24: Banished Person

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Savvy's POV

“Get this man out of my property.” Barking the orders like a madwoman, I caught the attention of the population in the bakery. Most were customers.

My rage broke the hustle into the air and people enjoyed the event with silence. Somehow, Emerson managed to send them back to their work when none of us reacted.

Am I stupid?

I just ruined my business. Mom gifted me this bakery. She added a whole branch to Schmidt food chain, for me. I shouldn't take this for a grant. She loves and trusted me with her business.

“What you want?” Scowling, I walked out of the bakery, and he followed me.

“To earn extra money.” Smirking like always, this pieces of shit intentionally mocked me. Did he want to die?

“I know you have a family to feed.” I imitated him. This man always gets on my nerve. How does he live with that? Even Sara is annoyed by him.

“Yes... I have. And I promised my wife her dream house.” Grinning like a fool, he checked his worst watch. “Mrs Rogers offered me extra money to drag you to her.”

“Bullshit.” I tried to punch him, but he stepped aside, successfully preventing any contact between his body and my punch. “I am not going anywhere with you.”

“Calm down, mama bear.” His voice expressed concern. “You are pregnant. Stop being violent.”

Holding my babies, I glared at him. “Changing your hair colour will not erase my memory.” It is a tough step to forget what I saw. I was 15 and was about to turn 16 in the next 3 day. Dad shot Drake, brother of Miles to death. He deserved it. It was his fault. Dad did what was right. Drake used the face of his brother, used Emily who needed someone to love. That's her perspective. According to her, Dad was always absent. Dad defends her and I hate that he defends her. She cheated.

Emily knew the fact very well. Mark Rogers will never love her. Momma Abigail always insisted that dad is incapable of loving someone. I knew dad is capable of loving everyone in his life. The problem with Mark Rogers is, he is not expressive with his emotions. Emily should have talked to Dad; should have expressed her insecurities instead of running into Miles's arms.

“Maddy called me.” Sara rushed to me, and both the twins Rossi followed me. “She said....” Stopping, she looked behind me. She raised her eyebrows and tilt her head like she always does when she's thinking. “This son of... Beaches is not invited here.” With her saccharine smile, she held the tiny hands of both toddler and went inside.

Holding my arms, Maddy helped me to walk. “Did he harm you?”

“No... He gets paid to protect us.” Rolling my eyes, I informed her about Miles Spencer while he stood away from us In the safe distance. “Spencer... Your wife loves coconut cookies. Must take before you leave.”

“That's so generous of you, Ms Rogers. But I also need extra money from Mrs Rogers. I will have to drag you to her. She specifically mentions it.” With amused voice, he took calculated steps towards me.

“I need to have words with Mrs Rogers. Till then stay away from me. Or else I will make sure your unemployment days... Then how will you feed your family?” I taunted him.

“I am extremely lucky to have an educated wife. She will be the breadwinner.” He proclaimed. “She will feed my family.”

“He loves to irritate,” Maddy commented. “I will help him his orders, talk to Beth.”

“Take him out of my sight... He is injurious to my mood. He kills it... My peace is murdered by him.”

“I can gain weight to change my appearance.” He offered.

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