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First thing I noticed was my handwriting. It was a letter. My eyes started skimming through the lines.


It's weird writing someone like you a letter. It really is. But it's how the Princess in me copes with such a dreadful distance. Well, I doubt i'll be sending this to you anyway. But I'd like to pretend.

The baby has been a handful, and I can't help thinking about how it would have been if we were both going through this. Instead of me trying to stay afloat in this shit-hole of a palace on my own. You told me you'd be by my side whenever I needed you. Yeah, that might have been a few months ago, but I still hoped you'd keep that promise, despite how things changed. I still hoped you'd give me a call, send me a message. To tell me you miss me as much as I miss you. To tell me you can't live without me, as much as I'm struggling to live with your absence.

It's not your fault. I can't blame you.

It's hard for me to stop thinking about leaving. Leaving all this and running back to you, wherever you are. God, I missed being in your arms.

Maybe I'll give this to you one day. Even though I doubt we'll meet again. Still I wish you the very best. I hope you're out there doing things that make you happy. Things that don't involve other women though, because that thought annoys both me and the baby. I'd rather you stay doing your weird, creepy mafia work with scary looking men than to be busy giving your heart to someone else.

I'm selfish. I know. But I still love you. I can't help it.

Princess Luna Hamilton"

The Royal stamp sat clear at the bottom of the letter, staring back at me. Daring me to doubt it. 

Jesus. Damon wasn't lying, what we had- have,  couldn't be more complicated even if we tried. Wait, never mind, it did get more complicated. I have memory loss for hell's sake. I'm sure it couldn't get harder than this on him and I.

I got up, walked over to the same drawer Damon pulled the letter out of and pulled out the scattered papers and scanned them. They were all my letters. All written for Damon.

Wow, I was down bad, wasn't I?

I gently placed them all again together, putting them back in place before closing the drawer and walking out of my room.

I was feeling one thing; guilt. It made me see Damon in a slightly different light. It made me more aware of how truly patient he has been with me. I couldn't imagine how difficult it might be staring at a lover who doesn't even remember you back, and in fact, is judging you from start as if what you both had was nothing more than a useless water drop in an ocean.

Runs a mafia or not, this man meant something to me. What I'm doing is unfair to him, even if it's out of my hands.

I knocked twice in Damon's room before he opened the door a few seconds after. His dress shirt now halfway unbuttoned.

I averted my eyes quickly up to his face, giving him a weak smile.

"I'm not sure if I should apologize, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm putting you through so mu-"

"Come here." He cut me off, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against him. I closed my eyes and slowly hugged him back, inhaling his dark, intoxicating woody scent.

He placed a long kiss on my head before he pulled away to my dismay.

How could the same person who made me feel such doubt and fear a few hours ago, make me feel like I'm the most precious and protected woman in the world being in his embrace?

He pulled me inside his room before closing the door behind us. My back faced the door, his arms on either side of me as he stared down at me silently. Damon's fingered reached up and removed my hair away from my face.

"God, you're so, so beautiful." He rasped out quietly, his darkened eyes not leaving my face. Well, now my extremely flushed face.

"I love you, Luna. I'll say it a million times until you realize it." He said, bending down and kissing the warm skin on my cheek. I raised my hands and rested them on his broad shoulders.

"What do I have to offer you.." I whispered. He pulled his face away slightly to take a better look at me. "I owe you for so much."

He placed a hand on my waist and rested his forehead against mine.

"Try to love me again." He spoke, "I want you to put faith in me and love me the same way I do. That's all I'll ever want from you, kitten."

My hands moved from his shoulders to his neck, and it was my turn to glance down at his lips. I slowly leaned in, unsure of my actions.

But I did it anyway. I closed the small distance between us, placing my lips against his soft ones, faintly kissing him. He was instantly kissing back, just as gently.

It was a grateful and an apologetic kiss from me, at the same time, sealing in his words.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. It was almost cliche how magical it felt. At this moment, as our lips moved together perfectly in sync, I knew his lips were no strangers to me.

Eventually once the kiss was broken, I smiled.

"I can't imagine how much of a headache my mood swings are causing you these days." I said. He grinned, pecking my lips before his hands squeezed my waist.

"That kiss was enough for me to endure a billion more years of constant mood swings, Luna."

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