18 : in the hospital

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Savvy's POV

Rays were intruding into the room, only to interrupt into my peaceful sleep. Groaning, I opened my eyes, where soon my sense came to life, and I was struck by nausea. I knew this is the 'infamous' morning sickness.

Instinctively, I hopped out of the bed to empty whatever was on the way through my mouth. My vision went blur with tear and throat was on fire. Even my stomach felt burnt.

I washed my mouth and looked at me. I just puked. Does it mean babies are fine but mom?

Gathering all my energy, my anonymously walked on the floor to look for her. Her screams are still fresh in my mind. So, this is what Miles was talking about. He affirmed that the most horrific screams that he heard don't belong to the person who is about to die but from mom.

At first, I refused to even look at Miles Spencer. That man slept with Emily when she was engaged to Dad. When she was pregnant with Silver. I had to witness her infidelity. She was my soon-to-be stepmother. My doubt about Silver, being my baby sister was obvious. But Dad knew, Miles loved Emily, who Loved Dad. Dad accepts that he gave Emily false hope. He regrets that the cost of his need was Emily's Life.

Emily dreamt so much. She deserved a great life. Her love for dad was true. Before Mom's arrival, Mark Rogers refuse to take care of himself. His body was full of scars. Few old, some new. Even his hair declined to support him, they started to turn grey at a very young age.

Mom theorized Dad as an old man. I was 16 years old while dad was 33. The age gap between Mom and Dad is a decade. 11 years. He knew her from the day she was born, even vowed to take care of her, and her sister, Victoria but failed.

Dad rarely expressed anything. As far as I remember, he never expressed anything. I never heard saying 'love you' to mom. It is the same scenario even now. He never expresses. This incapability of expressing by him deceived people.

“I found her.” Sara followed me. Her words indicated they were looking for me. “You must rest.” Commanding, she finally caught me.

“What happened? Is mom fine?

“If she doesn't see you, panic will attack her... AGAIN.” She responded while signalling one of the guards behind me. “Dr Morris triggered her memory... She thought she lost her child. You know her past. Her children are the centre of her universe. She could kill anyone for them... Anyone. Even Hunter.”

Widening my eyes, I absorbed her words. She knows and “he is still alive?” I asked. That was entertaining news. How did he manage to survive?

“Mark loves Hunter too much. He trained him... He is worried about Beth.” Heaving a sigh, Sara helped me sit on a wheelchair brought by — Great. None other than, Miles Spencer.

“What he is doing here?” Hissing at him, I tried to kick his foot, but he saved himself.

“He works for Beth,” Sara explained his unwanted presence.

“You are fired.” pointing at him, I fired him as soon as possible. I expected him to beg for forgiveness but instead, he gave me an amused look. Am I entertaining subconsciously?

“You can not fire him.” Chuckling, Sara pushed the wheelchair. “He works specifically for Beth.”

“I am blaming it to the pregnancy hormones.” He finally opened his mouth.

“You are lucky, you are still alive. Even after what you did with Emily. I will make sure, this shitty man will never be able to get any job, after he is fired.”

“Please, have mercy....... Ms Rogers. I have a family to feed.” he mocked me.

“Dad killed your brother.” I rolled my eyes. “Your mother died a few years back... you have no...”

Interrupting my statement, Sara pushed my wheelchair. “He got married to my friend, Amber. You made their wedding cake. The 'Home sweet home' theme.”

“You manipulated her.” I accused Miles. “Amber deserves better. He will hurt her.”

“Ms Rogers, I love my wife. And I will never hurt her.” Miles said with a low voice. I knew I offended him but his brother, Drake had his face. That bastard even dyed his hair, built his body just like Miles to sleep with Emily. Both Spencer brother used her when she lost the hope of getting loved by Dad.

Dad is guilty, he agrees about him being selfish. He confessed that he gave up the hope of finding his ginger, Elizabeth Bell. For him, Emily was another option, but Emily knew this bitter truth. Spiking Dad's drink was her step to make him fall in love with her. She conceived Silver that night, hoping that Dad would love her. He promised her a secure future, his loyalty, but failed to give any love which pushed Emily into the arms of her bodyguard, Miles. This is how the destruction of Emily stared.

“You are not trustworthy. You have already seduced Dad's fiancée, you will seduce mom too.”

“Don't be a bitch like you were, Savvy.” Scowling, Sara stopped the wheelchair. “You were like a split princess who used to think that she is always right.”

“I am informing you what I witness. I saw Emily, pregnant Emily... With my baby sister in her tummy, having sex with that” I pointed at Miles without breaking eye contact with Sara. “Face... He had the same face, hair colour. That face was soiling my baby sister with his release...”

Interrupting me, Miles run his hand in hairs. “I will colour my hairs, will use a contact lens to change my eye colour. If it is bothering you so much.”

“Your brother almost killed silver,” I yelled. “He tried to rape me.”

“We are in hospital.” I heard a feminine voice whispering towards us. This is Amber. Walking towards us, she hugged her husband who looked at her like she's a precious thing. “She was supposed to in her room.” She said looking at me.

“We are taking her to Mrs Rogers,” Miles said. “Mrs Rossi, our team members are allotted in every corner of the hospital... You are free to move anywhere on the hospital premises.” He didn't look at me.

“Amber, he loves you more than you can imagine... Trust him.” Sara hugged Amber. “I have known him since I slave in the training lounge.”

“Sara, he loved Emily... I know that, and she never deserved, what happened to her. But she is a good woman. Nobody had to tell me to trust him, or he loves me.” Amber looked at me. “Miles did love Emily, once. And he loves me... He will never hurt anyone purposely.”

“I don't trust him.” Ignoring everyone around us, I glared at him. “I will kill you if you even think about it.”

“That's good news for me, Ms Rogers... You being alert will eventually reduce my effort of protecting Mrs Rogers.” With his amuse smile, he dragged Amber away from us.

“They are having their time,” Sara said while taking us to Mom where Dad looked exhausted.

“What took you so long?” Rushing towards us, he took the responsibility of my wheelchair to meet mom. “She was about to kill everybody.”

Entering into the room, I see my sibling with Synn and Elijah playing. Even Dan and Matt were sitting beside mom. The room was filled with children. A hospitalized version of the play area.

“No one will hurt your children.” Dr Caius Solomon, the psychiatrist was assuring mom while mom shaking with anger.

“Mom,” I called her for attention.

Her blue eyes shined with she looked at me. She appeared relieved. Storming towards me, she checked for any injuries and cried.

“I thought I lost you.” She sobbed. “How are the babies?”

“Babies?” A voice caught our attention. Looking at the source, I find Hunter holding Silver in his lap. “We are having Babies.” Hunter grinned like a fool and was about to walk towards us, When dad stopped him.

“Clean your mess, Hunter.” Ordering Hunter, Dad signalled Dr Solomon to leave us alone. “She is not part of your plan. If you want to be part of their life, clean your mess. My daughter and grandchildren deserve a stable life. Your mess is fatal.”

What are they talking about? The plan? Mess?

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