27: Tasting the promise

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Savvy's POV

Going out of the bedroom, he was back with a bowl. “Let me massage them for you.” He took off my t-shirt and pour oil before massaging my breast. His touch tingled my skin and I gasp. When he smiled with satisfaction, and I knew it was going to be a long night. For both of us.

“They are not public property.” I tried to glare at him.

He cupped my sore breast, “they are mine to claim.” he whispered. “Don't worry, when I will reclaim them.” he gently squeezes them, “you will remember that touch.”

“You always manage to distract me.” warning him, “we will talk. We need to work on our trust issues.” I promised.

Nodding, he continued to massage gently and periodically, licked his lips. I knew his desire, but we have to talk before taking any step towards each other.

The next thing I felt was a warm and wet touch on my chest, that gave me chills. I gasp and realized Hunter was kissing me.

“What are you doing?” I asked but didn't push him. I desperately wanted to create a distance between us, but it was hard to get out of his touch.

“I am helping you. You are stressed.” His fake voice with innocence irritates me yet arouses me.

“Hunter Maxwell, you are a bad actor.”

Smirking, he moved close to me decreasing the distance between our body. He continued to massage while settling himself on the floor in between my thighs.

“My children are giving you trouble?” He asked.

“No...” I held his hands to place them back to my breast to get the message. He is good at massaging. “They are getting used to the world,” I said.

“They will have a happy childhood.” He promised and rained kisses on my chest. Moving slowly to my neck, he didn't stop massaging. Those gently moving hands over my chest hiked my heartbeat.

“I can stop if you want.” He speaks forcefully. His hands deliver the message of his desire for me. He is trying to be a gentleman.

My mind was clouded by desire. Needs. Watching him, wandering in my flat shirtless excites me. It awakens my craving for his body. Only his body. Hunter's body.

I spent years to teach myself that I love Josh, which was a lie. After a breakup with him, I never missed him. Never. I was relieved. I didn't felt bad for his cheat, I felt betrayed that my best friend and my boyfriend lied to me.

All this time, I prayed to meet Hunter. I saw his growing up. From an 11-year-old to 18 years old almost 'man'. He was a kinda mature, sensible. That makes him in the top of my desire list. I have always been an immature person. My decision was irrational, and he balances it, from the day we started spending time together.

“Savvy...do you want me to stop?” He asked again.

My vocal cord fails to produce sound. With no words to express, I kissed him, and he returned me the favour. Leaving my breast, he caged me in arms and climbs up on the bed. I loved my legs for him to settle down while he took off his t-shirt.

While unzipping his pants, “Why did you build your body?” I asked. “You had a well-shaped body. Lean.”

“I grew up with a bunch of bodybuilders.” He chuckled, “I was trying to stay healthy. But I end up looking good.” And pulled off his pants.

“You are good-looking,” I mumbled and kissed his chest. “I like you either way.”

“But I don't like you...” Pulling me to kiss me, “I love you.” He professed before kissing me. His grip was tight but not uncomfortable as if he was making sure that I don't leave anywhere.

I was about to take off his rest of clothes when he stopped me. “It's all about you.” He said, making me lay on the bed and took off my plain underwear.

He kissed my lips with so much love, that I almost cried. I never felt so much beautiful before. I feel alive.

Moving down to my neck, he showered the same passion, then to my cheat and my stomach. Caressing my stomach, he kissed and whispered inaudible words. I knew he was talking to our kids. It's their bonding time.

“Thank you for not listening to me.” He said before I felt him on my heating core.

Trying to stop him, “You don't have to...” I held his shoulder. But he didn't stop. He felt he him flickering on the core. His hot breath covering my womanhood and his hands holding my thighs.

“Oh, God.” I gasped, rolling in eyes of pleasure. This is the feeling of heaven. Yes, Hunter brought heaven to me. On earth.

Groaning, he sucked my life and I moaned. I could see the stars in my vision. Everything in the surrounding became invisibility, and I was able to feel only one thing. Hunter.

“Hunter... I tried to control my breath. I could sense my ecstasy approaching me. “I am......”

“Don't hold a baby...” I heard him. Then I felt his fingers massaging my core. I curled my toes and enclosed his head In-between my legs.

By my encouraging the act, I was provided with intense kisses from the man in between my legs. This was my last stroke. A wave of ecstasy hit me and I let go off of myself.

My vision was still blurry, and I couldn't understand what Hunter was speaking. The impact was great. Long-lasting. I tried to control my breath and caressing his shoulder.

“You taste amazing.” He claimed.

You taste amazing. His restless voice jumped again in my memory. He said these words to me that night. Yes, he did.

“I am sorry...” I couldn't help but feel the heat on my cheeks.

“Don't be sorry.” He kissed me and I tasted myself on him. I taste... I don't know. Likewise, I couldn't figure it out.

“I missed you,” I confessed and hugged him. “I promise I will learn a little maturity.”

“Don't change yourself. I love the way you are.”

“I am sorry for forcing you to speak about the things you are not ready to discuss, but we have to talk about it.”

“Shhh...” Covering us with a blanket, he cuddles with me. “Keep protecting our children.”

“This is bothering you.” I could feel his tense body.

“Yes... I was passed this mess like a gene from my parents. I never wanted this. I want you. Us. Our children. My family.”

“What you do?” I quizzed. “I never asked, but you wear those expensive suits, your SUV and you can afford a flat here. Blaze said his cousin came with the idea of apologizing for producing weapons.”

“I am the not only cousin he has...” He sighed. “But Yes, it was me. Morrison left me and Gran on the street to die. My aunt, Tia is so selfish that she almost pushed Gran to death from the stairs when she learnt that Gran killed my father to save me.”

Snuggling close to him, “I am happy that dad found you both.” I tried to calm him. “Dad was selfish too. He helped you and Gran because Gran was a friend of Grandma Alice. He wanted to know his mother and Gran helped him.”

“Either way Mr Rogers helped us... He went out of the way to help me. He trained me. Not only that, but he did a lot for me..."

“He loves you like his son.”

“And I will never disappoint him.” He vowed but why? I never ask him this, neither dad so why he promised this? If I asked him, then he would ignore me. I knew one thing, I have to wait and watch.

Deciding not to take stress, I closed my eyes to drift into sleep but before that, I heard Hunter arguing.

“Don't ruin this for me.” He demanded. “You already have my words. Stick to the plan. No changes.”

What he was talking about?

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