47: Stories

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Savvy's POV

The day I made peace with Elizabeth Rogers, I believed it was my first step towards maturity. I knew I was self-centric with arrogant mentally and no one ever confronted me because of Dad but today is the day when I realized the level of my selfishness.

The whole of my life, I blamed momma for abandoning me, for choosing Synn over me but now, everything is a mist. I feel the most selfish person is alive. I never notice the struggle of my parents, always assumed the worst in every situation.

The fact that Dad never trusted me enough to share his past with me, is hurting me more. Am I not trustworthy?

My parents had money to get a place for us, but they decided to stay at the trailer because of Steve Morrison. He was enraged when momma chose Dad. He wanted my death, out of the life of Abigail Evans. So my parents eloped to protect me, and they kept running until Ethan Rogers came into the picture.

Everything is clear. Steve narrated everything according to his perception and now, I know Why does Dad want to stay Rogers? Why he hates Schmidt? I understand now.

Ethan Rogers was not only Alice Rogers's brother but also a respected man. People knew him as a man of his words. Dad is inspired by this. He gave everything to the son of his sister. Dad was his family after the death of his family. When he found dad working for Rossi, he recognized his nephew. He took Dad, helped him to set his business. Initial, investment was done by Andrew Schmidt and later many joined because of the name Rogers.

Rogers is a brand. People trust this name. They knew Rogers mean safety. And, just like Rogers, Schmidt is a brand. Mom wants this name to ensure the safety of her children. As Schmidt are once in the mafia, known for brutality. Schmidt means danger.

“Get up...” Tia ordered, but I ignored her, pulling the blanket over my head for sleep. “Girl... I need your signature.”

“I am not signing any paper,” I announced my decision.

“Even not for your children?” Tia mocked me. “I thought you love them... Just like I love my son.”

“Then let me go... I will never mention the involvement of Blaze neither yours.” Offering her my proposal, I came out of the blanket with the hope that my offer is enough to convince her.

“Blaze is not involved, so I am not worried about him getting hurt...” She gave me a creepy smile. This woman is not normal. “One thing about Hunter and Blaze is... They will never hurt each other. No matter how much they hate each other. They will never harm each other physically.”

“I thought Blaze liked me.”

“He does... But his feelings for you so not strong. He knows he will get over with you.” Patting my cheeks, “Steve wants you... And my son will get the future that he deserves.” She said.

“He deserves destruction.” I glared at her.

“You don't know him...” She said with a smile. And again, I am scared. Why her smile is scary?  “Steve tortured him all his life. I loved Steve... But I love my son more than Steve. That's why I made a deal with my beloved husband... He will get you, and my son will get the Morrison empire... And with time, I will give him Maxwell Dynamics too.”

“Your son is already heir of Morrison. He has to wait for Steve to step down.” I explained her basic law of inheritance. This lady is weirdly not aware of this natural law. Parents give them everything if they want to.

“You never noticed.” She chuckled. “My son is not a Morrison. He is my son. He is a Maxwell.”

“He is not Steve's son?” I frowned.

“Yes, he is Gage's son. That's why Terry and Steve fought.” She clarified.

Her words remind me of Cora and Vincent, twins who fell in love with each other. Dad says it wasn't their fault that both brother and sister got lost in the human trafficking circuit, and we're not aware of their relationship before getting involved. But Gage and Tia knew about each other.

Covering my mouth, I run to the bathroom to puke the disgusting news of another incest love story.

“It was the mistake of the hospital authority. They injected Gage's semen into my womb thinking of me as Nadia.” Tia explained following me. “We were young and scared, so we never informed our parents about this and tried for abortion until Terry discovered it. Abortion was risky, so I had to continue the pregnancy.”

“Was Gage a good brother?”

“Never...e always knew. Gage is selfish. Instead of helping me, he left.” I could her pain. “My life was ruined. Handling Blaze was not easy. But Terry helped. Falling in love with Steve was best, but he was in love with Abigail. He married me, gave Blaze his name but never loved us as his family. Throughout our life, he tried to hunts for Abigail. But initially, she was lost, Your father did a good job, but later Rossi gave her protection.”

Rossi gave her protection.

Analyzing her words, I realized my grave mistake. I remember Sara and Mom talking about Steve. They said Steve knows about me now, which means Steve wasn't aware of me. Maybe that's why Momma left me with Dad, so that Steve never finds about me. And maybe this is the reason, that dad kept a low profile life before meeting Grandpa Ethan.

The level of my guilt upgraded. All these years, she was protecting me like a mother and I rejected her. She loved me so much, that she leave me for my safety. She didn't choose Synn, or Me. Not only that, but she chose the safest option available for her kids. She chose loneliness for me and Synn.

“When Steve learned about Blaze's father, everything got ruined. He almost killed Gage until Terry came. That's how my protective brother went into a coma and again, Gage destroyed everything. He married Daisy... And I discovered my husband's affair with Nadia. Even they have a daughter.” Crying, she asserted.

“You mean the daughter of Nadia and Gage is...”

“Steve's daughter...” Tia finished my statement. “Reyna is Steve's daughter. Gage thought of stopping raging Steve, so he married Nadia and also accepted Reyna. Then, they had Jules together. Yet, my selfish ruined Daisy and Terry. Blaze, Hunter are half-brothers. That why Hunter and Blaze look like each other.”

“Blaze is the eldest,” I noted trying to absorb the news. Tia suffered a lot because of one mistake. They could have complained about the hospital authority, but they chose silence. One mistake and the consequence flow to the next generation.

“Sign these.” Ordering, she threw papers on my lap.

“What are these?” I was about to read the paper.

“For your consent of Cesarean delivery... I hope you know, it could be difficult to deliver triplets naturally.”

“We still have time.”

“Triplets arrive early...”

“I don't want to lose my children.” I cried.

“Even I don't want to lose my child.” She said.

“Will you take them from me?”


*Do you remember Ethan Rogers from Eliza-beth?

* I did little research about the delivery of triplets. I found that triplets arrive early (approx 32 weeks of pregnancy) and most doctors prefer C-section as delivering three children together is risky. So let me know if this is wrong.

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