35: The same night

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Savvy's POV

“What is happening?” I was whining like a child while following Hunter around the underground parking lot. Copying his moves, I was hiding behind the car for shelter to rescue myself from an unknown person.

“Savvy... You still have time.” With a warning tone, “leave.” He demanded.

“But I want to stay,” I argued. Why doesn't he understand I want to stay? Just because I was bitchy in my teen days it doesn't mean I wasn't a human. I was trying to cope with my life. With no one around. Dad expresses less, I rejected Momma, Gran was busy most of her time and Emily only wanted Dad, like a horny girl. And Victor, he turned into a man whore when he got the money.



Fury clouded the black eye that was focusing on me. His lips were moving to convey words, but I could focus. I was lost in his aroma. I loved our proximity.

He held my hands and started to drag towards the lift. It was hard to maintain along with his pace. He wasn't walking, he was sprinting.

“Get in the lift and leave.” He ordered.

Crossing my arms over my chest, “I already told you I am not leaving.” I challenged him. If he wants me to leave, he needs to convince me. He fails to persuade me always.

“If you stay, you are stuck with me.” He said looking around without the impact of his words on me. I knew his dark eyes are looking for the source of the bullets. He wanted to live, but I wanted to live this moment.

Grabbing his collar in my palms, I kissed him, but he didn't grant me any response. I could feel his the tides of emotion on my cheek. His breathings. He was struggling to stand still.

“I am already stuck with you,” I said breaking our kiss.

“You are still drunk.” He pleaded.

“It means I am speaking the truth.”


“I will kill you...” Yelling, Hunter pulled me to his car again. “This is a new Glock. Stay here. Until I call you. Any person, who seems dangerous... Shoot. Don't think twice. Just shoot.” He opened the car and pushed me inside.

Looking at the gun, “How to use it... It looks different.” I complain.

Groaning, Hunter showed me how to unlock the new Glock and loading procedure. It was easy just like the other Glock, but it looked different.

“Looks can be deceiving.” He quoted and run away, hiding behind the cars.

Without any thoughts, I followed him. One of the cars was almost destroyed that belong to university boys... Tim.


I followed the voice and found Hunter was on the ground. His agonizing voice delivers that he is hurt. Holding his arms, he laid down while the other man was speaking to him something inaudible to me. He was about to shoot.

Adrenaline exploded into my veins. I couldn't lose Hunter. I will not lose Hunter. My Hunter. Loading the Glock, I took the target from my place and shot him. The bullet crash on the target and successfully strike the hitman.

Travelling to them, I see Hunter shocked. He was surprised to see me. The hitman was groaning on the floor, I shot his shoulder. And I don't feel bad for him.

“Who hired you?” I demanded, but the hitman laughed. That infuriates me. I loaded the Glock again, to tell him that I am the one with the power. I will decide if he lives or not. I am superior. I am powerful.

“Hunter....is she Your girl?” He whispered.

“You haven't answered my question.” I boomed and kicked his injured shoulder. “Answer me.”

“Ask cub....” He cried. “He changed his name... Ask Tiger.”

“I don't want shits... I want answers.”

“Savvy, baby... I will deal with him.” Cooing me, Hunter took his Glock from far and pointed at the hitman. “Will, you had a chance to leave this life and start fresh.”

“Who will start with me when I have no one?” The hitman, Will laughed like a manic.

It was easy to understand that he will not answer. Omertà flows in the blood of mafia man. They will not utter a word until they change their side. Now, this Will is not on our side.

Taking the initiative, I shot his head. His blood hit my face and Hunter had no expression. I couldn't see the face of the deceased person in front of me, but I wanted to be sure. I shot his back so that the bullet hit his heart, making sure of his death.

“What will do with his body?” I asked not caring what Hunter would be thinking.

“I will take care of him,” Hunter said taking the gun from me. “Who is the owner of that White car? We have replaced it with new.”

I looked around when I realized what I did that night. I committed a crime. I killed someone, Who could have a family? Hunter taught me how to use this Glock that night. So much happened that night and my mind simply erased it as if nothing happened. What happened to the body?

As far as I remember, I raped Hunter that night. I am sure I murder after raping Hunter. I was so guilty. I am a murderer. I killed a man who was doing his job. He was a hitman. That was his job. He was supposed to kill Hunter. But I killed him. What about his family? His kids?

I controlled my tears while subconsciously touching my pregnant belly. I killed a man, as old as Victor and Valerio.

“Savvy... You are not fine.” Grace hugged me.

I hated myself for behaving like this, but I couldn't control myself for breaking into tears in the arms of that woman who broke my so-called happy future with Josh.

“Ms Rogers....” I heard Miles calling for me. “Ms Shaw is safe.” Assuring me, he hugged me.

I didn't dare to open my eyes to see people around me. It was kind of shameful event. How could I walk around with no guilt? A few hours back, I demanded the death of Molly but killing the hitman, Will.... Made me murderer.

“Thomas, look around, “I heard Miles ordering. “Mrs Matthews, we could assist you to...”

“I want to stay with her.” Grace pleaded, but I don't want her presence either.

Shaking my head with close eyes, I snuggle into the blazer of Miles like a toddler.

“Hey... Hey... Dear. Everything is fine.” He cooed me like he used to do when he meet me the first time. I was 13 years old. He used to treat me like his loved one. Like his sister then why his brother did that. I was almost raped. Emily died. Silver lost her mother.

“I want momma.” I whimpered.

“I can call Mrs Rogers for you.” Miles offered.

“No, momma.” I sobbed.

“She's always around you..... She loves you. She is the bravest woman I have ever seen.” Hugging me tightly, Miles assured me. But I was guilty. Momma broke a family. Dad broke a family. Even I broke a family too. The family of Will.

“Am I a bad person?” I whispered.

“Never... No one is bad. It's all matter of perception.” He repeated Sara's words.

“I want Hunter then.”

“He will be back to you... To his family. Just one last work.” His voice was confident. Miles knew where is Hunter. “He will stay with you forever.”

Everyone knows everything except me. Why?

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