Chapter 15- "You're an investment"

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"Don't think I forgot about out pit-stop."

"Fucking hell, please no."

"Fucking hell, please yes." She looked back at her sister through the car mirror. "There's a café nearby and I need to stop for gas anyway."

A long groan came from Lexa. "Anya, I swear-"

"You can swear all you want. We're going."


Anya pulled up by the gas station to tank the car before pulling over and parking by the neighboring café.

"C'mon, I'm sure there's someone here looking for a conversation."

"Or just looking for coffee. Anya why would you go out of your way to bother people trying to live their lives." Lexa continued as Anya dragged her out of the car.

"It's not bothering if they're not doing anything."

"Yes it is-"

"Not everyone thinks like you Lex. Some people enjoy social interaction."

They made their way into the coffee shop and headed to the cashier, each ordering their respective drinks. While those were being made, Anya pushed Lexa into small talk with random strangers.

They weren't bad people, but Lexa couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around them. She just wasn't one to strike up useless conversation with strangers.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" Anya asked a dark haired girl in a red jacket.

"No, not at all. Here let me move my stuff." The girl replied, pulling her laptop closer to herself to make room on the table.

"Oh no you don't have to, it's quite alright. We're just here for a quick coffee." Anya stated as she and her sister sat down.

"It's fine, I am as well." The girl looked at the both of them, paying no attention to whatever blueprints that were on her computer.

"Oh really? You looked a bit busy."

"Oh no, I'm just multitasking while waiting to meet up with a client."

"Oh apologies, we won't stay for long then."

"It's fine, take your time" The girl looked down at her watch "I've still got a good hour or so to spare, there's no rush."

"Oh you're quite a bit early then huh?"

"Yeah, I'm actually not from here, so I had to make sure I arrived early in case of traffic- which there was so I'd say I made the right call." She chuckled.

"Oh you're not from here either?"

"No. Neither are you?"

"No, me and my sister came from the city actually."

The girl looked at the two with a questioning for a bit. "OH! I thought you looked familiar! You're Anya and Lexa Woods aren't you!"

"Well it seems like everywhere we go we get recognized." Anya chuckled. "Well now I feel it's only fair I get your name as well."

"Raven. Pleasure to meet you!"


The conversation between the two seemed to flow as if they've known each other for a long time. Lexa didn't join in much since her sister was naturally the conversationist.

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