Chapter 53

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Friday 20th January 1967

The Oval Office


Jack was sitting reading over his state of the union address when Bobby came in. “Are you okay, Jack?”

“I’m tired.” He replied chucking his glasses on the table. “How are you?”

“Just fine.” Bobby said sitting down. He studied his brother for a few moments. “You look stressed.”

“I’m just nervous about the speech tonight.” He admitted. Bobby nodded; he knew his brother hated having to speak to large crowds since Dallas.

“You’ll do great.” Bobby smiled. “You’ll have Jackie and the kids by your side.” He said trying to cheer his brother up.

Jack grinned.

They were deep in conversation when the door burst open. Jack looked up expecting to see Mrs. Lincoln but it was Tish. “Tish?”

“Mr. President….” She was shaking and very pale. “Mrs. Kennedy has been taken to hospital… the baby’s coming.”

Jack sat up quickly jarring his back. “What?”

“Would you like me to get a car for you?”

Jack nodded and stood up. Bobby was stunned. “Let me know what happens.”

Jack smiled and grabbed his jacket he headed to the car with Tish. He was nervous. The baby was a few week early.

GW Hospital


Jack was sitting in the waiting room. It had been over four hours since Jackie had been rushed to hospital. He was on edge and fidgety. Worst of all when he was nervous, he sweated. “Mr. President.” Dr. Walsh said.

“Yes?” He asked sitting up.

“May I be the first to congratulate you on the birth of your son.” He smiled.

Jack’s eyes filled with tears. “I…I have a son?”

The doctor nodded. “He’s with your wife. Do you want to see them?”

Jack nodded and went to their room. He silently closed the door when he noticed his wife sleeping soundly. He walked over to the crib and picked up his son. “Hello little one.” He whispered stroking his head.

The baby babbled happily looking up at him. He didn’t notice Jackie beginning to stir. “Bunny?” She smiled.

He turned around. “Hey Kid.” He smiled as he placed their son in her arms. “He’s beautiful.”

Jackie blushed. “I’m tired.”

He gently sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arm around her. She turned to smile at him. “I love you Jackie, thank you for delivering him safely.” He whispered before kissing her.

She blushed. “I love you too,” She smiled. “Do we have a name for this little one?”

Jack studied his son for a moment. “Patrick…. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy.”

Jackie turned to look up at him grinning. “I love that so much, it suits him.” She said taking her husband’s hand. Jack nodded.

After Jackie fell back asleep, Jack sat on the bed holding his son, he’d discarded his tie and suit jacket a while ago. He was happily cradling Patrick when the door burst open. “JACK!” Bobby exclaimed.

Jackie jumped and Patrick started to cry. Jack looked up annoyed. “Sorry.” Bobby whispered. “But Jack we need you, the State of the Union’s in an hour.”

Jack looked up. He’d completely forgotten. “I need to change.”

“There’s no time, come on!”


Jack arrived harassed. His tie wasn’t even fixed properly and he wasn’t wearing his suit jacket. “Keep calm, here’s your speech and good luck.” Bobby said to his brother.

Jack looked stunned as he walked on to the podium. He looked at Lyndon before turning to face the crowd. “Uh… sorry I’m late… but my wife just gave birth.”

Jackie was holding Patrick watching the State of the Union. She smiled. “Patrick, that’s your Daddy.”

Patrick babbled happily and squeezed Jackie’s hand. Jackie smiled with pride as she watched Jack. The press would make fun of his hair tomorrow, she thought.

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