Chapter 17- Residency

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Residency. Clarke was actually starting residency. She still couldn't believe it herself. All her life, she spent studying for this. To get here. To get past here. Work here. And now she was finally taking her first steps in the building.

It felt strange. To think that a year ago this still felt so distant to her. She lived so much of her life just studying and working side jobs, it was nerve-racking to actually be here. To be helping people, saving people- well probably not just yet. But still, to actually be a part of the world she was preparing for so long. The world her mother left...

Clarke could already imagine the amount of pride and worry her mother would have when calling her later today. But first she had to get through her first day on the 'job'.

So she took a deep breath and stepped in to the office.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. You must be Clarke Griffin."

She gave a nod and took her hand out to shake.

"Great. I'll have someone show you around for today as well as call in Dr. Lincoln, who you will be assisting, once he's available."

She follows the lady around the hospital and got a general idea of where everything was until they stumbled into the doctor.

"Doctor Lincoln!"

A pretty buff and good-looking man looked up from his clipboard and met eyes with Clarke and the girl.

"Oh, hello."

"I'd like you to meet the new resident who'll be accompanying you if you're free."

He took a quick glance back at his paper before replying. "Oh yes, I almost forgot." He looked back at Clarke "Dr. Lincoln."

"Clarke Griffin. Pleasure to meet you."

He smiled sticking his hand out for a handshake. "It's my pleasure as well."

Before he could even make conversation, he was interupted with shouting.


The man put the board aside and looked to Clarke. "Apologies, but we must leave formalities for later. Could you follow me?" He asked, but implied as a statement as he already began rushing in the other direction towards the door. Hurriedly she followed.

"What's going on?!" He rushed in, already putting a new pair of gloves on.

The other man in the room was already by the patient doing chest compressions. "Patient fell into cardiac arrest, and is loosing lots of blood from an open shot wound!"

In a matter of seconds the doctor got to work, taking over. "Miller, Defibrillation now!" He turned to look at Clarke. "Ms. Griffin, take over Miller with chest compressions until he gets it set up!"

She felt her hands shaking and heart beating against her chest as she reached for a pair of gloves. It was only her first day in the building and she was already in the midst of stressful life-or-death situation.

Rushing over, she took over as the other man rushed to get the defibrillator. Meanwhile Dr. Lincoln took over the bleeding while deciferring what to do next.

After a long and stressful while, the patient was finally stable one more with more professionals in the room monitoring everything. After a long while Clarke could finally settle her breathing again.

She followed the doctor out of the room after washing up.

"My dearest apologies. I didn't intend for your first day here to be so stress inducing." He turned to find his clipboard again. "But you just can't control these things."

Clarke took a breath and tried to get her thoughts under control. It was over. The patient was okay. She didn't screw up. Everything was fine. But her heart was still beating like crazy.

"It's okay, I completely understand."

"I hope I didn't scare you too much for your first time."

"No" she lied. "You handled the situation incredibly well."

Well that was true. He seemed so concentrates and collected throughout the whole thing. It was definitely at least a bit unnerving seeing him take control of everything. She didn't think it would have went nearly as well if it wasn't for him. If it was just her.

No. Don't think about that. Just breathe Clarke. You did fine.

"Your assistance was greatly appreciated." He looked towards her and could probably see the nerves aching out of her. "Perhaps it's best to take a moment for now."

Soon enough, the day continued as it was originally supposed to, the pit of stress I'm Clarke's stomach slowly dying down.


It wasn't too bad. Definitely a lot, but not bad. She couldn't help but feel small and useless after the whole day around professionals however. Even with Dr Lincoln being so polite, she could just feel the sense the powerful aura off of him. And everyone else. They had so much experience compared to her.

She spent 8 years studying to get to the top, and finally feel experienced and good enough, just to be thrown into a completely new environment at the bottom of the chain.

Not to mention the rush. And how incredibly well all the doctors adapted to it. Even taking a small glance through the doors, she saw them working with precision and concentration and nothing more. No stress. That wasn't an option. And Clarke had to get hers out of her system.

"Hey Madi-bear."

"Clarke!" The girl leaped to give her a hug. "How was your first day?"

She tooken of her coat and gave her a small smile. "It was... good. Stressful as hell, but good."

"Oooh, I want to hear about it."

Clarke took a breath before reflecting back on her day. "Well I'm going to call mom in a bit anyways, so for simplicity's sake I'll just tell you together."

"Alright! Oh, I left you dinner by the fridge by the way."

"Thanks Madi. You're a lifesaver." Clarke didn't even notice how starved she was after the day.

She grabbed the wrap and sat down by the couch, opening her laptop. Waiting for Madi to join her, she finally called her mom who's been waiting to hear from her all day.


"Hey mom."

"Hey Mrs Griffin!"

"Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, loud and clear."

"Okay. Great." Abby looked around as of she was getting all her thoughts together before looking back at the screen. "How was it?"

The blonde took a bite our of her wrap and sighed. "Geez, where do I begin."


Authors note:
Right off the bat, I want to apologise if I screwed something up with describing residency and everything- I think it's pretty clear I'm not a med student lol. Still, I hope you enjoyed and if anyone has any suggestions or just wants to educate me pls do. <3

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