49: Dead End

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Hunter's POV

“Maxwell... This is a dead end.” Victor announced through the microphone, which is horrifying. Mr Rogers and Victor are at the safe house of Steve, and according to them, the place has no one. Not even a dog. Where are they?

“Maxwell... Someone- Blaze is calling you.” Informing me, Thomas pressed the received button of the call displaying on the screen of my SUV without my approval.

“Hunter... Where are you?” Blaze was eager, the rush from the background was audible.

“None of your business.” I barked at him.

“Can I trust Rogers with my sister..... Jules?” Hesitating, he asked.

“So Jules is your sister?” I intentionally mocked him. I remember, when I met him for the first time. He refused to acknowledge both of us as his siblings. We all have different mothers, and this is what makes us different from each other. Rest, We all are Maxwell.

“Yes... She's my sister.” He snapped. “And you are my unwanted brother... I don't want you... Nobody wants you.”

“Yes... Mr Morrison... You can trust Mr Rogers with the security of Ms Jules.” Interrupting, Thomas said with a bored tone.

“I am leaving her there... Nadia is crazy. She knows where are Steve and Bea... Even mom.” Blaze informed. “I am driving to the location. Even I sent you the location. Reach there... The operation is still going on. There is a change in plan. They will kill the children and Steve will leave with Savvy to....... I don't know. I had to knock off Nadia before she could answer.”

This surprising. “You are helping us,” I stated.

“Yes..... Mr Rogers offered me a full share of Morrison. And The way of getting the name Maxwell. I like the offer, and so I am taking it.” He answered before disconnecting the call.

Mr Rogers offered Blaze Morrison.

“Mark is always one step ahead.” Thomas chuckled. “You have a lot to learn...”

“I suggested Mr Rogers. It was too good to be true... The way we found the location. I still doubt Blaze.” Responding, I opened the message while forwarding the location to Mr Rogers and Mr Rossi.

I want my girl and my children safe or else..... I'll ruin Maxwell Dynamics as well as Morrison petroleum.

Driving to the location, I witness dead bodies everywhere. It was one of the Morrison building under construction. I was glad that half of my work is done, but who did this?

“Schmidt is dangerous,” Thomas mumbled and loaded his gun.

Passing me my gun, he pointed at Mr Rogers who was slicing on the neck of an unknown poor man. That man chose his side and we made ours.

I couldn't afford to wait and waste any more seconds. I was aware Mr Rogers and Victor will take care of everything, so walked without caring anything else.

My careless attitude earned my curses from Thomas. But luckily, his reflex actions were working. Naturally, he took the job of providing cover to me while I reach inside the building. But to my surprise, no one was here.

“Maxwell... They are somewhere here.” I heard Valerio Rossi yelling.

Covered in blood, Valerio Rossi continues to shoot and Antonio Rossi searched for a hidden attacker.

“They already operated her,” Thomas yelled once from the corner. Running towards the room, I found blood on the stretcher. Medical equipment everywhere.

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