Chapter 47

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Friday 24th June 1966

10 Downing Street

Jackie looked around the empty residence which had been her home for a little more than two years. She had always thought she would have been here longer but she knew she was doing the right thing. “Miss Bouvier.” Tish said interrupting her thoughts.


“The car’s here.”

Jackie nodded and smoothed down her suit. She walked over to where Tish was. “I want to thank you for everything Tish.” She said. “I will truly miss you.”

Tish smiled. “Thank you, Miss Bouvier.”

The two women hugged before heading down to the car. Jackie took one last look at Downing Street before getting inside.

The streets were lined with people who wished to witness this historic moment. When Jackie stepped out of the car the crowd applauded her. She smiled before disappearing into the Palace.

Jackie watched as her male successor took the oath of Office. “Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.”

The Queen congratulated him. Afterwards he turned to Jackie. “This shouldn’t be me.” He said.

“I know, but you’ll do great.” Jackie whispered as she shook his hand. “I know you will.”

After he left the Queen turned to the former Prime Minister. “Miss Bouvier.”

“Your Majesty.”

Once Jackie had taken the oath of office she smiled. “I now pronounce you Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the United States of America.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Jackie curtsied.

“I hope you’re happy, Miss Bouvier and that you enjoy your new job.”

“Thank you, I’m sure I will.”

When Jackie got outside Agent Philips and Tish were standing waiting, as were the rest of her staff. “Um…..”

“The President hasn’t told you, has he?” Tish spoke up.

Jackie shook her head looking utterly confused. “What’s he done?”

“He was concerned about your work load, especially when you’ll be First Lady and Ambassador. So, he’s kept us all on to help you.”

Jackie broke into a smile. “Even you Mr. Philips?”

He showed her a badge. “Now the United States Special Agent to the future American First Lady.” He said.

Jackie was elated. She wouldn’t feel as homesick now. They arrived at Gatwick Airport and boarded a plane. Jackie turned to take one last look at her beloved country but she knew this was for the best. She smiled to the crowd before copying Winston Churchill and gave the Victory sign before she disappeared into the plane.

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