6 : Always around

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Savvy's POV

Alone in my flat, I could only drink my red wine. I brought this fine wine for Josh for our anniversary. The same night I found about him and Grace, but now he is married and doesn't belong to me. Josh is married to Grace.

I wonder what Josh would be like. Will he be a faithful husband? Will he love his child? It took me years to fall in love with him. I dreamt of carrying his child. Specifically children. Our children.

After Hunter left, I was guilty. The burden of my guilt was killing me every day. I misbehaved with Hunter Maxwell, even Gran Sophia tolerated me. However, they both were always behaved best with me. They were not afraid of Dad. Their love for me was genuine. Gran used to cook my favourite steaks, only for me. She was like a mother figure for me. I had known only her, as a caring woman equivalent to mother before Jennifer Thompson, Jenny joined us.

Although Emily was my caretaker, but never showered those sweet words to me. She made sure I eat, do my homework, projects on time but never behaved motherly. She used to wait for dad eagerly, and I was forced to sleep early so that she would fuck my dad. Even dad was enjoying the attention of the young woman too. It's not that dad was old. He looked old due to scars and grey hairs. He was so busy in earning that he never took care of himself until Elizabeth, mom arrived in his life. Even Mom thought Dad is an old man until Hunter confirmed his age.

The age gap between mom and dad is 10 and a half years, almost 11 years, yet their love is young. Now, I understood, why dad never promised any future to all those women, he was waiting for his Elizabeth.

“Savannah..... Eat something.” I heard mom's voice through my voicemail. She was furious to learn that I decided to stay at my flat tonight. Mom gifted me this flat when I banged my admission at culinary arts. I know cooking, I earned my degree as a chef but I prefer baking because it brings me close to Mom. The secret recipes that Grandma gave her and now, she's passing it to me, her daughter.

All my life, I craved for a mother's love. My parents were a teen with no degree and orphan. They eloped to have me with the help of Grandpa Caleb, father of mom, who is also dad's saviour as he saved dad who was physically abused after the adoption. Detective Caleb. Mom and dad were connected before even Mom was born.

My biological mother, Abigail worked as an escort for rich people. Eye-candy sort of, where one drunk night she was pregnant by a Rossi. Many years later, the secret was revealed that my half brother, Synn is not the son of Leonard Rossi. The father of my brother is Antonio Rossi who wanted to escape the responsibility of a child, so he let think everybody that Leonard Rossi is the father of Synn. But in reality, Leonard Rossi is Synn's grandfather. It's all KARMIC CYCLE.

Not having the energy to call back, I texted Mom about my current location and plan of eating food. I changed into comfortable jeans and a Henley pink t-shirt and threw my hairs into a messy bun.

I have been alone since Maddy has found someone at the wedding and wants to spend time with him. Furthermore, I warned her not to trust him, blindly. What if he is married? What if he is walking STD? Many possibilities. I love Maddy too.

With my nth shot of Vodka, I called for bourbon but the bartender, Joe refuse to serve me.

“Are you ducking out of your mind? Joe.....” I yelled at Joe. He knows me and the drunk Savannah. I used to visit here with Josh, and he used to drop us back to my flat safely as I live just a few blocks away. We are good friends.

“Savannah, you are wasted.” Joe offered me a transparent drink. Glaring at him, I took the drink hoping it to be a better drink.

“Better be nice,” I said before sipping the drink, that disappointed me immediately. It was lemonade. “Joe, I need a good drink.”

“Savannah... You...”

“I will take care of her.” I heard the same familiar voice. Who the hell is this person? Blaze or Hunter? They both have the same voice. Why?

“Hey... I know her. I will drop her safely.” Joe signalled the bouncers to come towards us. I could see Joe is trying to help me.

“Listen to me jockey, I know her better than you.” I heard the familiar voice chuckling dangerously. “I have known her whole life... Savvy.” He called me.


Yes, Savvy.

I looked towards the voice and found Hunter Maxwell. He is here. Beside me. Supporting me.

“Hunter.” I squealed his name and hugged him.

“SHE WANTS ME,” Hunter said every word slowly as if he is proud. I knew he talked to Joe, but these words felt so right.

Of course, I want Hunter.

Hunter Maxwell is attractive. Stunning. Masculine. Tall. He is not the lean teenage boy. He is a man now.

“Let's get you home.” Hunter carried me over his shoulder and I heard people cheering, whistling, clapping. What the hell is happening? “Don't you all have a business to do?” He barked and our environment was enveloped by silence. Pin-drop silence.

“I missed you, Maxwell.” I sang and people broke into a laugh.

“Even I missed you... Savvy.” Hunter whispered ignoring everybody and brought us out of the bar. “Nice ass.” Spanking me before dropping me safely on the ground, he unlocked his SUV. OK, another observation about Hunter. Despite being orphan and having no one, he owns an expensive SUV. 

Dad must have helped him.

“It hurts,” I complained and rubbed my buttock.

Laughing at me, he opened the door and helped me to sit. He put the seat belt and even cross-checked if anything is wrong with the seat. Suddenly, he is caring now. A few hours back in the wedding, he refused to even have a proper conversation with me and now, he is here trying to behave like a caring person. He behaved like a stranger.

“What were you doing there?” I asked, but he locked the door and jogged around to sit on the driver's seat. Did he just ignore me?

“May I know the occasion of drinking too much?” He asked and ignited the car. “Answer me... Ms Rogers.”

“You used to call me Savvy. You gave me that name.” I mumbled like the redhead Rossi, Eli does. I sometimes wonder, what was mom like when she was a kid. Dad says Eli is her clone with Rossi's soul.

“Until you forced me to call you Ms Rogers.” He continued to drive.

“What were you doing there?” I need to know if he is following me like a creep.

“None of your business.” He chuckled and soon, we were in front of my flat.

“How do you know where I live?” I frowned.

“I never left.” He claimed.

If he was always around then why he never confronted me, until now?

* He never left 😏.

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