25: Unspoken Mystery

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Savvy's POV

Looking around the familiar route, “Where are we going?” I asked. This is the road to Rogers estate, or we call it, 'Rogers Community', whichever sounds better.

“Your house,” Miles responded while driving.

“I thought Hunter gifted a house to his baby mama.” Mumbling, Sara checked her sons, who were busy in their world.

Dante Rossi and Matteo Rossi kept entertaining themselves. One was flying his car into the air and other was holding his dinosaurs tight to his chest. Seeing both of them tingles emotions in me. I am going to be a mother soon. There will be three babies running around me. And I will never leave them for anyone.

“Sometimes, they are good boys... And other times, they are little Don.” Sara said admiring her twins. They are her miracle babies. Before her twins, she faced 5 miscarriages. Her every pregnancy gave her disappointment. She ruined Rossi empire as revenge. Later, she decided to stay with Rossi. Valerio Rossi... For her love. For Evie. She didn't trust any man around the little girl. Sara took the responsibility of Evie as she felt responsible for the death of Kate, the mother of the little girl.

“They have Val's look,” I commented on the beauty of the twins. I wonder how my babies will look? Will they look like Hunter? Or like me? Or a perfect combination of me and Hunter?

“Yes... I wanted a daughter too, but Val chose vasectomy. Miscarriages were pushing me into depression.”

“Amber is always ready to help.” Miles interrupted.

“What about her?”

“She offered to be the surrogate, even Beth, but Val says we already have a Daughter... Daughters.” Pausing, she turned to look at me with love. “We have Suri, Eli, Evie, Silver ever Izzy and Joy... He loves you too.”

“Mr Rossi almost killed Hunter.” Miles laughed. “That boy dares to knock you.” He parked his car in front of Gran's house.

“I don't remember that night.” Whispering to myself, I examined the abandoned house. No one lives here. After Hunter left for university, the situation for the Schmidt family ruined. Brother fought with each other to have the redhead and Mom was the victim between the fight. She almost lost our Max.

Dad adores his children. All his children. Especially Max. He says Max looks like his hero, Grandpa Caleb. Grandpa Caleb saved dad from his abusive adoptive parents and even helped him during his healing. Dad was 5 years old. That event changed Dad. Every Sunday Dad used to spent with Grandpa Caleb and Grandma Alison. He even promised Grandma Alison that he would marry her daughter. That was childish but 23 years later, he married the daughter of detective Caleb Bell and Alison Bell. He didn't fall in love with Ginger or Beth or daughter of Alison, it was love at first sight. He fell in love with Elizabeth.

Walking around the garden that was once filled with a variety of flower, I realized that it is still maintained. The grass is green and chopped. No signs of weed plant, even house looked fine. Did someone shift here?

“Beth and Jenny maintain it like it is their home,” Sara mentioned.

“Ms Rogers... The family is in the backyard.” Miles informed and I walked away from him.

I was attacked by mom with her infamous 'hug'. She almost crushed me. Elizabeth Rogers behaves the same with Synn. Even Evie. I doubt if she would ever allow us to live our life. But surprisingly, she was the one who encouraged us to have our life. She asked me to get a part-time job. It was uncommon for people to see the daughter of Mark Rogers-Schmidt working as a tutor... Sometime waitress to earn money.

Mark Rogers-Schmidt is a billionaire who lives in a small family house with no helping staff at home and drives a family van because his wife wants this. Running companies is not an easy task, especially the life that Rogers couple Is living with 7 underage children. So he hired CEOs for the company while he looks only investigating unit of his security firm. Victor Garcia and Jennifer Garcia, are very helpful. The Garcia couple is a shadow to us, and we are lucky to have them in our life as a family.

“I called you multiple times...” Informing, Mom hugged me again. “You look.....” She paused. I could see her fighting for proper words. “Healthy.” She finished.

I rolled my eyes. “I know I look bigger for 9-week pregnancy... There are three so it is obvious.”

“They will love you.” Mom chirped and dragged me inside. “Kids are eager to see you.” Beaming, she held my hands and show me the 2 storey house. “What you think?” She asked. "Renovation is...."

Interrupting her, “This belongs to Gran... Why are we here?” I asked.

“This house was earned by Sophia, who passed it Hunter and Now, Hunter gave this to you.” She explained.

“This is too much. I can't accept it.”

“Why not? He wants his children to close to his grandmother. Triplet deserves this... Sophia was a great lady.” Caressing my shoulder, she looked at me. “Abigail left her belongings for you and Synn... Mark and Antonio distributed her everything equally between you and Synn.”

“So where is her everything?” I huffed. Momma Abigail was nothing but a selfish woman. She left me because dad couldn't love her and was poor. Once, he became a rich momma came to him, but dad refused to take her back.

“Most of the furniture in your flat belonged to her... Hunter arranged for them. That flat was brought by Abigail for you... And Hunter helped me to paint.”


Hunter arranged the flat for me. He helped mom to paint. He knew where I was all the time, but he never approached me. I remember Blaze mentioning Hunter look at a girl from far. Blaze was talking about me.

“Is there anything I should know about Hunter?” I asked. Hunter was always around but never approached me, but he claimed he loves me. He is panic when his cell phone rings. Now, he gave me his house. Something is wrong.

Mom walked away from me. She is avoiding me. “It is not my place to tell you. You should sit and talk to him. But I know, he is not ready to share with you.”

“But he is ready to give me his house...” I whined. “If this is not your place to tell me Then whose place it is.” Defeated, I hold my babies. “I have his potential family. I have the right to know... Safety of my children is my priority. I need to know it they are safe around him. Or else I will leave.”

“Give him time.”

“No....” I blurted with anger. “He rejected my babies, initially.”

“Any man in his place will never want his children to be born at this condition....” Mom defended him. He warned me and I announced my decision. I will never abandon my children Like Abigail Evans. “He is going through a lot. He has a lot on his plate.” I heard mom. “Have patience with him.”

“How did you felt when you find out that dad was playing with you?” I asked. My question was inappropriate, but she knows how it feels when your children are in danger, and you could have avoided everything, “that he didn't trust you enough with his secrets.” I ended.

“I felt betrayed... But.” With determination, she smiled. “Hunter Maxwell is not Mark Rogers... My advice to you is to stick to your decision. About kids.”

Heaving a sigh, “I don't trust Hunter, I doubt if I ever knew him.” I expressed.

“Hunter is different for his age....he is honest. He told me you don't remember THAT night. He told me something happened, and he wants to tell you everything at right time.” She said.

“So please enlighten me. When is the right time?”

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