Chapter 50

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Friday 8th July 1966

President Kennedy’s House, Hyannis Port

Jackie was putting the finishing touches to her hair and make-up. Caroline and Lee and a few of Jack’s sisters were with her. “Do I look okay?” She asked.

“Sis, you look stunning!” Lee exclaimed.

Jackie blushed. She was nervous. Today was their wedding; she really hoped the press didn’t find out. Jack had made so many arrangements to keep it a secret.

“Here drink this to calm your nerves.” Jean said handing her some champagne. Jackie looked at her. “It’s ten in the morning.”

“It’s your wedding day; you’re allowed to drink early.”

She giggled. “Thanks Jean.” Once Jean wasn’t looking she put the champagne down the sink. They wanted to keep her pregnancy a secret for as long as possible.

Across the road at Bobby’s house, Jack was standing adjusting his bow-tie in the mirror. “Oh Jack.” Ethel laughed. “Let me do it.”

He smiled. “Thanks Ethel.”

Bobby wondered in smiling. “How are you feeling?”

Jack turned to glare at him. “I’m nervous as hell.” He exclaimed. Bobby laughed and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Relax.”

Just before noon Jack and Bobby made their way to the local church. The sea air was the only thing that relaxed Jack.

When Jackie appeared her stepfather’s eyes widened. “Jacqueline, you look positively beautiful.”

She blushed and took Hugh’s arm. “Thank you, Uncle Hughdie.”

At 12pm sharp Jackie’s car arrived at the church. There were less than 100 guests. It was simplistic and meaningful to Jack and Jackie.

When the wedding march began to play, Jackie walked down the aisle with Caroline in front of her.

Hugh handed her hand to Jack before going to his seat. She smiled at Jack before turning to face him. The Cardinal began the service.

“Do you Jacqueline Lee Bouvier take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?”

Jackie smiled and looked into his eyes. “I do.”

“And do you John Fitzgerald Kennedy take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?”

Jack broke into a broad grin. “I do.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” He said.

Jack slowly lifted up her veil and stroked the side of her face. “I love you, Jackie.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She blushed.

He pulled her close and let his lips brush against hers. When they pulled back they held hands and headed down the aisle towards the car. Their reception was at the main house.

He placed his hand on her knee and smiled at her. “You make me so happy Mrs. Kennedy.” He whispered.

She blushed and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Mr. Kennedy.” He blushed and put an arm around her.

The Main House


Jack took his wife’s hand and pulled her close. Joan played ‘I Married an Angel’ for their first dance. As they waltzed they got lost in each other’s eyes. “You look beautiful today, Kid.” Jack whispered.

She blushed. “Thank you, you look very dapper yourself.”

He giggled. “I always did love your British humour.”

She smiled and rested her head on his chest. Caroline took John’s hand and they tried to copy their Father and Stepmother.

That night when Jack and Jackie got to their room Jackie had a surprise. “Wait there.” She said before disappearing into the bathroom. Jack loosened his bow-tie and waited.

When she returned, she was wearing a short white nightie. Jack’s eyes widened before he took her hand. “Shall we spend the night under the covers?” He teased.

She blushed and giggled. “Of course.”

He kissed her hard pulling her close to him. This was their night.

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