21 : Future Talks

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Savvy's POV

With my closed eyes, I relaxed beneath his touch. A Warm blanket and his hands caressing my face is the best wake-up treat. This will always be never enough for me.

“Get up.” He whispered as if I am his baby.

Let me taste you. His voice echoed in my dreams.

Wait! What I heard?

“It's morning.” He cooed me and snuggled into me.

Groaning, I snuggle deep into the blanket and held his hand tight. It is a dream and his touch is peaceful... Real.

Aimed to breathe his Cologne, when I inhaled deeply I almost threw up. Pushing him away from me, I run towards the bathroom to empty my stomach. His smell is still alive in my nose and my mouth is on fire. I was numb and couldn't feel anything. The vision was blurry, even my ears were filled with rings. I didn't realize I was crying until a pair of hands touched me. Holding my hair backwards, he patted my back encouraging me to keep calm.

“It hurts.” I cried as soon as I was done with my new routine of throwing up.

“Children are not fun... They are life.” Hunter said. “Just because you are pregnant and doesn't want to abort them, it doesn't mean you will be a great mother overnight... Have patience.”

“I don't want to be like momma Abigail.” Sobbing, I was about to hug him when again threw up at him. “I am sorry... It....”

With a disgusted face, Hunter pointed at the tap. I knew my next job. I washed my mouth, brushed my teeth while Hunter cleaned everything.

A few minutes later, I heard the shower running.

Turning around, I find his clothes at the corner just like he used to do in his room. He has always been the 'cleanliness is next to godliness' type of person.

When Gran Sophia used to cook my favourite steaks, he took the job to help her. It was never a compulsion, but He enjoyed washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen platform. Just like he did last night.

I was burst when he refused to leave. I even tried to force him out of MY home. But he managed to stay still at his place. It was unbelievable to see such strength. He didn't budge from his place, not even a nanometer.

“You can join me.” Hunter opened the curtains and invited me.

I yelped when I saw his naked body. This body in front of me is turned into a well-shaped masculine figure from that lean figure, I remember. He looks attractive, now.

“Don't you have shame...” I said With the confidence and closed the curtain to stop the view that increased my blood pressure.

“Savannah....” Opening the curtain, he pulled me inside. “Is your morning sickness so bad?” He took off my t-shirt. “You should visit the doctor.” He took my bra.

“I never permitted you to take off my clothes.” Hitting his hands, I glared at him.

“I have already seen everything.” He licked his lips looking at me with desire.

Let me taste you. Again His voice echoed in my mind.

“You like them?” Smirking, I took off the rest of the clothes. “My breasts are getting sore.”

“I can massage them...” I doubted whether his offer was genuine or not. It has layers of lust and desire with concern.

“I thought you wanted me to abort my babies.” I mocked him to remind his words that he threw at me last night. He has no right to ask me for abortion when he rejected me as well as our children. His behaviour is confusing. Sometimes, he acts as if he desperately wants our children and sometimes, he rejects them. They are human, not any toy that he would come whenever he wants and will leave whenever he wishes.

“Answer me one question... This will decide our future.” Touching my breast, he started to massage them. Not sexually but like a massage and eventually my heart skipped a beat with his touch. “You will not abandon my kids?”

“I am not Abigail Evan nor An....”

“I want answers...” He continued to massage. “We can argue about it later.”

“I will never abandon them. No matter what the situation is.” With determination, I made my mind. I am Savannah Rogers-Schmidt. A Rogers is determined. Grandma Alice never gave up on Dad, even Dad refuse to gave on me, and now, it's my time. I will continue the legacy. Like a Rogers, I will never give up And like a Schmidt, I will fight if I have to. “What is your decision?”

“Do you trust me?” He asked instead of answering me.

“I want my answers.” Grumbling, I tried to remove his hands from me, but he tightens his grip and, I yelp.

“Answer me.” His low voice commanded me. He rarely gets angry. But when he does.... it won't be good.

“No... I don't trust you.”

Smirking, he loosens his grip and restarts to massage me. “Good... Don't trust anyone with my kids....not even if it's me.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No....” He looked right into my eyes. “Everything is wrong. I warned you. Don't keep this pregnancy, but you didn't listen. You never listen.” Cupping my cheeks, he brought his face close to me and whispered. “If anything happens to my kids, or you. You will regret it.”

“Do you need help?”

“Yes, stay out of danger....” He captured my lips and pour all his eagerness. I melted with his every move. “I have always loved you. Since the day I saw in that park for the first time. And. It's okay if you don't love me back. It is hard to impress you.”

“You want these kids?” I was about to cry. I worried about my kids. They were rejected just like I was.

“They are the best thing that ever happened to me... pecking my lips, he turned off the shower. “You are stuck with me, for forever. Because when I am done with my issues, you will never be able to leave... Not with my kids.” He promised. “Last night was my attempt to check your determination. You are jumping into chaos.”

“That's not the concern...” Words left my mouth. “I have to tell you something important. Maybe it will change your decision.”

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