Chapter 62

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Tuesday 20th May 2014

Arlington Cemetery, USA

The Death of President John F Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline was remarkable. In 1994, they died a day apart from each other. Jackie on the 19th and Jack on 21st.

As 2014 marked 20 years since their death, President Obama had organised a special ceremony to remember them.

Caroline was standing in front of her father and stepmothers grave. She felt sad having lost both of them in the space of three days. She was deep in thought about her first meeting with Jackie when she was a little girl. She didn’t notice Patrick sneak up beside her. “Are you okay, Caroline?” He whispered.

She turned to look at him. “I’m fine; I just miss them and John.”

Patrick put an arm around her. “I miss them too.”

They were standing gazing at the two graves when Ed placed his hand on Caroline’s shoulder. “The President is ready for us.”

She nodded and took both Patrick and Ed’s hand. On route to the White House Caroline handed Patrick a small box. “That’s for you.”

He opened it and smiled. “Thank you Caroline.” He smiled. It was a badge from the 1960 campaign, which he put on his tie.

The White House

After a presentation and some home movies, it was Patrick’s turn to speak. He made his way up to the podium and glanced at his nephew, Jack, who gave him a smile.

“It is truly an honour to be standing here today, to tell the story of my parents. Many assume just because I am the only child of President Kennedy and Prime Minister Bouvier that I am the only one who knows the true extent of their relationship.” He said pausing to change the picture on the board behind him.

“My parents met because they were both world leaders, they fell for each other despite what problems they knew they had to face. When the story came out that they were engaged they dealt with all the negative publicity because they loved each other.” He saw Caroline tearing up.

“My Mother always said, despite the people who said it was a political scandal, that it was more like a National Secret. She loved my Father and I think their love story is enchanting especially after all the issues they had to deal with to get together, and I for one am glad that they did.”

After Patrick finished the whole room stood up and applauded him. It was the first time anyone had really mentioned that it wasn’t a political scandal it was a National Secret as they truly loved each other, there was nothing corrupt about it.

That evening, at a state dinner in their honour the Obama’s expressed their fondness and support of President Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy. As without them, the history of the United States could have been different. It was their relationship that made the bond between the United States and United Kingdom as strong as it was during the height of the Cold War. It truly was The National Secret.

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