36 : Other woman

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Savvy's POV

Seeing the almost empty Shaw estate, “Something is wrong.” Maddy sang to irritate me.

“You irritate a lot...” Complaining, I covered my ears. “I will train My children to irritate you for me.”

“Do you need my assistance, Ms Rogers?” Miles asked. “You are pregnant.....so.” He stopped.

“Yes, I am pregnant,” rolling my eyes, “and I can walk,” I retorted.

“Savvy, he's being nice.” Defending Miles, Maddy helped me to get out of the car. I feel like a penguin with my 22 weeks pregnant belly, carrying triplets. How does another woman manage during?

“Because he's getting paid for begin nice to us.” With a forced smile, “he has a family to feed.” I said with sarcasm.

Miles let out a hearty laugh. It's been long that we laughed with each other. “Indeed... By the end of the year, my family will extend, and I will have more members to feed. Then I have to drag Ms Rogers to whoever offers me money. To earn a little extra.”

“You are soon to be a father?” Maddy beamed. “Everyone is settling... I want to have a baby too.”

“I need to sit… My feet are swollen,” I complained, and bid bye to Miles Spencer before walking inside.

Maddy leads me to her bedroom and surprisingly, not a single person came into my view. It was quiet. As quiet as death. Like someone is passed away. What happened?

“I told you something is wrong...” Maddy repeated with pride as the mansion was empty. Her intuition was true and now, I am anxious. “Last night, mom told me about the last moment shift... The engagement got cancelled and Bea wanted it to happen at home with close family and friend.”

“And I am not close to her,” I noted because I wasn't informed.

“I feel, the fiancé is not interested in her.”

“Bea mentioned they both are seeing each other from last year... She was married. I don't think, he doesn't want her. He wants her that's why he was ready to commit adultery.” Helping myself on the bed, “she even mentioned they both have a healthy relationship.” I reminded her.

“I don't know, it's like something is not normal... I doubt Grace, Josh, Bea... Even Hunter.”

“What is wrong with my fiancé?” Keeping my calm, I looked at her. I know Hunter is hiding something and denies telling me. He is waiting for the right time. So I am. I just don't want Maddy to. know this before me.

“He looks so much like Blaze.” She mumbled. “Not like his elder brother sort of, but I could see the similarity.”

“They are cousins... They share 50% of genes so yes the similarities are obvious.”

“How do you know Blaze?” She blurts.

“Wedding of Josh and Grace.”

“I met him at the hospital... I didn't ask him, but I am sure he was with his sister.”

“Blaze has a sister?”

“No, Blaze have SISTERS.”

“Hunter never men...”

“Shh...” Interrupting me, “Can you hear that?” Maddy whispered. But I didn't hear anything. “It's Bea.” She panicked and run out of the room.

Her anxiety was horrifying. She was heartbroken by Bea's confession about her plan, yet she loves her sister.

Taking my small steps with my swollen feet, I reached the room. I could hear the rush. Screams. Someone was crying. People were inside. I could hear. Opening the door, I see the shirtless back of a man.

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