Chapter 50- He

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It started happening more often than not. And it was really starting to ruin her weeks.

He was really starting to ruin her weeks.

It was whenever she was done with work or on her breaks, he'd just start appearing around. Sometimes he wouldn't even approach her- just stare at her from across the street, or just exist enough in her space to piss her off.

And she knew he was doing it on purpose. Because he had absolutely no reason to be there. Hadn't had any reason to be anywhere near her for years. But here he was, sitting at the restaurant right across from the hospital, ever so conveniently during her break.

And it was actually starting to scare her more than piss her off.

Because she thought she finally left that part of her life behind. She finally got over it. Learned from it. Realized she was being used. Finally, let herself get over the tears and guilt, and then the absolute frustration.

And then here he was, having the absolute audacity to show up in her life again right after things finally started looking good for her.



"Raven, I don't know what I'm supposed to do! I don't know why he's here!" Clarke slumped her head against raven's shoulder in defeat.

Her friend patted her back in comfort. "Maybe it's 'cause of Lexa."

"I know it's 'cause of Lexa!" She tried not to hyperventilate, taking deep, shaky breaths as she stared at her friend.

Because, of course, it was because of Lexa. He hadn't said shit for over two years and suddenly showed up once Clarke- finally- got over herself and let herself enter the dating world again. And he had the audacity to comment on it! Obviously, it wasn't just coincidental timing! 

But, why?! Why would he do that!?

Her breathing became less and less consistent as tears tore at her eyes.

Because this wasn't supposed to be happening. It shouldn't have been happening. She was supposed to have already reached her 'calm' at this point. Reached her 'happy'.  She did. She did reach her 'calm'. She did reach her 'happy'. She found her stability in life again. And she found Lexa.



He was here because of Lexa. 

What was he planning? Was he going to hurt Lexa!? Was she putting her in danger too!!?

'Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.' She couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Hey, hey. Griffin." Raven coed, "Shhh, it's gonna be okay, you hear me?"

"Raven, what if he hurts her?!"

Her friend paused for a moment,  "That's not going to happen."

"Raven. You don't get it." She let go of Raven pulling her hands through her hair. "He's everywhere. He knows. He knows and he made sure to make sure I know that he knows!!"

"Slow down, doc. Knows what?"

"That-" She cut her sentence off for a gasp of air between her tears.

"Clarke. Slow down. You're going to choke on your own tears."

"He knows I like her. A lot. And that I'm- I'm scared for her." Clarke let herself fall back into Raven's arms. "Scared of him."

She didn't know how much he knew. But the fact that he knew about her- them- without any hints of why scared her even more. Because, how much did he know? Did he know about their hook-ups? Lexa's stroke? How she broke conducts to save her? Could he be sabotaging her job? Or Lexa's? Both?

If he knew anything, she could be so fucked. Lexa could have her reputation ruined. And it would be all her fault.

Raven continued to shush her, rocking back and forth and rubbing soft circles against her friend's back. "He's not going to hurt her."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, Clarke, but your girl is pretty toned."

"That's not what I mean, Rae. He's- he manipulated me for years. Raven, I didn't even realize there was anything for so long. No one did! And I don't let anyone- And someone he still managed to fuck with me. Made me think it's normal. That- that I didn't actually want to hang out with you guys." She continued in tears, "Hell, if it wasn't for Madi... I don't think I would've..."

"Shhh, baby shhh," Raven whispered. "It's not your fault."

"What if he's already messed with her?" Her grip on Raven's shirt got tighter. "What if he makes her hate me? What if he makes her think I hate her? What if she already-"

"Why would she hate you?"

"I- I don't know, Raven. I told you. He just does this stuff without you realizing it. He's everywhere. He's everywhere where I am. He's probably already done something to her. Planned something. I really tried to not think about it. But I can't!"

"Griffin." Raven grabbed hold of her face and forced her to look at her, wiping her wet cheeks. "Just a few days ago you were telling me how she stayed with you while you were crying." She looked at Clarke with a kind and knowing look. "You think she would've done that if she hated you?"


"Then why'd you assume he's making her hate you?"

"Because. He does that stuff. He plans shit. I mean God-damn-it, he's got me terrified and he didn't do anything other than say stupid shit."

"Well, maybe his plan is just to scare you." Raven brushed her hair away from her face.

She didn't say anything for a while. Only sat in what Raven said. That, and her fear. "...maybe. But that's still so..."

"Fucked up. I know. I'm sorry, Griff." She held her hand. "Next time don't wait, okay? Just call me immediately if anything is wrong."

"He didn't do anything though. He was just... there. I just-"

"Panicked. It's okay. Still. My statement still stands."

"...Thanks." Clarke let her body steady a little for the first time, controlling her breathing to stop herself from another outburst of tears. She tried to focus on Raven's comfort rather than her fear for a moment as she finally let herself detach from the girl.



Raven came holding a cup of tea, sitting down on the couch next to Clarke, already holding her own. "You sure you're feeling better?"

"Yeah. Thanks," she whispered.


"You know, If you're worried about her, maybe you should talk to her about it." Raven looked at her, sipping her tea.

"I just... don't want to put that on her. She shouldn't have to deal with that." Clarke stared into her cup, letting the steam hit her face. "I mean, how would you feel if you just started going on dates with someone and they're already dumping all of their past relationship trauma on you?"

"... Honestly, not the happiest," she spoke rather bluntly, "but it's better than not saying anything and then something happening. I think I'd faster trust you if you told me beforehand than if I got convinced of something wrong and you telling me after."

"... I guess." Clarke sighed into her cup, "She'll probably want to stay away from me."

"With two 'child-free sex night' cards offered by yours truly? Somehow, I doubt it." Raven poked at her with her elbow in a chuckle, causing Clarke to smile and roll her eyes. "But really, I don't think you need to worry about that."

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