Chapter 8- A game of chess

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After another long day, Clarke finally found herself opening her apartment door, just inches away from the old but comfortable couch in the small living area connected to her kitchen.

"Hey Clarke!"

"Hey Madi-bear. How was your day?" She yawned, putting her coat on the hanger.

The 15 year old gave her a bear hug before heading to the fridge. "Pretty good. We had soccer tryouts today and I think I did good."

"I'm sure you did. When have you not made it on a team" she chuckled. While the girl placed some leftover chicken from yesterdays dinner on the counter, Clarke took out the pans from the oven to heat it up. "You know you don't have to wait for me to get back to eat dinner right?"

"It's more fun with company."

Clarke smiled. "That it is. Did you finish your homework?"


"Really?" Clarke game her a questioning smirk.

"Yes really. Even the essay due in 3 days."

"Well then I guess we can play something then."


"Geez. Yeah sure okay. Time to whoop your butt again."

"If I remember correctly I won last time" Madi grinned.

"Shhhh I clearly just let you."

"Yeah whatever fills your ego."

"Oh your on!" Clarke challenged.

"Try me."


"Your turn."

"Wait what did you do?"

"Stop sleeping during my turns and maybe you'd know."

"That's not fair. I swear that's cheating."

"It's not cheating, you're just not paying attention."

"Mmm I dunno. Seems suspicious to me."

"Your just upset cause you're loosing."

"Oh extremely." The blonde said sarcastically, smiling.

She stared at the board for a while, trying to plan her next move on whatever was left functioning of her brain. Maybe she was just that tired, but it seemed like Madi was really getting better at the game.

"I moved my horse to E5."

"Ah yes. I knew that."

"Uhuh, suure."

Clarke moved her queen to the right. "Check."

Madi shifted over her queen to make a stalemate between both pieces. "So are you going to quit your side jobs next year once you're in residency?"

Clarke moved her bishop over to defend her queen. "Oh, yeah, probably." She gave a small chuckle "To be honest I've gotten so used to just studying my ass off for years, it hasn't really hit me that I'll be getting and actual full time job soon."

Madi placed her queen out it the bishops reach. "Don't you have an exam this Friday?"

"Ugh yeah. Don't remind me; I haven't even started studying yet."

"I keep saying you should let me get a job too, then you'd actually have some time to-"

"It's fine Madi. You need to focus on your classes."

"So do you!"

Clarke threatened the girls queen with her rook. "Yes, but you're still a kid Madi. Enjoy spending time with your friends not worrying about bills."

Madi once again moved her queen, but this time without thinking it through. "I'm not saying I'm trying to be a hooker too-"

"Don't you dare do something that stupid!"

"You're one to talk. Besides I said-"

"You're a kid."

"I said I'm NOT trying to be a hooker. But I can still work at a coffee shop or something."

Clarke sighed. "Listen Madi, we always go over this. It's fine. I'm fine. You're a really sweet girl, but right now I'm handling everything. And like you said, it's only for one more year."

"I know. I just wish you'd come home earlier sometimes."

"I will. One year baby. One year."


"Oh and-" Clarke slid her queen across the board "I got your queen." She took the piece.

"What! No fair!"

"Oh very fair."

The girl stuck her younger out, while Clarke laughed.


Authors note:
Though it is mentioned in the story that this is happening later on in the week and not consecutively, I want to clarify that it's already been a week since last chapter.

That's all. I just wanted to make sure the pace doesn't feel rushed out of nowhere. Love you all! 💖

Hook(er) Up - A Clexa FicWhere stories live. Discover now