Chapter 8

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March 1965

Jackie was in the bath late one evening when Tish knocked on the door. “Miss Bouvier, President Kennedy is on the phone for you.”

Jackie sat up. “What? Why?”

“I don’t know, he didn’t say, should I say your just coming?” Tish asked.

“Yes, I’m coming.” She heaved herself out, quickly drying herself before pulling her robe on.

She went to her bedroom and closed the door. “Mr. President?” She asked into the receiver. Her voice was breathy.

“Ugh!” Jack exclaimed. “What do you do if your advisors don’t listen to you and you know your right?” Jack asked annoyed shoving papers of his desk. Jackie heard and wondered what was going on.

“Mr. President, is this to do with the civil rights riots in Alabama?”

He sighed and calmed down. “Yes.”

“What do you want to do, that your advisors don’t want?” She asked playing with the phone cable.

“I want to establish a new voting bill but they’re against it and I think their being racist.”

“You’re the President, send it to congress and see what happens.”

“I think it would really help.”

After another half an hour Jack felt more confident in his ability to handle the situation. “Sorry for ranting at you Miss Bouvier.”

She giggled. “It’s quite alright, Sir.”

“I was thinking….” Jack said. “We should have a summit here, Britain and America to highlight the friendship between our two countries.”

“We should, I’ll get Tish to organise it with your staff.”

“Great.” Jack replied. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” She hung up. She smiled to herself.

At the White House Jack sat at his desk feeling better about his decision. He was confident and he had the support of the Prime Minister. “Jack?” Bobby asked coming in.


“Want to come to dinner with me, Ethel’s out of town.”


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