2 : Season of Marriage

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Dedicated to jiniya157

Savvy's POV

“I think, break up not only effected your heart but your brain too.” Suri rolled her eyes and finished the milkshake. But her words were out of my understanding. I frowned and stopped packing of doughnuts. This girl never clearly express herself. We are forced to use our brain, just to understand the meaning of her simple statement. Why she is so complicated?

“Don't you have another milkshake to finish?” I asked her, in the hope of dismissing the topic. I was too busy to even glance at another topic other than by work. If she wastes my time, I will have to make sure she never enters my bakery ever again.

“I will get another one soon.” She pointed at Sara who was busy preparing another flavour of milkshakes. Poor Lady. Kids take advantage of her.

“What do you want now?” Shifting my focus at my sister, I waited for her reply. She looked stressed. Is she okay?

“Use your brain and don't go to that shitty wedding.” She answered in her signature tone. 'Duh' tone. I knew, she never liked Josh for some reason, but she never behaved irrationally. In fact, despite her age, she is mature among us. Different from any other kid of her age.

“Something is bothering you,” I claimed. She has been with us for 8 years now. I could tell that she's not fine. Although she refuses to share feelings with us but being her elder sister, It is my responsibility to making sure that if she can't speak about her problems to any other family members then she could speak to me. About everything.

“Yes... Everything is bothering me. Josh will manipulate you.”

“I am not a kid. I know what I am doing... I am invited and as a friend, I'll be there. It's a sort of reunion for us... For our other friends.” I explained.

“You are noting going for a wedding... You want to see Hunter.”

“He'll be there?” I asked. The thought of his presence never crossed my mind. I was so busy with this wedding things, that I forget that reunion means the presence of Hunter Maxwell.

After the death of Gran Sophia, Hunter has nothing to bind with us, but he has always been close to dad. He meets him, mom, Sylvia even Sara and Victor, but he never meets me. He obeyed my words when I said that I don't want to see him.

“Of course, he was ONCE UPON A TIME, a best friend of your ex-boyfriend.”

“I have been busy with wedding cakes, and the order that I almost forget about.....”

“Who ordered them?” Suri interrupted and tasted the doughnut.

“It is unknown... These are meant to be a parcel to far far away.”

“How do you know?”

“It's all in the instruction with the order... The person pays in advance as if they are sure that I would complete every time.”

“It means he's stalking you.” 


“I believe, Women are a wise investor. I mean you don't have a policy of advance payment then there is no need of it, but this person pays you in advance..... which means the person must be desperate HE.”

“What if the person is she?”

“Are you into a woman?”

“I like men.” I glared at her.

“Then, the person is ... Maybe your right one.” She smirked before leaving.

The first question to cross my mind was, is she a 15-year-old girl?

“She's SURI ROSSI.” I reminded myself and continued to work.

It consumed my whole day, and I was almost tired, but I was determined to finish the task at any cost. Delaying the task would cost me peace at the last moment and I have been already faced that phase. It turns into a mess. Last moment task is never good for business.

“When you will learn to receive the call?” I heard a feminine voice. Madison. Her angry voice implies she's not happy.

“I promised you my Sunday. Today is not Sunday.” I reminded her.

“Girl, we need to be prepared for Saturday. We can't go to their wedding without gifts.” inviting herself, she sat and munched two cookies together. What is wrong with people that they eat one of my hard work?

“Wedding...... Wedding...” I whined and sat in front of her. “Everybody is getting married. Grace, you... Even Sara.”

“I don't about Grace, but you will be my maid of honour. You have to prepare the best cake for me.” She demanded.

“I am surprised to see you agree on this arrange marriage. Who is the lucky guy?” I teased her to see her pink cheeks?

“I don't know..... I have not seen him. But I know, he's good-looking.”

“What if he is an old guy?”

“As long as he's wealthy, I don't have problems.” She shrugged off. “You know, after Jake, it was hard for me to move on.” Jake, elder brother of Josh but unfortunately, he died in while his deployment in Afghanistan. His death was another wake-up call. It remained me how many soldiers die there, even civilians.

“Don't worry, the future husband will love you.”

“We will meet as soon as he is free... Busy man.” She sighed and took another cookie, but I caught her hand. With a pout, she dropped the cookie back to the tray and I decided to ask others to complete the packing.

“What will be your gift?” Attempting to talk, I asked her a random question. We used to excite wherever Grace uses to describe her dream wedding but now, it all appears as if she was never our part.

“Bouquet.” She answered and dragged me to her car, but I wasn't ready.

“I need my purse,” I said and was about to walk back into a bakery when I hit a wall. Someone. Yes, I hit someone with two arms and legs.

“I am sorry.” I heard a familiar male voice who walked away without giving me a chance to look at the owner of the other voice. “Excuse me....” I called but he didn't turn. He stormed as if he was late for something.

“Who is he?” Maddy asked, but I shook my head, unsure of my answer to her.

* There is a reunion. What do you think Hunter will join the wedding of his friend who betrayed him????

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