15 : The Schmidt

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Savvy's POV

Adrenaline is rushing in my veins and sweat is trickling from my palms, from the moment I arrived. I condemn the person who invented weekends. Especially family gathering. I was threatened by Mom to drive back to the home, far away from the city to join this family gathering.

My only concern is uninvited morning sickness. I pray, that nobody sees me rushing into the bathroom, from time to time. I can't even smell this tasty caffeine. Why it is called morning sickness, when it is their whole day?

Dr Anderson refuses for abortion. I appreciate his concern for me. For Kate, abortion was the beginning of her death. She died slowly, with grief, assisted by her husband's infidelity. So my only hope is Dr Autumn Morris. She must help me. I will visit her as soon as I am done with the family gathering.

With ultimatum by my mom, I obeyed and now, sitting in the dinner table eating this tasteless pasta with no one around. This redhead Mrs Rogers-Schmidt capable of making people do anything. Nevertheless, this is the best day, as all the Schmidt comes with so many gifts.

Even though, It was hard to find a place to park my car. But seeing kids buzzing around the car is another delightful aspect of this gathering. My parents consider it as our bonding time. All the Schmidt are invited.

All the Schmidt.

There are so many Schmidt, that the search is still going on. Mom called our grandfathers except Pop Marcus, 'men-whores'. Whereas Dad defends his ancestors by calling, their action as instinct when someone possesses power. Schmidt were in mafia, mostly involved in Human trafficking. Having so many children were obvious. Illegitimate children. So many children.

Like every other family, there is a chain breaker. Mom considers Pop Marcus. He was another victim (Mom says) who made sure Dad survives. Considering Dad as his eldest, he made mom as his heir. I always offer my condolences to him. He had to marry his half-sister. This was disgusting, unethical, illegal and many other criteria must be added to this marriage but this is mafia. The centre of everything illegal.

Center of illegal.

Dad hated Schmidt. He avoided this name as much as possible. Being the ruler of Human trafficking, every other mafia family called dad as the next devil. It was all-natural. The death of uncle Andy left only dad surviving men of his generation from the family. He preferred Rogers. Helped people. People like Sara, Thomas, even.....




Did I see Hunter in MY family gathering, hugging Dad?

“I know my man looks handsome every day.” Mom sat in front of me with a bunch of envelopes. While checking the papers, she passed me glances. “You seem lost.”

Trying to perform my best at ignoring her, I stabbed pasta in my plate, but the taste is missing something. I looked for lemon around and squeezed the life out of it. My cravings are getting weird day by day. And, this is an open offer for everybody to the discovery of my pregnancy.

Mom loves the kids and will never comprehend my decision.

“Dad is working on himself.” An attempt to divert the mom's attention. “He looks younger, better, and healthier.”

“Yes.” She chuckled and looked at Dad as if he is the only man in the world. “He says he wants to woo me every day.”

“He is jealous of Val,” I stated. Dad is jealous of Valerio Rossi and his insecurity are reasonable. Manipulation by Mark Rogers-Schmidt is one of many talents. Dad is aware of what he did to mom, manipulated her, pregnant her, used Silver to get close to her, even he got close to Eli. All this, to make sure mom stay when his secret comes out.

“He has nothing to worry about.” Mom faked her anger at me. “Valerio has his family. Two boys, with a love of his life..... I am delighted for him. He is so happy and settled. I am proud of him and admire Sara, that she stayed.”

“She deserves better, not someone who battling every day with himself. Even you deserve better.”

“Let us decide, what we deserve.” Passing me an envelope, she studied me. “Just like you decided what you deserve.”

Her voice held emotion. Various emotions. Anger, sadness, authority. I knew the envelope is bothering her. She is calm and collected. A silence before the storm. Elizabeth Rogers-Schmidt is known for her decency, but today, she is different. The same woman when she was back after killing uncle Andy. Like a lioness, ready to kill.

Looking down at the at her hand, I see a clear view of the logo of Dr Nathaniel Anderson. That old man sent my report to mom. And I thought my privacy is protected.


“This is bothering you.” She affirmed.

“I thought the patient's privacy is at the top priority for.....”

“He considers you as his family. He was never your doctor. He just went to see you and find out that you are pregnant.” Her accusing tone made me feel guilty. It was like I am about to commit the greatest crime of history.

“I am not ready to be a mother.” Admitting my reason, I broke into tears. “I don't want to be like momma Abigail.”

“No one ever ready.” Cooing me, mom hugged me. “Abigail was strong. You are her daughter... What happened was a misunderstanding. “ 

“She left me.” Wailing, I drew the other's attention. This is not my behaviour. I blame all this drama to my pregnancy hormones.

“She eloped with Mark for you. To give birth to you. They were children, yet they wanted you..... She did unpleasant jobs for you... Everything she did for you.”

“She never came to meet me. Not even on my birthday. She never wanted me. I ruined her chance of a better future.”

“She loves you more than she loved Mark.” Wiping my tears, she smiled. “She had all the cards that you made for her... Even the wrappers of chocolate that you sent. She cried whenever you refuse to meet her. She narrated your stories to Synn.”

“I am scared.”

“Even I was... Abigail was scared too.”

“I will not be a good mother.”

“No one is a good mother. They are always a loving mother.”

“What happened?” Dad boomed from far. His hazel eyes were fuming with anger. Luckily, kids were not around him otherwise his echoing voice would have become a nightmare for them. “Savannah, I want answers. Why are you crying?” He stormed towards us.

“Just....” I was about to lie but his one look and I decided to surrender. Preferred to keep my mouth shut, I prayed Mom would save me but instead she passed him my report.

“Tell me or else you know what I can do? I will fucking breach your privacy that I granted you because Elizabeth asked me.” Delivering his final warning, he waited for me to open my mouth with answers, but I couldn't answer him. He is a patient man, he is giving me a chance to speak, but What would I say, when I don't remember what happened that night?

“She will not answer.” Mom said.

“You know what can I do?” Dad warned me.

“Find out.” She ordered. And that's it. Dad never denies mom's demand.

“6 hours, Elizabeth and the father will be here.” announcing his goal, Dad left with Victor.

Hunter will be dead in the next six hours. But what about the baby? Mom knows about the pregnancy.

“What will happen to the father?” I asked.

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