Chapter 24- Everything Hurt

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The silence in the room was unbearable. The normally silent ticking of the clock was now intolerable, the second hand moving in rhythm to the blood pulsing through Lexa's head. She tried not to focus on it as too many other things filled her head, but each wave of blood seemed to cause her a worse migraine than the one before. 

The light in the room seemed so bright it was blinding. The air seemed dense and unbreathable. The papers before her own very eyes were blurring and swaying.  And yet, Lexa still refused to acknowledge the distractions, focusing on whatever fuzzy words she could instead.

All the days prior were similar, each one getting more and more intense, but it was something Lexa already deemed normal during all her past years of work. 

'It's just because I'm tired.'

Deep down though, she felt her sister's words of "burnout" reaching her, knowing this month, this week, today, was far worse than any day ever before. 

Her days had become limitlessly longer. Her nights, nonexistent- and with them, her sleep. Every passing day she could feel her arms getting weaker. She felt her eyes stinging, knowing for sure they were red- even without looking in a mirror.  And all the countertop headache-prevention medicines were getting less and less effective.

Lexa just couldn't get a break. Or she refused to.

Because her partnership with Flame Corp did go through, and now she had an endless supply of business operations and new marketing strategies to go through. An endless supply of new paperwork and documents. Hundreds of meetings to get through. And it was stressful. It was very stressful. And not even her biggest problem.

Because now she had no outlet for this stress. 

Now, her used-to-be outlet was a prime cause of her stress. Because despite removing her from her contacts, despite not seeing her for a month, despite doing everything she could to forget about it and move on, any free second she had was spent thinking about Clarke. 

It was like a nicotine addiction and the only rehab that worked for Lexa was another addiction.

So no, the lightheadedness didn't bother Lexa. It was the closest thing she got to a clear mind. And neither did her lack of sleep. Because now her body and mind focused on going to bed more than on Clarke. And unlike her thoughts, Lexa could fight back the urge to sleep. 

In a way, she was now able to trick herself to make her manageable problems into worse ones, avoiding her real stresses. And with that, she could trick herself to think that she was in control.


"LEXA! WHAT THE HELL!!!" An angry lady stomped into her office, throwing the doors open violently enough that they should've shattered right then and there.

Lexa jolted her head up at the noise, holding her hand to her chest, trying to repress her sudden intense heartbeat.

The girl stomped close enough to her desk to be way too close in Lexa's personal space bubble. Her eyes glared right at her like the devil himself. For a brief second Lexa swore her heart stopped in fear.

But the girl didn't say anything. She simply stood looming over Lexa with her fists clenched and eyes shut closed, trying to relax her heavy breathing.

But why?

"Anya, what are you doing?"

She was met with intense eyes filled with anger and disappointment. The few seconds of silence were ended abruptly, as did the girl's attempt to calm down. Something Lexa said must've ticked her off. "LEXA I SWEAR!! I ASKED ONE THING OF YOU!"

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