41: Elizabeth

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Savvy's POV


“It hurts.” Crying, I tried to get up but failed. My head hurts including whole My body. I looked at my hands. “What happened?”

Getting out of my bed, I did morning rituals and was ready to go get breakfast where I find my family except kids.

Giving me a sceptical look, dad stopped talking and everyone looked at me including Hunter. Exhaustion was dancing on his face. His dark eyes needs sleep. He should rest.

“Eat...” Hunter gave me a plate full of fruits. Apple, bananas, pineapple, oranges... Almost Everything.

“Where were you last night?” I asked. “I called you.”

Clarifying, “I looked around the rooms... I didn't hear you.” He responded.

“This means rooms are soundproof,” Dad said.

“None of the houses in the community is soundproof. This means someone was here before Savannah shifted here.” Victor said drinking his coffee.

“It means you have another whistleblower, Rogers,” Val smirked. Males. Dad and Val will never leave a single chance to humiliate each other.

“Val... Siamo qui per cercare le risposte.” Antonio glared at Val and gave me his seat to sit.
(We are here to look for the answers)

“I thought... This is a secure place.” Jenny said placing a glass of milk in front of me. “Even Neil confirmed. He saw someone trespassing the gate last night.”

“What my son was doing?” Victor yelled with anger. He loved Neil like his own, despite the fact that Neil is his step-son. In fact, for him, Neil is the eldest and Keith is the younger son.

“He wanted to start training... I appointed Thomas to be with him during the night patrols” Dad answered.

“Yet he missed the intruder... Thomas is useless now.” Sara commented with satisfaction again, Sara Vs Thomas issues.

“This is not the point...” Mom slammed the kitchen platform and caught everyone's attention. “Someone trespassed the property of one of the most feared man and soundproofed the whole house. How? When? This is the point.”

“It is impossible for any man.... for an outsider,” Dad Glared at Hunter, telling him that this mess belongs to him. “One man.”

“Blaze looks genuine, he behaves normally. But it's not convincing.” Hunter kissed my forehead. “I brought chaos to you.” He said looking at me.

“I agree... Something is won't about Morrison boy.” Antonio looked frustrated.

“What about Josh?” Sara asked.

“Seriously,” I exclaimed. “He can't even walk. He took bullets for me.”

“It was his choice.” Hunter snapped at me while I glared at him. His dislike for Josh Matthews is known, but it doesn't mean we have to be blind. My children are alive because he blocked two bullets that targeted me.

“Don't ever raise your voice on my daughter.” Mom warned Hunter, making us realize that her protective mama phase is active. And she's dangerous when it comes to her kids. That includes all Schmidt and Rossi, children. Maybe she's protective of Rossi because of Kate. She loved Kate despite everything with all her heart.

“I am sorry Beth... But this is my woman who needs protection. If I have to raise my voice hundreds Time to protect her then, I am happy to do that.” Dismissing fuming Mrs Schmidt, Hunter looked at me. “Eat.” He ordered.

“You know my capabilities, yet... You dare to misbehave with my Elizabeth.” Dad notified Hunter. Another rare sight. Dad never behaves this way. Neither Hunter. They love each other like father and son. This is all because of me.

“Mark, you should be happy... Hunter is protective of your Daughter.” Sara intertwined the games of staring.

“That's nothing new... His protective instinct is world-famous.” Rolling his eyes, Dad looked at mom who was still glaring at Hunter.

“So is this the first time, Mr Maxwell that you find evidence of the presence of their person?” Mom asked still glaring at Hunter. Her formal address declares her hostility towards him.

One thing about Elizabeth Rogers-Schmidt was established... She's loyal to her kids. She forgives Antonio because he is the father of Elijah, Suri and Evie otherwise what he did is not forgivable. Valerio was forgiven because of Eli. Dad was forgiven because he's the father of Silver and has Abioye's custody. My judgment says that None of this man truly deserves this kind of compassion. Yet Elizabeth is here with them, talking, smiling even looking after their children. This woman amazes me. Her love for me makes me guilty. She faced hell because it couldn't keep my mouth shut and what she did was her maternal instinct.

I said absurd things about Eli. Even I was about to call 6 years old Eli, a whore. I believe I deserve what Mom did. She almost killed me with her handicapped hand, proving her ability. She's what every woman becomes when it comes to children. Rebellious.

“Mom... This wasn't the first time.” Looking at the redhead woman, “Miles didn't find anyone at the flat, but I know someone was there. Many times I felt someone's presence. Even I heard the voice. I feel it's Blaze because I find it hard to differentiate the difference between the voice of Blaze and Hunter.”

“My daughter feels unsafe despite the presence of five capable men in the room.” Mom is almost panicked. “Mark... it's happening again.” The fear in her voice is chilling. The emotions of Elizabeth are always heart-wrenching. No matter what her emotions are, they are infectious. If she smiles, she makes other smiles and when she cries, she makes everyone cry.

“Elizabeth, she's fine.” Dad hugged her. “Savannah and babies are fine.”

“I will kill him. If anything happens to her, I will kill him.” She vowed and we knew, she means it. She killed August Costello and never regret it. Even though, she knew his love for her was real. Yes, it was psychotic, but I believe this was his way of expressing toxic love.

“Mom, I am fine.” I tried to assure her, but her PTSD was bothering her.

“We need Racer,” Jenny said and Without thinking twice, Victor runs to bring the therapy dog.

“What this bastard is doing here?” Antonio grunted while everyone was busy handling Mom.

“This son of a bitch....” Hunter said something inaudible.

“I want to talk to him...” I expressed. “He deserves a little respect.” Pleading, I called Miles to allow Josh inside the Community.

“Val... Stay with them.” Antonio demanded. “I am taking Savannah to Josh guy.”

“I am coming with you.” Hunter volunteer and walked out while I and Antonio joined.

Mom looked at me with her red teary eyes, begging me to stop. Her past is horrible and those memories will always stay with her. She's suffering just like Val.

Forcing a smile, “I'll be back.” I assured.

“Wait!” Sara yelled and passed me her hairpin. “It's a dagger.” She slides the edge to show me how to open the dagger. “I don't know why... But you should have it.”

Sara suspected something.

Sarai Rossi has a strong prediction ability. Whenever she says something a wise person should never ignore it.

“I am safe,” I guaranteed her.

“No one ever safe.” She said.

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