30. Claim on Rainbow

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Savvy's POV

“Is this the best you can offer?” Bea asked rolling her eyes. Trust me, those fake eyelashes would have fallen if they were of not good qualities. They are successfully bearing those rolling eyes. I sympathize for the poor eyes, They never had the choice.

Making a mental note of asking her the name of the brand of her makeup later, I tolerated her misbehaviour. This was the best solution for the current situation. At least, it brings peace. She wouldn't be living here for forever, and I am eager for her farewell from my property.

“I heard you are the best in the market.” Again, Bea opened her mouth to with high-pitched voice. How Maddy is to tolerate her? Then the answer is, Beatrice is her elder sister. She was once my idle too. Well, Bea is a good person. The only problem with Beatrice is loyalty and her imaginary status. She believes herself as a royal highness and demands respect.

“Bea, this was the best.” My polite voice tried to convince her. “Everyone loves it... At least try it.” Cutting a small portion for her, I passed it to plate.

“Does it contain sugar?” She asked glaring at the poor cake.

“Of course... It's a cake.”

“I am trying to lose weight. So no sugar. I want the cake to be sugarless.”

She's dieting.

Bea is already too thin. She looks almost malnourished. If she looses even a little from her weight, then her health would degrade. She used to look good when she had curves. But now, it's all bone.

“You look fine,” I said. “How would I bake a cake without sugar?”

Maddy nodded her head agreeing with me, “Even I said....” suddenly, she stopped and squealed. “Rainbow.”

“What is about a rainbow?” Bea looked interested. This was the first time we saw Bea leaving her lipstick, to follow Maddy's eye. I knew, Maddy wanted Rainbow cake that I prepare, which is my speciality. It was Grandma Alison's recipe that I found while going through her things. Mom said I am her daughter, and so I have the right to see her mother's belongings that Dad recovered it somehow. Eli found the little dairy, and she gave it to me, acknowledging that I love baking.

“I want to taste that cake.” Demanding, Bea looked at me with a glare. Anger. Why do I feel Bea doesn't like me? Have I done something wrong to her? Then I remember Maddy told me she liked Josh and believes I snatched Josh from her.

Keeping all my issues aside, I tried to maintain the peace. I am a businesswoman and this would contaminate my efforts. “Of course, Rainbow cake is my speciality.”

With her fake saccharine smile, Bea dismissed me as if she owns the place. My bakery. Savvy's love. Now, this artificial blonde is getting on my nerve. How dare she behaved like this?

Breath in.....

Breathe out...

Controlling myself, I exercised a breathing practice that Hunter taught me, and it works magic. He said he learnt it from his roommate when he was in university. He called it something 'PRANAYAMA'. I couldn't understand the idea of whatever he was preaching, but I did a little research. It needs guidance, but basic can be practice. Variety of breathing exercise for various health issues. I liked it. It is breathing Yoga.

I asked Emerson to serve us, politely and joined my best friend and her annoying sister.

“Maddy complimented a lot about Rainbow cake,” Bea said. “I hope it is as good as it sounds.”

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