33: Vengeful Mothers

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Savvy's POV

All the life I assumed, I was close to dad. But I was wrong. I spent 24 years with dad. 24 years. No one was so fortunate, neither mom nor Momma Abigail got this privilege. I am the only person in the whole universe with this experience. Yet, I can't knock the door.

I know dad is skilled enough to find out everything, but I want Confession from Hunter. Hunter knows who attacked me and why.

"Savannah..." Opening the door, Dad was concerned. I always suspected, he planted cameras or something in the house, "You need something?" I was asked.

"You have cameras in the house," I beseeched. My father is always been territorial, who is protective of his family; even gets aggressive when it comes to protecting his family. Surprisingly, he is protective of all Rossi as well, except the Rossi brothers.

"My Elizabeth demanded privacy." Stating, Dad opened the door for me to enter. "I installed sensors all the places... And my Elizabeth gets the reports."

Entering inside the study room, I feel the warmness of a family man. Our photos were intact on the walls.

"Savannah!" Mom called while packing the first aid. Someone is injured. I scanned mom and notice her swollen fist. She hit someone. Hunter? "Whose is blood is this?"

"Mark." Mom response while focusing on her work.

I examined my father from far and discovered new scars in his arms. His arms are full of scars, that I almost ignored fresh injuries.

"What happened?" I inquired and dad shrugs. This scar doesn't matter. Neither to him not mom. She loves her husband. "Dad, I want to talk to you." Before giving me his attention, he gave His Elizabeth his signature kiss. He nibbles her lower lip before kissing her. "Did I ruin the moment?"

"No, my Elizabeth is fine," Dad said with no emotion. Why it is so hard to find the emotion of my father. He is a man with less word. Some call him arrogant while I feel his alpha aura. His hazel eyes are enough to shut the person up.

Smiling with satisfaction, "I beat the shit of out that bitch." Mom announced. "That bitch, Molly tried to kill my baby and my grandbabies." Mom clarified.

"So it's a she? I thought you need time to for investigation?" I interrogated the secret keeper. "You know her?"

"That's not your concern," Dad responded. "Take care of yourself and triplets."

"Don't tell me it is not my concern." Raising my voice, I sat on the couch near the window where I see my siblings playing. Soon my children will join them. "It is my concern. I was shot thrice." My emotions are betraying me. I could feel my tears on the way. "Josh and Maddy saved me. Now, Josh's career is over. He can't play," I said.

"I will compensate him." Again, The old Mark Rogers- Schmidt was back. His words reminded me what a dictator, he was. According to him, everybody is always wrong, and he is always right. All his actions has valid reasons, but it all changed. He started to acknowledge his action and even Sara brought him to the line. Now, Mark Rogers-Schmidt somehow managed to respect our privacy.

"Mark, you are being immature." Mom glared at him. "Football is his passion he knows only football.... what he would do without it. He will have no aim."

Dad looked frustrated. "Then what should I do?"

"Josh Matthews will manage. He had another option in the field of football... All people do. He will do the same." I answered for Dad to mom. "Now tell me who attacked me. And I know you both know about it."

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