Chapter 15

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Friday 21st May 1965

Camp David

Jackie had slept on the sofa. Jack had gone to bed around midnight, he was a mess. She didn’t mind staying; she hoped if she needed help, he would come to her aide.

She was standing in the kitchen making some tea when Caroline came through in her pyjamas. “Jackie?” She asked weakly.

Jackie turned round immediately. “Are you okay, Caroline?”

She nodded. “Can I have some breakfast please? Daddy’s still sleeping.”

She stroked Caroline’s hair. “Of course Sweetie, what would you like?” Jackie asked helping her sit down.

“Some toast and jam.” Caroline said.

After making it, Jackie sat down with the First Daughter. She was still clinging to the teddy bear that Jackie had brought her. Caroline suddenly began to sob uncontrollably. “Why did they want to hurt me?” She cried. She crawled on to Jackie’s knee.

Jackie wrapped her arms around her. “There are bad people in the world Caroline; I will never understand how people can do this.”

She was crying violently. “Mummy…..” She sobbed. “I want Daddy to be okay…”

Jackie kissed her head. “Your Daddy will be fine, Sweetie.”

“Please look after him Mummy…..”

Jackie paused. “Uh Caroline…”

Caroline looked up and kissed Jackie’s cheek. “I’m going for a bath.” She said getting up. Jackie nodded. Once Caroline and left the room she shot in to Jack’s room and nudged him. “Jack.”

He stirred. “What?”

“Caroline just called me Mummy!” She exclaimed. His eyes met hers. “Calm down, it’s okay. She’s just upset it would just be a slip of the tongue.”

She nodded. “Okay….”

Air Force One

That evening as planned they headed for Hyannis Port. It had been arranged that the Prime Minister would spend the weekend at Cape Cod with the President. “Are you okay, Mr. President?” Jackie asked.

“Mr. President?” Jack raised an eyebrow.

“I didn’t think you’d want anyone to hear me calling you Jack.” She replied. He smiled softly at her. “It’s okay, Miss Bouvier.”

When they arrived they left the plane. The press were there in force but Jack kept his hands tightly around his children. He ignored the press. Jackie followed, it was obvious he was a devoted Father but underneath he was cracking. She was also struggling with the fact Caroline had called her Mummy.

President Kennedy’s House


Jackie was in her room when she found the present she’d brought for Jack. She silently walked through the house to his room. “Jack?” She knocked on his door.

He appeared in his pyjamas. “Yeah?”

“I brought you this.” She handed him a small British flag pin badge. She watched as he smiled. “Thank you.”

She looked at him, getting lost in his green eyes. “Night.”

“Night.” Jack smiled.

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