38: "Confession of a Hunter"

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Savvy's POV

There are moments in our life when you give up everything. This is my moment. I am about to give up. A failure.

With no source of light, I tried to adjust my eye to see in the dark, but I failed again. I have never felt so helpless in my life.

Please, save my babies.

"Baby..." I heard a familiar voice. It's Hunter. I know his voice. No one can enter Rogers estate due to high security. One of the most protected areas. So, this must be Hunter.

"Hunter" I called him and a few moments later, I could feel someone approaching.

I meet no one despite having the feeling of the presence of another person. I was still alone in the dark waiting for someone to help me. My feet are swollen and my back pain is demoralizing me. I am a helpless pregnant woman stuck in my so-called house.

Crying, I again hit the locked door but nothing happening. This house stinks. Liquor. Hunter ruined my house. Everyone said this is my house, even I saw the papers. This house of Gran belongs to me now. I am the owner and I made my decision, My kids will know about their loving great-grandmother. How much she loved me.

Jiggling, the door opened and light strikes my eyes. I am starving. My parched throat prevents me from speaking and my feet are hurting.

"Love... What are you doing here?" I heard Hunter approaching me. I know it's Hunter Maxwell. His cologne I engulfed me. If he is here then who called me a few moment back?

"Where were you?" I slapped him.

Holding in injured cheeks, he fumed. I could feel his rage. But he deserved this. I was assured by my family that he is at home, waiting for me. But when I arrived, the house was empty and doors were locked.

Despite his anger, "Love, you look weak." He said.

"You left." I cried out.

"I am sorry." He hugged me and I cried in his arm. I thought I would be dying here with my children when the door was locked. "I am not going anywhere. Not now, not ever."

"You were going to take my kids from me." I condemned him and tried to push him, but his massive arms didn't leave me. "Don't take them away from me... they will hate me."

"Love, I am not taking our kids from you. It's you who have the power to take my family away from me." His calm voice was angry. His fury was ready to burn. Squeezing tight my body in his arms, he forced a kiss on me.

"You are hurting me," I complained in between the forced kiss.

"Please listen to me." He begged.

My reason to visit was to drag Hunter out of MY house. But he is here, enraged, begging to talk to me. I realized I can't escape the conversation that would eventually end our non-existence relationship.

"I want to listen to you but. Will you be honest?" I retorted.

"I never lied to you..." Raising his voice, he switches the flashlight. "I had many chances to lie to you, but I wanted to stay honest with you... With us."

"But you kept quiet... It's the same as lying. " I argued.

"Please. Let's talk." He pleaded.

"No... I am not here to talk. I am to listen." Pulling the cover from the couch, I sat. "My energy is drained from all this drama."

"I am not my father's son." Hunter blurts out.


"I am not his son." He repeated.

"You look so much like your dad."

"Because he's my uncle... I am Gage Maxwell's son." His voice lost the composure and he sounded defeated. "There was an accident involving Terrance Maxwell Vs Steve Morrison. I don't know... All I know- Terrance Maxwell lost his fertility. He was severely injured, about to die. That's when Gage came into the picture." Sitting in front of me, Hunter took my hand and played with them. "Have you heard about polyandry?"

"What that has to do with you...." Stopping, I realized what he meant. This is insane. I mean many parts of the world follow this pattern of marriage, but I never imagined myself involving in this.

"When Terrance was in a coma, Gage married Mom. She was still Terrance's wife." He described.

"Terrance was fine with this?" I asked. "This is a backstabbing. He married his sister-in-law when his brother was dying."

"This is how he convinced Gran and grandfather. Everyone believed Terrance will die, So this was their way of securing mom's future... Mom was against this, but she never had the option. She was forced to marry."

"She could have left."

"She left... But Gage dragged her back. He even killed her mother and sold her organs into an organ trafficking."

All I could say, "I am so sorry."

"Gran said mom was beautiful." He smiled. I could tell he is remembering his mother. "She was So beautiful that both Maxwell brothers were mad, but mom loved Terrance. Only Terrance. Having mom in his arms was Gage's fantasy. So, He claimed the available chance."

"Then who tries to kill you when you were 10 years old?"

"Terrance..." Answering, "He thought mom was having an affair with Gage, and I am the result of the affair. He turned to alcohol and drugs." Hunter added.

"You said he was in a coma."

"He WAS in a coma..... When he was awake he lost almost 6 months of his life before the incident. So everyone pretended that everything was fine in his absence... Mom was happy for a while to have her husband until she fell pregnant with me. She knew Terrance is not the father. But she kept this secret and Gage continue to rape her. Even when he got married to Nadia, he continued to harass my mother."

"So the confrontation between Terrance and mother turned bloody," I said.

Nodding, "So when Gran got the chance to chose between her son and grandson, she chose me. Mom begged her to save me. Mom hit Terrance but it Gran who finished it."

"Gage is so sick."

"He offered help August to kidnap Beth in exchange for me that's why Mr Rogers killed him... To save me."

"Gage was the one who shot Dad... That led him to coma for months?"

"No, it was Nadia."

"Why she's alive then?" I grumbled.

"There is a better plan for her."

"This all has nothing to do with what you were doing with Bea?" I challenged him. Again, he is trying to divert me so that I forget what he did.

Heaving a defeated sigh, "I already told you that it was Blaze's idea to gain money. It was a merger. The business deal Hunter yelled.

"Then why didn't he offered himself instead If you?" I argued.

"I don't know... We looked for the reason, but we find nothing."

"You mean he has no secrets." I scoffed.

"He is a person with every secret... He doesn't involve anyone. That's why it is hard to know what is his plan. If he wants to kill someone, he would kill that person by himself. He doesn't hire anyone." He stated.

His words disturbed me. Is he capable of killing someone? He was so genuine. I was able to see his sad eyes when he saw me as pregnant. I am sure he liked me but then again, I was confused. Why he was seeing Maddy? Even Maddy said, Blaze has sisters.

"Is he capable of killing?" I questioned and Hunter hummed instead of answering, he knew something is wrong. "I haven't talked to Maddy. She went to meet Blaze. When you said Morrison are snake.",

"And you are telling me this now." He rushed out of the house.

"Is Maddy fine?" Yelling, I followed him, but I was too late he was already gone.

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