32 : Co-equal

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Savvy's POV

Pacing in the kitchen like a madwoman, “How could she do that?” Maddy mumbles. She looked everywhere and held her injured left forearm with bitterness. Occasionally, I see her raising her both hands in the air, as if she's strangling someone. And that was entertaining, there was no one around us to witness a mad 'Shaw'. I knew she was plotting to the murder of Grace Matthews who is going to Josh's ex-wife.

“Control yourself... You are still injured.” I reminded my best friend, my Saviour, Maddison Shaw. Although the bullet touched her left forearm, she is active. As active as a toddler. She even played with Rossi twins and Joy and Izzy, a few hours back. Both Rogers and Rossi twins like her more than me. my baby siblings missed me and I miss them, but I can't play with them. My feet are swollen, and I have back pain too.

“Girl, you were out for two days.” Maddy rolled her eyes. “I WAS injured. The duration of two days was enough for me. I am already healed. I am a brave heart.”

“You still have bandages on.”

“Shut up... These bandages,” Pointing at her injured arms, “are itching me.” Maddy faked her cry. It attracted the attention of toddlers twins playing at the porch with their mama, and we heard their cry echoing in Rogers house. Soon, another wave of cries was heard from another corner of the house. And these were Rogers twins. Now, girls are crying too.

I glare at Maddy who sheepishly grinned and mouthed, sorry before moving to check at the girls and I went to boys. Boys were snuggling with their mama while Jenny was cooing the boys.

“I heard someone crying,” Jenny looked at me with concern and showered her questions. “Are you fine? Do you need anything? Babies are fine? Does it hurt....”

“I am fine Jenny... It was Maddy. She complained about her itching bandages.” I mentioned.

“Then I will change her bandages.” Offering, Jenny almost run inside, but Sara stopped her.

“Jenny, Maddy is an adult. She was throwing tantrums without thinking twice about the presence of toddlers.” Sara said with grim. “Sit...” She demanded like a Rossi. “It is a common issue with bandages. She's fine. The nerve in her skin is fine, that's why she can feel the itch.”

“Are you sure?” Jenny asked again.

“She's a drama queen,” I stated. “I will check the girls. They were crying too.”

Assuring Jennifer Garcia was difficult. After the death of Gran, Jenny took her place. She's always present when we need help. Sometimes I wonder, how she manages successfully with her boys, Neil and Keith? Even Victor is very demanding... most of the time her swollen eyes and trouble in walking tell her hard work throughout the night.

“Joy? Izzy?” Calling my baby sisters, I walked slowly making sure that they don't get scared. “Babies... What happened?”

Hearing my voice, girls run to me and hugged me making sure not to pressure my baby bump. I was so proud of their maturity. Mom taught them well. She works hard on them. On every one of us.

“What happened?” I asked Joy whose hazel eyes were glued at my pregnant belly.

“I heard you crying.” Answering, Joy hugged my leg to comfort me. “Mommy says we are brave. Crying is bad.”

“Everything is fine... Poonish.” Izzy said.

“Girls, Savvy is fine.” Maddy interrupted and showed them her bandages. “That's a....”

“Ouchie.” Girls said in unison and flashed their world-famous 'concern' look to Maddy.

“Where is mommy?” Maddy asked because we both know only Elizabeth Rogers is skilled in handling these girls.

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