9 : Charmed

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Savvy's POV

“Last time we went to the wedding together, you abandoned me for a week.” I accused my best friend and continued to look at the girl, who busy in drooling over my signature cake. Rainbow cake. I will give her a piece once I am done dealing with Maddy.

“Come on, this is not a wedding. This is an engagement.” Maddy whined, trying to convince me. Her determination is admirable. I have been denying her invite to join her for one of her cousin's engagement every time, but she was determined. She calls in every 3-4 hours to ask if I changed my mind.

“No, Maddy......it's your family gathering. I will not join. That's it.” I declared my final verdict.

“OK fine.” She mumbled. I was able to decode her behaviour within a few moments. My best friend was copying Eli's behaviour. Elizabeth junior, Eli mumbles innocently with those beautiful oceanic blue eyes blinking repeatedly when she feels guilty. But the effect is the opposite. Eli appears so cute that the person gives up. The poor redhead is not aware that people adore that behaviour of her and this is her bonus point. She is pure, innocent.

“Stop copying my sister,” I said with a stern voice and heard Maddy laughing.

“I was just trying my luck.” She admitted before hanging the call.

Sometimes, I wonder why I became a friend with Maddy. But then the answer is Dean. Dean Harrington. That boy was our junior, yet he was a bully. He even bullied Cherish. He bullied me because Momma Abigail never came to any of the parents' teacher meeting. Furthermore, he believed he had a perfect family, just the opposite. Not only that, but he is the son of Dr Anastasia Harrington, who was murdered by mercenaries hired by Mr Rossi, to secure his secret of drugging his younger son, Valerio.

“Must be important thoughts.” Synn interrupted my cycles of thoughts and like always ate the doughnut without my permission.

“Why my siblings eat all my earning?” I groaned with frustration. All my siblings including Rossi children eat all the cookies and doughnut, even cakes that I bake. “I am trying to earn money.”

“Sister... We are helping you. You make the world's best doughnut. What would happen if they are left? We are helping you by eating, and preventing the wastage.” He smirked and shoved another piece in his hungry mouth.

“I hope you are alone here.” The hope that I have to tolerate only one younger siblings was easing.

“A Rossi will never be alone.” He quoted Sara words and sat comfortably on the cashier's chair. It means kids will be joining us soon. I hate weekend. During this time, my bakery of full of my siblings instead of customers.

“Who is with you?” I asked my 20-year-old brother and looked around only to find that girl who was drooling over the cakes is now, gawking at my brother.

Her expression says she likes my brother. My brother looks good. He is Rossi and Rossi are good-looking. Good looks are almost genetic.

The hair of the little girl was so blond that they looked white. Platinum blond and those shades of blue eyes same as mom and Eli.

“She is real?” I whispered.

“Who?” He asked, and we found that girl walking towards us.

“Who are you?” She asked Synn, ignoring me.

“I am Synn.” He answered and flashed his mesmerizing smile.

“You are a Prince.” She beamed and clapped.

“Yes, Barbie... He is a prince.” I went near my brother and pinched his cheeks to tease him.

“You are a meanie.” The little girl glared and almost pushed me away.

“She is territorial.” Synn stooped her and laughed looking at her.

“I will marry you one day.” She said but it was like a promise. Innocent girl. When she will grow for marriage, he would father of 2 children.

“What is your name, girl?” I tried to kiss her, but she moved her chubby face away from me and move quickly to Synn.

That was fast.

“Momma calls me Dessi.” She sang a song and hugged jumped into Synn's lap.

“You know when you will be the age of marriage. My brother will have children like you.” I smiled at the little girl. She has a crush on my brother. That is cute.

“He will marry me.” She said with confidence and hugged Synn like her possession.

“Where is her mother?” Synn asked helping Dessi getting down of his lap. “Girl, I will never marry anyone.” He said and signalled someone behind me to take her. Her dress was the same that Sara choose. It means she is the daughter of one of survival, that was rescued.

“Dessi... Your mother is looking for you.” The new boy, Emerson runs to them and takes her.

“I found my prince.” She squealed.

“How old is she?” I asked.

“I am 7.” She yelled with excitement but showed 8 fingers to answer her age.

“She loves fairytales,” Emerson said before they left.

“She looks like a Barbie,” Synn said admiring her. No doubt. She looks like walking Barbie. Her hair, eyes, they are so unreal.

“Why you will never marry anyone?” I inquired. “Are you interested in boys?” He showered his glares at me for my question. “Oh sorry... Men?”

“After what happened to the family, you want me to marry a girl...” His polite words were calm before storm. “I prefer celibacy.”

“You mean you are a virgin.”

“You are annoying.” He sighed and walked inside. I knew he went to Sara. Although he behaved normally, after the discovery of truth, but he wasn't normal. All his life he called Mr Rossi as his papa but when Sara disclosed the secret, the situation was out of the control. Kate committed suicide, our mother, Abigail died and Mrs Rossi went missing.

The empire of Rossi fell. The fact that Mafia exist was revealed by Mrs Sarah Rossi, even she killed her husband. Surprisingly, she was aware that Mr Rossi was sleeping around, and he was the one who introduced adventurous sex life to Antonio so that he could divert the attention of Mrs Rossi from himself to her elder son. Then again Mr Rossi drugged their younger son in years to cover his secret. This 2nd news was the last stroke for her.

Valerio knew everything about his brother and father. About the real father of Synn, an affair between momma Abigail and Mr Rossi as well as a sexual relationship of momma and Antonio.

Momma Abigail, like a naive person, believed that she was helping but in reality, both father and son were using her. Both Mom and Sara consider Momma Abigail as a victim. She was played, first my Dad, then Antonio, then Mr Rossi.

“Savannah, another order,” Emerson said while keeping the envelope on the table. Seeing new people every day is my daily routine. Beth foundation of Survival, not only rescue people but also helps them to start a new life. My bakery, Savvy's Love is one of many businesses that provide help and gives a temporary job to the victim until they are settled.

“The same?” I inquired.

Nodding, Emerson looked at the door and I found, a man of business suit fuming on the phone. Another Businessman.

“He gave this,” Emerson explained.

So this man is the one who gives a huge order every weekend for the cookies and doughnut. This made me curious. I need to find out and without thinking twice, I strolled towards the raging businessman. But I couldn't move when I heard the voice.

What the hell he is doing here?

“Hunter?” I groaned.

* The story of Cherish and Dean is 'Cherish Me'.

* Dessi will be an important part of Synn's life.

* Dr Anastasia Harrington... Remember her?

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