Chapter 9- No, sorry.

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A light went off in the room as Clarke's phone received a notification. It was past midnight, the only light on in the whole house being the dim table lamp aluminating the corner of Clarke's desk. It was wednesday night, and the first night the blonde actually got to sit down and study for her upcoming exam.

Three hours into her studies, she finally decided to call it a day, scared to loose another hour of sleep. She turned her lamp of and finally checked her phone to see a text message.

Hey. You're probably asleep but are you
okay  with coming tommorow?
(Sent 12:24)

A smile formed on Clarke's face as she read the message from the brunette, but emmidetly faded when she saw the date.

Sorry, can't. Maybe another time.

She stared at the message debating whether it sounded too mean, before figuring she was to tired and sent it anyways.


The next morning Clarke woke up to another message.

Oh okay.
Are you free Friday perhaps?

She debated whether it was a smart idea to plan on the day of her test. She didn't want to end up being in bad mood from a disappointing test score (though it rarely happened) and going to Lexa's with the same energy. For some reason she wanted to impress the girl and be her best, most confident version of herself around her, even though she was just a customer. Usually Clarke wouldn't care at all, taking it as a free excuse to hide from her stresses, and yet this time she felt different...

Idk. That's a big maybe too tbh

She received a reply a few minutes later.

Ok, I won't bother you then!

She felt awful disappointing her, but Clarke knew her priorities. She had to worry about her grades first.


Lexa stared at her phone. Perhaps she was being too pushy. She felt like she was being a bother to the girl, which made no sense right? I mean she was after all her customer right? And yet it felt so weird for Lexa to constantly be the only one reaching out. Maybe she just wasn't used to the idea of hookers. Maybe she was being too persistent. Perhaps it'd be better if she gave the girl more space for a while.

It's not like it would matter. It shouldn't matter. Lexa would just end up spending more of the day at work like usual. That was her normal.

And yet her normal was testing her patience.

"Hey Lexa."

The brunette shook her head, shaking the thoughts from her head and snapping back to reality.

"Hey An. What can I do for you?"

"Do you still have the documents from last year's confirmations on trikru proprietorship transactions, or are they all digital?"

"Ugh, I believe I do, why?"

"A few need to go for review since recent changes in development."

"Oh shoot. You're right- I almost forgot." Lexa rolled her chair to the back wall and reached for the filing cabinets.

"I'm aware. Mr. Roan is the one who reminded me." Anya added, still hinting at the fact that Lexa can't possibly handle the whole company on her own, and that she should trust others more.

Lexa seemed to ignore the statement, too focused on trying to find the right papers.

"I'll get right on it once I find them."

"No, I'm doing that."

Almost as if her mind was (still) somewhere else, Lexa didn't put up a fight this time, leaving Anya confused.

"Oh uh- okay. Just don't forget about the recent skaikru merger."

"Yeah, of course." Anya stood silently for a minute, waiting for her sister to add something else or change her mind like usual. "You're not going to fight me over it?"

"Huh?" Lexa answered as if she wasn't even paying attention to the girl when she was talking.

"You know what- nevermind. Call me when you find them."

"Will do."

Lexa continued to search through the cabinet as her sister left the room. Where she would usually find the files in a matter of seconds, her mind seemed too preoccupied for her to even focus on searching.

What if she really was being too needy? Why did she feel such a dependence on the girl out of nowhere anyways? She had to pull herself together.

And for about two weeks she did.

Authors note:
I'll be trying to upload longer chapters since I personally find them more enjoyable reads, but it just felt right to end this one here. Anyways, thanks for reading love u all! And ur comments are hilarious. Thx for brightening up my day <3

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