11 : The Father

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Savvy's POV

“I know you broke up with Josh then I am assuming that you have angry sex.” Dr Anderson said as soon as he entered into the room, without looking at me. With no eye contact and devoid of emotion like a doctor, I failed to read his expression.

“What happened?” I managed to say. With my parched throat and heavy eyes, I was convinced that I need help.

“You are pregnant. Inform the father, Unless you have the power of getting pregnant by yourself. “ He mocked me and Finally, looked at me, giving me the chance of solving the mystery of his emotion. Dr Nathaniel Anderson is angry.

“I took the pills,” I whined and tried to get up. This is all a dream and I need to get up. I can't be pregnant.

“Savvy, you are two weeks pregnant.” Dr Anderson forced me to sit. “Do you even remember the father?”


How could I answer him?

I don't remember making this little bean. It was like the blank night of my life. What happened and how it happened, I couldn't recollect. Of course, I know how to make a baby and what is needed to make a baby. But was I raped? Or it was consent?

The only memory I have is that Hunter parked in front of our building and direct then next morning. Everything in between is empty. There is only one word that I was able to recall was, 'ravishing'.

“I don't want this baby,” I said without thinking. Maybe it's irrational. But I don't want this baby. This baby will remind me of Hunter. But then another question hit my nerve, is Hunter the father? I don't remember anything about the night. Hunter accepted that he raped me, but he claimed it was anal sex. Yet, he brought birth controls for me, which means we had vaginal sex, forcefully or consent? Should I confront him? Did he pregnant me intentionally?

Hunter hates me. He called me a filthy woman.

“Many women would die to be at your place.” Dr Anderson said. “Beth killed two people who tried to hurt her children and she would do the same again and again, without regretting about it. Sara ruined a family because she lost her child... Mrs Rossi killed her husband too because he ruined her children's life. And the list goes on and on. I can give you more examples.”

“I am not one of them.” Snapping at the old doctor, I held my hair into a messy bun and grabbed his coat to walk away.

Mom had no one to call as family, so it was an instinct that having children was a blessing for her. Her family. Sara was already trying to have children, so losing her child was her last stoke, Mrs Rossi witnesses the cursed life of her children, all because of Mr Rossi so yes, again it was her maternal instinct.

“Savvy, Beth will be heartbroken.” Dr Anderson followed me. “You are not thinking straight. Take your time.”

“My decision is as clear as.....” I almost yelled, but a touch relaxed me.

“Why are you walking?” Sara grunted. For What she's angry about? She continued. “You are weak. At this condition…”

“You knew,” I groaned. Yes, I thought she wasn't aware but whom I am kidding. She is Sarai Rossi. Her intuition power is extraordinary.

“Of course, look at you. You are glowing. Pregnancy suits you.” She murmured and tried to push me inside the room.

“I am fine. I will not keep the baby.” I announced and waited for her to burst. For a woman like Sarai Rossi, the baby is a blessing. She went for destruction after she lost her baby.

“Why?” She asked with calm. Control and composed, she stood with foreign emotion. She is hurt.

“Take your time to think about the other option.” Dr Anderson warned me.

“Isn't country free..... I can choose what I want.” I complained.

“My daughter lost her love after the abortion. Kate terminated her pregnancy and Antonio went crazy. She was depressed and thought the abortion as a solution but later, she regretted it. This was another burden for her. She didn't kill herself because Antonio cheated on her. She killed herself because she thought Abigail was carrying Antonio's child. The child that she promised to Antonio. She believed it was her duty to give children to Antonio, not Abigail's.” Dr Anderson explained his side, and I was surprised that he didn't cry.

“A child is not a duty. It is the next step of life, and I am not ready.”

“You don't want this baby?” Sara asked again.

“Yes, I will abort within one or two weeks.”

“You should talk to your parents.” Dr Anderson begged. I understand his guilty. He lost his daughter.

“This is my life and the baby is inside me. This baby will be dependent on me once it is out. And I am not ready to have a baby.”

“Then don't keep it.” Sara interrupted us. Her words were exactly opposite of her nature. She supported my decision of abortion. Impossible.  “Don't keep the baby after delivery... Give this blessing to me.” She pleaded.

“No... I am already scared of this pregnancy.” Denying here request, I was sure about the abortion.

“Savannah, you know I want another child. This child will never bother you. I will love the baby as my own. This will change nothing for you. You know, I can't have children. My uterus is too weak.” Following me, she begged like beggars. She is begging me to keep the child for her. I do feel bad for her, but I am not courageous to keep the baby.

“This will change everything for me. The child will look like the father. I am not ready to meet the same face, that made my baby.” I could feel tears on the verge of flow.

“The father deserves to know.” Sara hugged me.

“I am scared.” Breaking into tears, I hugged her back.

“Even I was scared with my first pregnancy. I was 15... You have everybody.” She cooed me like Mom.

“He called me filthy.” Sobbing, I hugged her tight.

“Talk to the father... Otherwise, Sara is ready to have another child.” Dr Anderson said.


The father made clear, he doesn't want the child.

What if he wants the child but not from me?

Does Hunter hate me?

Was this his intention?

Is he the father?

What if I am carrying another Maxwell?

“Who is the father?” Sara asked.

“I don't know.” I sobbed.

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