4 : Best Man

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Savvy's POV

"When did this happen?" Maddy asked again but I ignored her and looked in the direction of the groom. The best man is my focus.

It seems like these past 7 years are nothing. It all felt that it was like yesterday that everything happened. Me being a spoilt bitch, and others were simply tolerating me because Dad loved me too much and people are afraid of Dad. Well! Who wouldn't? It is safe to be in the good book of a person who has the capability of digging all your secrets.

Dad is unofficially known as the SECRET KEEPER and in the mafia, he is known the saviour of Schmidt empire. The last heir of the Schmidt family. Overall, the conclusion is Mark Rogers-Schmidt is dangerous than imagined and the cherry on top, he is supported by the Rossi.

"You are not listening," Maddy complained.

"Do you think I am in the condition of listening to you?" I stuck my tongue out and looked back at the aisle again.

Most of the audience was looking at me instead of the bride instead of focusing on wedding. Now, I understood why my parents wanted me to stay away from this particular wedding. I am ruining Grace's special day. I am in the centre of attraction instead of groom and bride. People are staring at me.

"I am ruining their day." I looked down at my heels. They look much interesting than everybody. I feel guilty now.

"This is not their special day," Maddy whispered. "They don't love each other. They both love you."

"Yet they betrayed me," I whispered back and waited for her answer, but I never got any replied. She kept looking at the aisle and when I looked up to see, I was surprised too.

Today is full of surprises. Maybe another guilt. The place of Maid of Honour was empty and the best man was walking alone. Even another place of a bridesmaid was vacant.

"That place is for us," Maddy mumbled in guilt. Even I am. "We ruin her day." She whispered.

Without thinking twice, I walked towards Grace. I may be a fool, but I love Grace more than my heartbreak. She deserves a great wedding. And I may be selfish but, we were best friends from junior high.

"I am here to take my place." I stood at my position. "Can we enter again?" I looked at Maddy and gesture her to join us. "We will not ruin it."

"I am sorry..." Grace broke into tears and hugged me. I listened to the rumours, her father was disappointed with the wedding. He even refused to be part of this wedding but, she is his only daughter. How could he resist her? His love for his daughter is inevitable.

"We can talk later," I said, and then we walked back where I understood my job as maid of honour.

"Mrs Rogers must be proud of you." Mr Walsh patted my shoulder before looking back to his daughter with adoration. I can see this man who is in his 50s is proud of his daughter. Even I am. I love Grace, despite whatever happened. I love her for the woman she is going to become. She is going to be a mother.

Walking to the aisle was difficult. Especially when your ex-best friend is marrying you ex-boyfriend and the BEST MAN beside me. She may consider me as her best friend but now, I will never be able to trust her again. At least not in this life.

Throughout the ceremony, Josh was looking at me instead of Grace. There were just 50 of us, including our batch mates and everybody was aware of what has happened. None of us was amazed by Josh's behaviour.

Both Grace and Josh didn't speak their vows and the wedding was wrapped up. Somewhere it was me who ruined Grace's wedding. She wanted a grand wedding with the love of her life.

"You are a great person." Mr Walsh hugged me as he does whenever he sees me.

"I don't hate Grace," I notified him and hugged him back. "I hope Josh is faithful to her."

"Josh doesn't love her. He is marrying her because he grew up in a broken family. He wanted to give his child a family." Mr Walsh explained.

"Will he cheat on her?" I asked looking at the father who is aware of the fate of his Daughter.

"That's his decision..... But currently, he loves you." He looked at Josh was busying staring at me. Those desperate eyes of Josh yearned to communicate to me, but I feel it is better if we maintain our distance. "That boy loves you." Mr Walsh claimed pointing at him, publicly.

"He is married," I argued.

"....... Yes." Mr Walsh chuckled. "But I was talking about the Best man." He pointed at the BEST MAN. "He is a surprise package. Everybody is looking at him. He is handsome. And. He desperately Wants To Talk To You."

"Indeed," I said glancing at the man in a tuxedo. He is handsome. He is not that teenage boy I remember. Furthermore, he has a chiselled body. I understand, Dad had a well-built body because he owns a security firm, and he needs to show his clients that he is capable of protecting all his assignments. Valerie has great physique because he is a mafia prince, and he needs to appear powerful.

"He looks decent." Mr Walsh asked.

When I nodded, Mr Walsh took his leave and paced to his son-in-law. He joined Josh and his best man. Now and then, they were glimpsing at me. I feel like a fool.

I should leave.

Storming back to the car, I called Maddy and insisted on her presence. I heard her rushing and a male voice through the call. I hope she finds her love. She looks fine with the idea of arranged marriage, but I hope she gets her love.

"I ask one file." I heard that familiar male voice yelling on his phone two cars away. His built back faced me and flexed whenever he moved his arms.

His voice is attractive.

Do I know him?

Walking towards him, I tapped his shoulder and called him.


* Best man 😏

* Familiar voice 🤔?

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