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I know I owe ya'll a huge apology, I'm so sorry. School has been crazy, my online business has been chaotic and life has just been overall a mess. I didn't have time for nothing 😭 anyways, I'll definitely be back to updating every other day or something now that I'm way more free and got more ideas for this book.

If you're reading this, I love you and appreciate you so much!

Chapter 48

I tugged my knees close to my chest, wrapping both arms around my legs, trying to not let the tears escape my eyes.

I was frustrated. Angry. Confused. And most importantly, scared.

I was scared because the intense feeling of being so lost was taunting me. I felt like I had no one and no home. I didn't know who that man downstairs really was, and lord knows how everything about him screams danger.

I heard a knock, and watched as the door slowly cracked open as Damon's concerned face met me. I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand as he walked towards the bed, sitting on the edge.

He stayed silent for a minute or two, before he took a deep breath and rested his elbows on his knees, looking away from me.

"I'm not giving up on you, Luna." He spoke. I looked down at my knees, hugging them closer to me. "I don't care if we have to do this all over again to be together. I need you to realize that I'm not letting you slip away no matter what, when I know how much you need me. How much we both need each other."

It was quiet for a while before my eyes averted to him and I softly shook my head.

"I appreciate what you're saying. But it's not that simple, it's just.." I paused. I didn't know what to say. I struggled to find the right words to describe what I was feeling towards him and towards the entire situation we were both in.

He turned to me and moved closer on the bed. His hands hesitatingly taking mine in his. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening, so I withdrew my hand away from the warmth of his.

"How about this.." he started, keeping steady eye contact with me. Wow, he really is gorgeous. "60 days. That's all I ask from you. We'll pretend we're starting brand new. Give us a chance and I can only hope that somehow along the way you'll start getting your memories back. And once you do.." He paused, "you can make your own choice. No matter what it is, I'll respect it."

I slightly furrowed my eyebrows.

"I can't just forget about everything I just heard Damon. Or blindly trust this situation I'm in." I replied, my eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion by his suggestion. He slightly shook his head at me.

"I know it sounds crazy but I need you to put faith in for just 60 days. And I know things will start unfolding for you by themselves."

I looked down at my fingers, slightly chewing my bottom lip as I thought about his words.

"Well.." I started. I was thinking about my family. About Albert. They're all I had to lose here yet it seemed as if they weren't in the picture anymore. Which confused, yet as much as it pushed me into forcing the truth out of him, as much as it pushed me into considering his deal. I needed my memories back. I need to feel sane again.

And him.. it didn't seem like such a bad idea to give him a chance. The guy was breath taking, extremely sweet to me, and yes, something about him is off but I had an intense gut feeling telling me he would never hurt me in any way.

"What about your work though? You seem like an important, busy person. How are you gonna have time to put effort into this like that.." I said. It was his turn to be confused by my words.

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