

"How?" guiding his length inside me, I asked. A moan escaped my mouth while he groaned.

"I don't have a condom." He insisted. "Let me at least...."

Stopping him to speak, I kissed him. In these few hours, I realized that I like his mouth. His taste. The way he rules over my tongue.

"It's our time," I whispered close to his ears.

Groaning, he pushed me away with a force that I almost hit the steering wheel. The pain was sudden. He got to the back seat and pulled me. Struggling and in pain, I managed to reach him.

"My head hurts," I complained.

"Now, your whole body will hurt." Pronouncing with eagerness and danger, he took off my t-shirt and then my bra. Getting rid of his clothes was another struggle. His intentions were clear.

Without waiting for his command, I laid on the seat, and he hovered over me and after a while, I cried out when he entered with full force. He is big. Bigger, then he minutes back.

"You are hurting me." Crying, I pushed him with no victory. "Stop." But he didn't. "Ah...ahh.aaa a aa." He was rough.

"Shh..." Covering my mouth, "it's our time." He repeated my words.

I could feel tears flowing from my cheeks. And I was wet. Even my thighs... Am I bleeding?

"It will be over soon." He cooed to me when I felt his last assault into my womanhood where he releases himself inside me.

"Be gentle." I requested but it was unheard of. Turning me forcefully, he felt something wet on my butt. Before I could understand anything, he entered into my butt hole.

I whimper. "It's paining."

Covering my mouth with one hand, his other hand assault my vagina.

I attempted to stop him but he was strong.

"Feel." Thrust. "Me." Thrust."

I cried until they turned into sobs. It was the longest hour of my life before he reached his orgasm.

"I am not a good person... Savvy." He kissed my shoulder before letting me go.

"You hurt me."

"You are still drunk." He pointed out. "I'll give you pills. We can't afford children right now. It will ruin my plan. Just wait for me. I promise you our family."

"It pains." Crying, I looked for my t-shirt. "I hate you," I yelled as soon as I found my jeans. "It pains... How will wear this?"

"I am thankful you are too drunk to remember this."

"You are just like Val..."

"No... I am worse than him." Holding my neck, Hunter was ready to choke me to death. "I am sorry, but I had to do this." He was almost about to cry.

I frowned.

"It was me who drugged Josh 5 months back so that he would sleep with any woman, but he landed with Grace. When he shared his guilt with me, I took advantage and manipulated him to explore his feelings for Grace. I knew Gracie liked him. So there was no chance she would push him away. I even poked his condom so that she would get pregnant....but Steve pregnant her."


"I didn't want anyone to suffer... So again, I used my manipulation skills and made her to stop Josh by marriage."


"I lost my sense when he said he was going to propose to you... My plan is simple, I would be getting money from one of the mergers and I would kick Nadia and Tia from my grandfather's company and then After divorce, we would be married."

"You think it's fair?" I asked politely.

"Everything is fair in love and war." Quoting, he entered again, and it was...


"Will is here." Stating, Hunter wore his clothes. "Stay here... I have to kill someone." He ordered while taking his gun.

"Make her eat." I heard it again. I hate this voice. She's so annoying. Why can't she understands I don't want to eat?

Pushing the chicken curry and rice towards me, "Eat." She commanded.

"I can't... I want something light." Announcing my needs, I covered myself with a blanket.

"You know, he wants you otherwise you are no one to demand." She said before leaving. This woman is another piece of art. How anyone could be so annoying? She even took my dagger. I understand why Hunter hated Tia Morrison so much even, I hate her.


Hunter confessed everything that night. He wanted me to wait for him. That's why he destroyed my relationship with Josh, and he wanted me to wait so that he could take his revenge that's why he asked for an abortion, but this doesn't change anything. He ruined my life. This all is happening because he lost his sense.

Crying, I prayed that Dad would find me soon. I don't want to give birth to my children here. In this locked room.

I don't know where I am? And why Tia Morrison kidnapped me? Why I am here? Who wants me?

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