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Chapter 6

It wasn't until later that day where I saw Damon walking in again. He looked way more relaxed this time, and it made me wonder that could've he said or done to the guy for him to look so chilled.

"Get up princess, let me show show you around." He said with a smile.

"Are you sure that's okay?" I asked, getting up from the bed. He rolled his eyes at my question and held his hand out. I grabbed it and stepped out of the room, as he shut it behind me. Wow. How nice it feels not being trapped between four walls.

Damon started walking me around the house- no, mansion, and showing me where everything was. The place obviously wasn't as nearly big as our palace was, but it's was just gorgeous. The place was modern and sleek, with mostly black and white furniture everywhere.

"Your house is breathtaking." I complimented him.

"I'm glad you like it." He paused "Let me show you the roof."

And then we headed towards a door that led to some stairs. We climbed up those stairs till we reached the deck. It was absolutely gorgeous. The deck wasn't huge but wasn't small, and it was made of sleek wood with a grey sitting and plants around it. There was also built in speakers beneath the plants where music was coming out of. I was in love. And just as if it couldn't get any better, I got closer to the side and was amazed by how beautiful this view from here was. Why couldn't they lock me up here instead?

I looked at Damon who was standing there just watching me with amusement. "Can we sit here for a little?" I asked him. He took a few steps and went to sit on one of the couches.

"As long as you want, princess." He said and I smiled a little, taking a seat next to him. We sat in silence for a little, enjoying the weather and the music until he broke the silence.

"My father is traveling for a week or so. You won't have to worry about him till he's back." He said then shook his head. "Actually, you won't have to worry about him regardless. No one's going to lay a finger on you again around here, Luna. Including my father. I promise you that."

I scooted closer to him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." He replied, looking at me waiting.

"What did you leave so suddenly to do after I told you about the bald man?" I asked.

"I shot the 'bald man'." And upon hearing that I froze. What?

"Are you serious?" I asked after a minute. He gave me a look.

"I would never joke about something like that." He replied.

"What do you mean shot him? Like killed him? Just like that? What the hell, Damon." I almost snapped. That is not why I decided to tell him what happened. Now this man's blood is on my hands.

"My orders were clear. He decided to go around them trying to be a smart ass about it. I don't tolerate that type of shit with my men. " He asked calmly.

"You could have fired him or something, but not kill him." I defended.

"Well since my men work under much stricter rules, love, mistakes like that cost them their lives." He then took one of my hands in his. I suddenly wasn't annoyed anymore. His hand was warm and big, it was soothing.

"And as rough and ruthless our job can get, it still doesn't mean any of them get the pass to harass a woman." He paused and touched my hair. "Especially you, kitten. My orders were firm and clear."

I blushed a little at the way he was touching me and looked away. "I really want to ask what do you actually do for a living, Damon. But I don't know if I wanna hear the answer. Not now at least."

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