10 : Distroted Reality

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Savvy's POV

“Hunter?” I groaned and stormed towards him to toss him out of my territory. This bloody rapist doesn't deserve to be in this world. I barely remember anything about that night and I couldn't prove him as a rapist. However, I don't need proof as dad will find out everything. All I have to do is, to tell Dad that I don't remember anything from that night, and I was naked the next morning. After this, Dad will handle everything.

“One single payment.....” I heard him yelled.


“I will file a case...” I had to halt when I see the face. It's not Hunter, it is Blaze. Yeah, Blaze is in the suit and Hunter is not here. Today, I noticed his similarity with Hunter. He is lean compared to Hunter, but his height is almost like Hunter. Again, I misunderstood him due to his voice. Why his voice is so similar to Hunter?

“I want it to be done.” He said to the person next side of the call, without moving his eyes from me and finally, disconnected the call.

“You are the one who orders a bunch of cookies and doughnuts,” I exclaimed, an attempt to divert his attention from my walk of anger towards him, that he witnessed a few seconds back.

“No, it is my cousin.” He said while checking my body from head to toe. This was an uncomfortable action. Last time, he appeared harmless but today, he is different. “Red suits you.” He commented as if he genuinely means it. Suddenly, his gesture from a pervert man turned into a harmless man. This unknown man hard to read. Stranger danger. I should consider my intuition.

Thanking him for the compliment, I pulled my skirt down. Mom brought this Henley red full sleeves t-shirt, which I paired with a black denim skirt. I agree that it fits perfectly on me. Mom predicts the colour and size of my clothes with accuracy. She knows what is best for me, yet she never stops me taking foolish decisions, acknowledging that I am a free person and no one has the right to interfere in it.

“So I assume you are the Savvy of Savvy's Love.” Blaze straightens his suit shorten the distance between us. “I think I will have to eat those world-famous cake.” He invited himself inside, and I was forced to follow him.

His behaviour a few minutes back was inappropriate. He stared at me like a pervert. I need to maintain a distance from him. And The only person with accurate intuition is Sarai Rossi, will confirm my doubts.

Blaze spent 2 extra hours, avoiding his calls. He ordered an extra package for his family, and the rest were packed tight as parcels. This is another weird thing. They order a huge amount of cookies and doughnut every weekend, just to parcel to the other side of the world.

“I believe we are not the only one who packs this,” Sara stated. She is good at judging people and Blaze is spending a good amount of time with her. I will have to talk to her to know her opinion.

“Yes, we order as much as possible and the capacity of the bakery depends,” Blaze answered loading packages in the trolley.

“Why these cookies and doughnut?” I interrogated. “Every weekend?”

“We are into arms manufacturing business. Various arms. You name it, and we will make it... It is a token of an apology. We send this to war zones.” He explained.

a token of an apology.

“So stop producing arms,” I said bluntly Without thinking and later, I realized what I said. “I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend...”

“I am not offended.” He smiled. “Sometimes we are blamed, which I find true many times, but the root is deep. We don't know what to do other than these. But my cousin holds a different opinion. He started this. Even we are planning to support a specialised branch of Beth foundation for the war zone survivals.”

“Life is too short to think about right and wrong.” Sara interrupted and helped Blaze to load more packages.

“Beth is my mother,” I informed.

“She looks younger than you.” He laughed.

“She is petite.” Sara joined him and smiled.

“She is young.” He added.

“She is beautiful,” I remarked.

“Is she your father's second wife?” He asked out of the box. Why he is interested in my family matter?

“Elizabeth is the only wife of Mark Rogers-Schmidt. He never married anyone neither he loved anyone before her.” Sara said.

“My cousin is the same. He is in love with this girl..... But he.....” He sighed. “He is a fool. Instead of approaching her, he stalks her from far.”

“What is your name?” Sara asked glaring at him, but he looks completely unaware of her death glare. Does she know something?

“I never introduced myself completely...... I am Blaze Morrison.” He smiled and again offered his left hand for a handshake.

“I am Sarai Rossi.” While Handshaking, I see her calming down. “This is the eldest child of the famous Rogers couple.” She looked proud pointing at me. “She is Savannah Rogers-Schmidt.”

“Mrs Schmidt created this chain of bakery for you.” He exclaimed. “Are you sure she is your step-mother?”

“No. She is my mom.” I snapped. It was offending that he doubts my love for her, I agree initially I was I secure of her. She is beautiful. Enchanting. That red hair, blue eyes are exotic. And the cherry on top, Dad used to walk behind her. No one noticed, but I knew, the way he looked at her was his open declaration of his desire for her. She was so busy in herself that she never noticed Dad.

“No offence... It's rare to see the bond between step-mother and step-daughter.” He gave an understanding look and went to his work. I knew I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, but I hated his doubt over my love for my family.

“He is Morrison…” Sara whispered. Without moving her eyes for him, she closed the distance between us. “He was talking about Hunter.”


Last time, I saw Blaze Morrison with Hunter Maxwell. Both men know each other. Now, Sara is claiming that Blaze was talking about Hunter.

“The daughter of Maxwell married a Morrison,” Sara explained.

“You look ravishing,” Blaze yelled to embarrass me and drove away, while the audience and the staff were enjoying his show.


This word hiked my heartbeat. Ravishing. With heavy breathing and heated body, I could hear Hunter whispering 'Ravishing in my ears.


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Hunter raped me???

Hunter called me Ravishing. No, he didn't rape me.

“You look pale.” I heard Sara before losing my conscious.


Hunter touched me, he kissed me, he called me Ravishing. What happened that night?

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