7 : Lost Memory

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Savvy's POV

The feeling of being struck by a truck is equivalent to what I currently feel now. My body is sore, especially between the legs. Even my ass pains. And I was naked.

My memories from last night are gone. It's blank. Nothing is available. Completely black.

What happened?

Did Hunter take advantage of me?

"Maxwell!!" I yelled. I need to teach him a lesson. Bloody rapist.

I screamed for him again and again, but he never answered. Taking one of my oversized t-shirts, I wandered around my flat to find his hideout. He deserves to die. This is the last time his dick went inside a vagina.

Somehow, I managed to tolerate my pain, all over the body, between my legs, even in my butt hole. Then I remember if he can penetrate me in the butt hole then why would he leave my mouth?

Emptying my stomach, I brushed my teeth, even cleaned my tongue. While moving around the bathroom, I found my bathtub was filled with warm water. My bathtub was completely ready for the bath It was filled with bath salt, perfume, flowers.....a perfect bath for a tired body.

Hunter did this. And I understood, he is not here. I am not aware of his address neither I remember his address. I need to confront him so that I can kill him with my bare hands.

Should I talk to dad?

Dad must be aware of what happened?



Dad stopped his habit of invading someone else's privacy when Sara blasted at him for trying to separate her and Valerio. So if I talk to dad, he will dig everything out and will kill Hunter, Which I don't want to happen.

It is not because I don't want Hunter to die. He is entitled to die but with my hands.

While having breakfast, I looked for every possibility of getting his address from other resources. It took me hours but ultimately I was failed. I come up with a name that would provide his address is, Josh. Married Josh. Husband of Grace. I wanted to avoid him but then again, unlucky me.


Promising Myself that this would be the last time I would meet the married Josh, I drove to his penthouse. Josh lives in one of the finest neighbourhoods as he is a football player.

When Josh decided to take football seriously as his career, he was always beat by Hunter. Hunter was our one-year senior. But he used to hang with my classmates. When I pushed him away, he claimed that Dad ordered him. I knew he is pretending so that he could irritate me.

Initially, Hunter loved to tease me but then, one day I realized he likes me that's why he hangs out with me and my friends.

"Savannah... What are you doing here?" Lily, the receptionist asked me. Her confused eyebrows imply that she is not aware of my breakup with Josh. "By the way, congratulation Mrs Matthews." Wait, she called me Mrs Matthews. I could tell, she knows about the wedding, but she doesn't know about the bride.

"I am not Mrs Matthews. We are not together." I said politely and left Lily to think about my answers.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. The newly-wed couple were tired, probably. From wedding. Due to ceremonies, parties. Did they touch each other last night?

I am ashamed but I am a little jealous. Even though I used Josh at the beginning of our relationship to make Hunter jealous, but I did fall in love with Josh Matthews, later. He was caring, attentive, patient with me. Just opposite of Hunter.

"What are doing here?" Josh asked as soon as he found me. His naked torso suggests he just woke up. Dark circles under the eyes imply he had little sleep. Was he awake with Grace the whole night..... doing?

"Do you know Hunter's address?" Without wasting any time, I asked. Watching him married to someone else other than me is heartbreaking.

"You look sick." His voice laced with concern didn't wait for my approval, and he touched my forehead, maybe to check my body temperature.

"I am fine. Just I need Hunter's address. His number, his office's address. Even an email address would be fine. Any of these would be helpful." I blurt out.

"Shh... Baby" he tried to touch me but instead, I slapped his hands away. "You need water."

"I am not here to see your married life... Are you willing to help me?" I glared at him.

"Savvy??" Grace run towards us and her eyes widened. Is something wrong with me?

"Good morning Mrs Matthews. I will not acquire any more time. I am just here to get someone's address, then I will leave." I said with my fake voice.

"Somebody hurt you." She said while crying.

"Tell me the name, and I'll finish that person," Josh growled.

"Just tell me the address, dammit." I sneered.

"He is not important... Let me take you to the hospital." Josh run inside and was back wearing his t-shirt.

"I will not be with your husband," I said to Grace. "He tried to emotionally blackmail me."

"Calm down... You are stressed." Grace tried to hug me. I wanted to push her away but remembering her being pregnant, I controlled my emotion.

"I am here to take Hunter's address," I informed her.

Giving me a confused look, she glanced at her husband. Those eyes of Grace Matthews held pity for me while Josh eyes almost popped out. What is wrong with them? I just asked Hunter's address.

"Why do you need his address?" Josh finally asked.

"Mind your own fucking business." I retorted.

"He is here in the city from the past 6 months," Grace dropped the news.

"He lives in the same building as yours. 1 floor above." Josh revealed his address.

I never left.

I remember Hunter claiming last night, he never left. He was always around. He has always been around from our childhood to adulthood. Not only that, but he knows me. Despite everything I asked a question to myself, is Hunter Maxwell capable of raping me?

Again, his voice echoed in my memory.

I hunt.

Why I don't remember anything?

Fearing of breaking down in front of them, I left and hired a cab. My condition is not fine for the drive. I need to meet face to face Hunter.

I never left.

I hunt.

"Hunter is my neighbour and I wasn't aware," I shrieked.

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