34 : Intrusion and Diversion

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Savvy's POV

“This looks like a family home...” Complimenting, Maddy walked around the flat to see the changed flat. Her eyes shone with pride.

We became friends on the first day of our senior year. I was a changed person, without Hunter. He left for University with a promise of never contact me again. I was guilty. I missed him, his annoying voice. He was different for his age. Maybe it's because he accepted the fact his life is not going to be easy at a very young age.

Developing trust issue and arrogant behaviour was my way of facing my life. I was three when dad said Momma will never come back. He tried to convince me that momma went for a better life as Dad couldn't give her a stable life due to poverty. He also said that it is fine for a person to look for a better life. 'Everyone deserves a better life.' One year later, she came to meet me in a car like a rich lady with a lot of gifts for me and a baby in her arms. That baby was Synn. My half brother. A Rossi.

Synn doesn't sound Italian at all. It was Mrs Sarah Rossi who named him. She wanted to keep her heritage alive. Then I asked momma if Synn wasn't her son then why she's carrying him instead of Mrs Rossi?

Dad informed me in the early teen days, that Abigail Evans gave birth to Synn Rossi but for Synn, Sarah Rossi is the mother. I felt bad for Momma. She got no one. She was alone and waited for me and Synn to meet her, to become our family but we failed. Both of her children never accepted her not we were able to save our unborn sibling.

I am still that 3 years old girl who waited for the mother to come for 23 days. Yes, 23 days. I counted it. Every day, till I accepted that the reality. She never came back. And later, tried to compensate it with gifts. But I wanted my Momma, not gifts.

The arrival of Mom triggered my insecurities. She was beautiful, She is still beautiful and young. Dad looked at her background because her features were the same as Sara. Not because it was love at first sight. Her dead redhead and dull blue eyes resembled Sarai Bellman. For us, Sara appeared first in our life, so we compared her with Sara whereas later, Val compared Sara with Mom. As for him, Mom entered his life first then Sara.

During the background check when dad found his Ginger, 'Elizabeth Bell', he was ready to let her go because he believed himself as destruction but later, he gave up this idea and planned to stop Mom. It was like an unspoken message to mom that Mark Rogers is her man and she stayed, then she gave us Max and then Izzy and Joy.

“It is so homely. Just like Mr and Mrs Rogers.” Maddy said again and wander to explore the new corners. “Is That Hunter Maxwell?” Calling for my attention, Maddy run to me with a photo. “I found this on the refrigerator.” She gave me a photo.

The photo that Hunter got printed for us and keeps in his wallet. It was me and him holding the scans of our triplets. He held my waist like he's protecting us. Even I keep this photo in was a wallet.


My intuition knocked me. I realized there were just two copies. One is with Hunter and the other is with me. Hunter never losses his copy. He keeps the wallet with him. Even walking into the bathroom holding the photo, saying, 'I can't get enough of my family.'

It means this is the third copy.

“Someone is here.” Uttering to myself I took out my gun, I was so ready to kill the Intruder. I knew the bodyguard is allotted to me by my parents who are maintaining distance, so they are far from me. I have to kill the person, If the situation turns worse.

“You have a gun?” Maddy murmured in shock. Her eyes widen, and I could hear the heart racing.

I warned her. “Don't speak...” loading the bullets, I signalled Maddy to follow me to the door so that we could escape.

“How do you know that?” She asked.

“Because there were just two copies of this photo.”

“He looks familiar.”

“He was our senior.” With a grim face, “He is Blaze's cousin. Their voice is so similar that it could deceive anyone.” I informed her.

“I assumed he is Blaze's younger brother.”

“We can discuss it later,” I whispered-yelled, before glaring at my annoying best friend and started to tiptoe to the door.

“It is a very unpopular opinion. But I believe. That your Father is one of hidden mafia boss whom Antonio Rossi saved.” Presenting her theory, Maddy followed my path.

“My dad is not in the mafia, nor he is a mafia boss. His father, my grandfather and his half brother were an integral part of the mafia, but my dad has a different story.” I affirmed, once we were out.

“I mean we all know.” Locking the door, “It's like an open secret... Antonio exposed only 7 mafia boss but come on, there were families... There must be whole another dark world hidden from us.” Maddy said.

“You have a gun.” We heard a third person's voice who is a female, and we know her. That voice is low and needed time to recover. 

“What are you doing here, Grace?” Maddy whined. “I have already faced enough drama... with my itching arm.”

Texting the annoying Miles about the situation, “Maddy, wait for me in the car. The building is safe.” I requested.

“I can still fight.” Maddy glared at Grace but then with my warning, and she gave up. Hanging her head low, Maddy dragged her body downstairs.

“I wanted to apologize for breaking you and josh.” Guilt was laced in her voice. “My parents forced me. I never wanted to lie about the father.” Looking down at her feet, “the father was furious when he found about the pregnancy. I was scared. I wanted to save my life. He even made sure that I get to marry so that I would be staying away from him. He even warned my parents.” She broke into tears.

“Josh and I were over, the day you both started betraying me. So I don't feel anything about this issue.” Holding my gun tight, I decided to wait for Miles or anyone trustworthy. I even texted Hunter but got no reply. Grace is diverting me with an important topic. Security. How did the person enter?

“It was my pregnancy that ruined the only chance between you and him...” Crying, “I never wanted this baby.” She admitted.

“If you didn't want the baby then you should have aborted. Unwanted pregnancy not only ruins your but baby's life too. My mother is an example. I am too. My mother was unwanted; her mother couldn't keep her, so she left her in an orphanage and there she became pregnant with me at a very young age. My parents had to run for years with me. Then she's died. The death was awarded to her for helping the family. Although that didn't help, her intentions were pure.” I preached to her.

Initially, I wanted to abort my children too, but then I realized I could be a better person. I am capable of having babies, in every way. Just because the father demanded the abortion, it doesn't mean I have to do the same.

“I am sorry.” She sobbed.

“Where is the baby?” I asked looking at her flat belly.

“I... I lo... Lost her.” She stammered and I tasted something wrong in her behaviour. “I heard Josh cannot play.” She added.

“Yeah, he's opting for coaching. I am hoping best for him.” I wanted to dismiss her, but something was interesting about Grace. Furthermore, I was suspicious.

“How do you have this new model?” She suddenly asked and again, I was shocked. This is the new model of the gun, yet to be released In the market and I knew, how this works. How? As far as I remember, Hunter never taught me how to use this new gun. I am skipping too many things.

So readers, by this time many of you know the one secret out of many secrets that Hunter is hiding. (Readers are so smart 😉). I am not mentioning it directly to stop the spoiler, but you all know what I am talking about. So please, don't spoil it for others.

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