29: Morrison

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Savvy's POV

This Blaze Morrison in front of me is weird. He is acting differently. Disturbed. And Hunter is missing. We both are not aware of the location of Hunter. Blaze was able to enter due to the extra key he had.

I was surprised to see Blaze had an extra key. After Hunter's story, I assumed he hated Blaze but the way Blaze is describing and talking about Hunter makes me feel guilty. Blaze talked about him as if Hunter was not his cousin but his brother. Even Blaze brought gifts for Hunter. Scattered everywhere.

One thing that caught my attention was an album. Like an investigating officer when I opened the album to see a happy family everywhere.

One young couple. I was sure, it is Gran Sophia and her husband along with her three children. Two boys and a girl. I immediately knew the girl was Blaze's mother, since Sara mentioning that there was only one daughter who Married Morrison. However, Gran never mentions her daughter and the other son. Gran always cursed her son; which son, I never asked. For me, it was my bedtime story. She used to narrate all the imaginary story about her cruel son before Emily took over.

This was the moment I was ashamed that I never bother to even offer my support to Hunter. I insulated Hunter when he was trying to support Gran. He knew he has a family who could help them, yet they were surviving on the aid provided by someone else, who is not even their family.

Turning the page, I see the siblings, again. They were grown up. Looked at the edge of maturity. Almost about to reach their twenties. I figured out the girl and the younger boy was twins. Another boy was the elder brother. They looked so happy. Then what happened to the family?

Again, I turned the page. And again. Again. Finally, I witness a wedding photo. The photo of the elder boy, who is a man now. He looks so happy in a tuxedo and was holding a boy in arms. His bride was glowing. Although the photo was black and white, emotions were sparkling. Is this their child? It is a boy. I could tell from the outfit.

“That's me.” Blaze was back with a glass of water and a mug in his other hand. “Uncle Terrance loved me like his child.” He smiled. “He loved aunt Daisy even more... Uncle Terrance and Aunt Daisy are Hunter's parents.” He explained.

“It is an amazing family.” I praised admiring the family photo. The Schmidt family was able to capture an only family photo that almost ruined us when Mom discover it. But now, we have several photos, of every year.

“It was an amazing family.” Sounding defeated, Blaze made comfortable in front of me, “how do you know my brother?” He asked.

“He was a senior in my school,” I said. “My da....”

“Ms Rogers....” We heard, Hunter exclaims to interpret me. “I was looking for you.”

“Even I was looking for you,” I said politely.

Pulling Blaze with him, “Give us a moment....” Hunter said.

Both cousins were gone, leaving me alone with family albums and gifts. Blaze and Hunter appeared fine with me going through the family album, so I continued to look at the amazing family that doesn't exist any more. Their family was incredible. All the sibling had a great childhood. I want my children to have the same happiness.

The process of turning the photos came to a halt, and I moved to another album. Surprisingly, it was not the family album. It has photos of different people. With Curiosity, I turned pages again and again. The one picture that bothers me was a rich man with children. It was the orphanage. Because my parents were there. Yes. I could tell where my parents were. Biological parents. Mark Rogers-Schmidt and Abigail Evans.

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