Chapter 14

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Jack paled. He looked up at the agent almost shaking. “Sh—is—okay?” He stumbled around the sentence.

Jackie looked stunned. Her heart ached for Jack; she knew he was suffering from Dallas. He didn’t need this extra pain, especially on the apple of his eye. She placed a hand on his back and looked up at the agent.

“Caroline escaped unhurt; Agent Wells shot the man before he could get her in the car. She was very brave, she bit the kidnapper.”

Jack stood up. “Where is she?”

“She’s at the hospital at Camp David, she wasn’t injured but they wanted to check her over, shall I order Marine One?”

He nodded. “Please.”

Clint left.

Jack covered his face with his hands. He turned his back to Jackie and walked over to the window. He couldn’t believe this, his little buttons. Jackie walked up behind him and placed a hand on his back. “Jack, she’ll be okay. She’s a fighter.”

He nodded. “I…I need to go and see her now….”

“Of course, if you need anything I’m here for you.” Jackie said softly. He looked at her. He had a blank expression on his face. “Ok, thank you.”

Jackie kissed his cheek and left the Oval. She headed back to Blair House; all security in DC had been tightened because of the attempted kidnapping. “Poor Caroline.” Jackie said staring into space.

“It’s horrible, how could anyone do such a thing?” Agent Philips replied.

She nodded. “That family doesn’t need any more tragedy.”


Jackie was sitting curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea. She was tired and all her meetings had been cancelled due to today’s events. She was about a sleep when the phone rang. “Hello?” She picked it up.

“Jackie,” Jack’s hoarse voice rasped. “Could you please come to Camp David?” He asked.

“Of course, I’ll be right there Jack.”

She pulled a coat on and got into her car. Agent Philips drove her. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, the President just wanted me to come.”


When they arrived Jackie was escorted into the house. She walked into the living room to find Jack on the sofa with Caroline asleep in his arms. “Hi.” She said softly.

“Jackie.” He tried to smile.

She crouched down beside them and stroked Caroline’s hair. “How is she?” She whispered.

“Tired and shocked.”

She nodded. “I brought her a teddy bear.”

Jack smiled. “Thank you.”

Caroline began to stir. “Daddy?” She whimpered.

He stroked her hair. “It’s okay Buttons, I’m right here.” He saw her relax when she saw who was holding her.

“Can I sleep in your bed?”

Jack sat up. “Of course Buttons.” He stood up and carried her. “Goodnight Jackie.” Caroline yawned.

Jackie smiled. “I got you this.” She handed her the teddy bear. “Your Daddy is very proud of you.”

She nodded and wrapped the stuffed toy in her arm. “I’ll be right back.” Jack whispered. He gently tucked Caroline into his bed and kissed her cheek. “Sleep well Buttons.”

“Night Daddy.”

He returned to the living room and sat down. The tiredness and pain showed in his eyes. “Oh Jackie, why does this keep happening?”

She wrapped her arms around him. “Take a deep breath, Jack.” She stroked his hair. She could feel the burden he felt.

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