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Chapter 42

I stepped on the gas, hearing the loud roaring of my car as it sped up on the road

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I stepped on the gas, hearing the loud roaring of my car as it sped up on the road. 15 minutes of driving was how long it took me to reach that very familiar building. I parked the car and stepped outside.

The guards by the door gave me a short nod as I passed by them.

"Is he in there?" I asked.

"Yes, sir." The one on my left answered. With that I walked into the place and made my way to his office.

I got into the elevator and I tried to contain my anger as I became closer and closer to his floor. He will only be harder to deal with if he sees I'm this angry.

I slid his door opened as I got there and watched as his eyes glanced up to me from behind his desk. A smile forming on his tan face.

"Damon! To what do I owe this very pleasant surprise?"

"What the fuck is your problem with Luna?" I snapped.

So much for keeping yourself controlled, Damon. I mentally scolded myself.

"Luna?" His eyebrows furrowed, making me clench my jaw.

"Really?" I asked dryly. "My girlfriend who you tried to kill? Not ringing any bells?"

"Ah." He fixed his suit jacket and standing up, walking to from around his desk. "So you admit you're together with her?"

"Very much so." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest as he stood in front of me, leaning against his desk. "And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that."

"Nothing wrong? Everything is wrong about you two being together!" He snapped, making my eyebrows raise in amusement.

"Enlighten me, then." I said sarcastically.

"She has been nothing but a distraction to you! Neither her social statues or her family or anything about her is good for you." He spoke angrily, his hands moving around as he spoke.  "You're too damn caught with your little fling with her that you have been lacking on all your goddamn work! It took me years to get this mafia to rise and be this powerful, yet you're easily getting so sidetracked from it all because of that little girl who's no use to you!"

"I love how you said nothing about her is good to me when she's really the only good thing that happened to me in my life. So get over yourself, dad, because the minute she wakes up I'm announcing to the whole world that she's mine. I'll make her my wife and the mother of my children one day and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it."

He scoffed. "She's not waking up. This argument is a waste of time to begin with."

"You should be praying that she wakes up. Because God knows if she doesn't, I'll lose my shit and I fucking promise you that you won't like it."

"All of this for a girl like her?! You think I'm the only angry parent? Did you even think her father would let what's happening between you two slide when he finds out that you're the reason she quiet the family? Jesus, Damon he could find shit on us that will have us both fucking jailed for life!" His voiced raised and he turned his back to me, before looking again at me and pointing a finger.

"You're so fucking ungrateful. There are gorgeous women out there who are perfect and fit for you in every way, and who would kill to be with you, yet you're choosing the one thing you shouldn't have?! Make your life and her's easier and just look for someone else!"

My anger rose by his last sentence.

"I just told you I found the woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with and you're telling me to go look for someone else?!" I narrowed my eyes at his stupidity. "Shit doesn't work like that, dad."

"You're so goddamn naive." He muttered under his breath, shaking his head at me. I didn't respond. It wasn't worth one.

"Why her sister?" I asked, breaking the silence again.

"What about sister?" He asked, sitting down on one of the chairs in front of his desk, facing me.

"She's Luna's only family. You chose her out of all people to poison her? Why. And what did you even offer to get her to do something so damn heartless?" I asked. He shrugged.

"The plan wasn't to poison her at first Damon. Amelia tried breaking up your relationship in other way. Planting evidence of you cheating, talking Luna out of the relationship, other shit like that. But you gave me no choice." He said. I scoffed.

"So the lipstick was your damn doing too? You're so fucked up."

"And as for the offer," he continued, ignoring my comment. "I barely even had to offer her much. Just some stacks of money and a good position at the modeling agency she's been dying for. You see, Amelia's hate for her sister could have really had her do it for free."

I clenched my jaw, shaking my head slowly. Women can be so pathetic.

"Leave Luna the fuck alone, dad." I made my way towards the door. "And I swear if I hear you try to harm her anyhow, expect to never hear from me again. And I will end this fucking mafia and watch it fall apart piece by piece. Because I will not choose anything over her. Not my business and certainly not you."

I walked out and slammed the door shut behind me, pulling it out my phone. I started texting Javier.

Me: how is she?

I got into the elevator and down to the lobby, exiting the building. Once I got into my car, my phone dinged.

I unlocked my phone, and felt my heartbeats slowing down and my fingers slightly shaking.  

Javier: The line went flat. You need to come right fucking now. ASAP Damon.


A/N I know, I know. Just please don't murder me. Yet. Or maybe never😏. Anywaysss

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