20 : Pregnancies

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Savvy's POV

Forgetting the call from my doorbell, I prioritize to satisfy my craving. I was drooling and was ready to dip the apple in the peanut butter, then again it rang. But I was determined. I will at least take a bite of my new adventure.

Granted with sudden superpowers, I dipped the slice of Apple in peanut butter in a hurry and finally, I savoured with contentment before opening the door.

“Oh, God.” I sighed while chewing and opened the door as well.

“Enjoying yourself.” I heard his amusing voice. What is wrong with him?

“Your BEST MAN lives one floor above,” I remarked and closed the door. This is his 4th attempt to meet me, and it's annoying.

“Savvy....” Grace called from the other side of the door. “I know you don't want us here, but I wanted to see you.”

“Fuck off.” I hissed and heard her sobbing. This girl knows how to make anyone feel guilty. I feel guilty. Extremely guilty. “Whatever you want to say, speak.” Opening the door, I warned the couple.

“Can we sit and talk?” She asked with a hopeful voice.

“No, I have this sit and chitchat habit with my friends and family.”

“She cooked Italian for you.” Josh lifted the food container to my view where I could smell all my favourite dishes. No one cooks Italian better than Sara. Yet this food in front of me brought by Matthews couple was calling me.

“We can have dinner.” Glaring at the couple, I opened the door for their entrance. “Then leave.”

“You look beautiful.” While entering Grace complimented me. “Pregnancy suits you.”

In the function of swallowing the thickest lump in my food pipe, I was almost choked. Who informed her about my pregnancy? It was supposed to be my decision whether I want to inform her not.

“Who informed you?” I asked.

“I am sorry....” Grace apologized again. Now, this annoying. She has already apologized multiple time. But it's useless. Damage is done. “Josh said it is from one nightstand. Things could have been different if we would have never broken your trust.”

“It was not me. You are responsible for this.” Josh said with a stern voice to Grace and walked into my kitchen as if owns it.

“So she got pregnant by herself?” I purposely mocked him. “Or else you thought you will have me as well as her... There is a consequence of the action. If you thought you would bang her without consequences then you were wrong.”

“She seduced me.” Josh defended himself while taking plates out. Who is this man? I thought I loved him once but now, I see the real Josh Matthews. “I don't trust her.”

“I should leave, I guess.” Whispering with shame, Grace turned to leave, but I stopped her. I see her hand on her small baby bump. She is pregnant too. And everyone is acting like she is unwanted.

“Who cooked Italian for me?” I asked. The audience.

“Grace,” Josh answered taking out the boxes. So he is eager to have dinner with me.

“Then you should leave Josh....” I said and tried to flash an encouraging smile to soon-to-be a mother in front of me. “I think we should talk... I could use this time to get advice from you about cravings, morning sickness…” Pulling Grace, I decided to talk to her.

“I would love to.” Grace was almost on the verge of crying. Her dark circles, fatigue face suggested she needs attention. Not the condemnation.

“Savvy... It is us, who needs to talk.” Josh sounded desperate. I knew, he still hasn't given upon us. But I already did. My love for him started to die when I doubted about him having an affair. And the day, I saw them together was the day I realized that no matter how hard I try, I can't love him. He needs to accept this.

“Your presence is unwanted.,” His presence is suffocating, reminds me of his false promises. When I asked him a few years back about his attraction for Grace, he accepted as an honest person. He confessed he is attracted towards her but will act on it as he loves me and will always love me.

“Savvy....give us...” Josh walked towards us desperately. “I am ready to accept your child. This babies can be our family.” He pointed at Grace. This means he wants my children to play family with his child. What about Grace?

“Don't you dare to touch her or my kids...” Hunter jumped at Josh and punched him.

How did he enter?

“Hunter... Stop.” I screamed and went to stop him. “Hunter, stop this nuisance.”

“They are mine.” ignoring me, Hunter punched him. Josh TRIED to retaliate but he couldn't. Hunter was faster, stronger.

Hunter Maxwell used to train with Dad and Victor. Even occasionally, he went to the missions with them and the team. He started his day at 4 in the morning with strict training at the age of 10. And I knew, he still follows this rule. This is the reason he has a chiselled body.

“Hunter, please... Stop.” Grace cried and held her stomach.

“Focus on your wife. She needs you... I am here for my girl.” Punching Josh for the last time, he walked towards Grace and whisper something to her. Nodding her head, she smiled and wiped her tears.

“If I remember, you rejected them.” Josh coughed while standing up.

“Our decision is not your concern.” Rolling my eyes, I went to check on Grace. I pity her. Her life turned into misery due to one mistake. “He is a jerk.” I pointed at Josh.

“I know... Surprisingly he behaves normally with me.” She forced a smile.

“You need help?” Hunter asked.

“No, we will call a cab.” Responding, she touched his biceps that made me jealous. Why the hell she touched him? “You both should talk... Josh said you denied...”

“We will talk,” I said. “Are sure you are fine?” Asking her, I observed her hopeful eyes looking at me.

“I am better now.” She said and walked outside with Hunter. Why did he leave with her?

“Hunter is not what you think,” Josh said.

“Go to hell.” I snapped.

“Be careful...he...” Josh was about to say, but I stopped him, and he was forced to leave.

“I don't like this type of man near you or my children.” Hunter hissed and locked the door. “Your key.” He passed me the keys to my flat. “They need to change the receptionist. She was too easy to pursue.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked, showing him my disinterest of about his story of PURSUING the receptionist.

“To talk... About..... Children.” Taking at calculating steps towards me, he said again. “You would consider abortion.”


He is here to convince me for abortion. I thought he wanted kids as he was beating Josh like he was about to murder. He needs help. His decision is not clear, whether he wants kids or not.

“Get out of my property.” I roared, but his eyes said, he will not leave, ever.

What he wants?

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