14 : Woman Vs buddy

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Hunter's POV

“Why do I feel, you have been stalking her?” Josh asked me wearing his smelling t-shirt. He stinks and he needs a bath.

“Her?” Instead of answering him, I tried to ignore him with my question. I know what he wants to know, but I am not willing to tell him anything about her. Even though she was a spoilt brat, she has standards in her. She deserves better.

“Savvy.” He said and pulled out another beer from my refrigerator. Is he even an athlete? He drinks like an alcoholic homeless man.

“You are drinking a lot, bud.”

“That's not my answer.” He snapped. “She lives here... In this building. I know why you are here? You stalked her for months.”

“She is hardly here. Most of the time, she is at the bakery or with her parents, or with that girl. Matty. Marie...”


“Yes, Maddy.” I looked at my Rolex wristwatch, resisting his eyes. I know he comes here so that he could see Savannah and forgets the fact that he is married. This man lost his chance. She was ready and loyal to him, but he decided to cheat on her. This is the outcome is his action that he is living. “Grace called this morning... Go to her.”

“I know you still have feelings for her.” Grumbling, Josh dropped the bottle of beer that ruined my carpet. Fuck.

“Which her?” Rolling my eyes, I challenged him. Again I knew which 'her' he was talking about, yet I prefer to shut my mouth. He is married, and I need to remind him. “If I remember, you married Grace Walsh 3 weeks back.”

“I don't love Grace.” Yelling, he stormed towards me.

“Yet you sleep with her.” Dodging down, I defended myself. This drink athlete will pass out if I even put a finger on him.

“That was a mistake.”

“We both knew, you were attracted to her when you were dating Savannah.”

“She is hot.” Clenching his fist, he tried to catch my collar, but I am sober, fast, well-trained in defence. Holding his hands, I slapped him.

“Grace is a human... She has feelings. Same is for Savannah. Just because you can't keep the zip-off of your pants, it doesn't mean they will open your legs for you.” Yelling at him, I slapped him again.

“But I know... Savvy opened her legs for you.” Josh laughed like a manic and soon, his laugh turned into wails. His emotions are fucked up. He loves Savannah, even dreamt a future with her. He called me that day to ask advice for an engagement ring, I was burning with jealousy, yet I stick to my plan and helped him to buy the ring.

“Go home, have a bath, sleep, eat, practice a little in the field,” I advised, helping him to stand. “Go back to your life. I can drop you home.”

“Savvy is my home.” Murmuring, Josh gave me his deadly look. But the mission was to fail. I am not a scar of him. I grew up with the criminal, ex-criminals. Mafia men. These little glares are humorous for me.

“You think, she will come back to you?” I tried to suppress my laugh. Despite my awareness of him being drunk, I couldn't help myself.

“Yes, because you refuse to take her.” He smirked. “I know she's pregnant. That morning she came to ask your address. It was easy to guess.  And last evening..... I know you are the father, and you rejected her.”

“What about Grace?”

“I will divorce her, as soon as she delivers my baby.” He grinned like a sick man. This is not Josh Matthews. Josh is a good person, who loves Savannah with all his heart.

“Savannah will never accept this,” I informed him. “She grew up without a mother. This is unacceptable to her.”

“I will take her, with her child.”

“She is terminating her pregnancy.”

“You are wrong.” He smiled and stumbling, sat on the couch.

“I grew up with her.” Even though I made sure Savannah terminates the pregnancy, but the confidence of Josh is killing me. Keeping the straight face for me is another milestone to be achieved.

“Yet you think she will terminate the pregnancy... She grew up without a MOTHER.” Tying his shoelace, he gave me a vicious smile. I loathe him now. I tolerated him, because of Savannah and later, I grew fond of him. He turned into a brother for me. Receiving information about Savannah was the best part of the conversation with him. He knew my feeling for her, still he approached her. Josh manipulated her for years, and he will do the same, this time too.

“She is trying to move on.” I groaned.

“And you are trying to make a move on her.”

“What you want, Josh?”

“Savannah Rogers-Schmidt.” He said looking right into my eyes. Now, that was a wrong move. I don't like people looking into my eyes. It is a challenge for me. Mr Rogers calls me territorial. I don't care what I am. All I know is that I don't like to be challenged.

“Then, get her.” Challenging him, I folded my arms over my chest.

“She is mine.” Josh snarled. “My woman.”

“A woman is not owned.” I chuckled with anger. “A woman is earned..... You have to become capable for her.”

“I thought you as my best friend.”

“I am... But I will never support you in your stupid act. You were attracted to Grace and you manipulated her. You thought sleeping with her once, will not harm.” I said. “When you find out, she will never say a single word to Savannah. You used her again and again, assuming Savannah will never find out. But see, where you are?”

“So you took the opportunity.” Accusing me, he clenched his fist and left.

One thing was clear today, Josh and I are no more friends. I feel awful. He was a brother to me. When he offered me the best man position, I was heartbroken assuming the acceptance of the marriage proposal by Savannah. But seeing the name of Grace in the wedding invitation brought me relief.

The moment when I saw Savannah, I wanted to kiss the life out of her. She looked changed. A good changed. The 5.9 feet beauty, proudly wore Beth's hairpin. I wanted to go claim her, but she is not part of my plan. She could ruin everything that I have been working for, since the day I left for university. She needs to abort the child. Or else all the plan will be destroyed.

“What the hell I was thinking?” Punching the wall, I cried in agony. Fuck. Again, what the hell I am doing? I Should leave before it's too late. She is ruining my plan. “She is a distraction.” I tried to assure myself but failed, realizing that I am too late to convince myself.

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