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Chapter 32

I woke up the next morning feeling my bare skin against Damon's

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I woke up the next morning feeling my bare skin against Damon's. My back against his chest, his arms wrapped around me. I furrowed my eyebrows and peeked beneath the velvet blanket to see one of his hand cupping my boob.

It felt nice, but I couldn't move.

The more I tried to sneak out of his grip, the more his arms tightened. I sighed and managed to shift around, turning my body to face him, thankful that he let go of my boob.

His eyes were shut and his breaths were slow and even. He looked too handsome, even by doing absolutely nothing like right now, it was almost unfair. I took the chance to admire his face and his masculine chest that was in full display, a few tattoos on his tan skin to admire too.

I was cherishing this sight, really. Just to wake up in his arms again after all those months was everything I wanted.

I frowned when my eyes landed on a dark spot on his chest that I haven't noticed before.

No, it wasn't there before. I would have seen it. The scar was almost faded, but it was still there.

I softly let my fingers touch his skin, feeling that scar and feeling my heart hurting along.

"It really wasn't that bad at all." I heard his deep voice whisper. I looked up at him to see his sleepy eyes gazing at me. I bit my lip and looked back at his chest.

"What happened?" I gently asked. He sighed and his fingers touched my hair, moving it away from my face.

"Don't worry about me, kitten."  He simply said and it deepened my frown. I placed a small kiss over his scar and looked up at him.

"Just.. be careful, Damon." I said and he simply leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

"I adore you." He said and I smiled at him, palming his cheek.

"That's cute. I adore you, too." I said. Then his face fell a little and he looked past me at nothing in particular.

"I have to um.. go get some business done today but once I'm back, there's something we're going to need to talk about."

"Okay." I said unsurely. "Is everything fine?"

"Yeah. You'll know." He said staring at me softly. "I have to get up now."

"When will you be back?" I asked.

"As soon as I can, baby." He said and kissed my cheek before removing the blanket off of him and getting up. "I'll call you."

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