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Chapter 46

I yawned and stretched my arms. Glancing at the the clock, I noticed it was almost 12 AM. That was a one long nap. I sat on the bed for a few more minutes, trying to search in my mind for anything. It felt so.. void. As if there was a hole in my memories. I eventually decided to get up from the bed and slip on the pink fluffy slippers.

Something I would own. I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

I walked out of the room, thinking it might be a good idea to walk around and see this place. This place was huge. It was a whole workout to just find the main living area again.

I looked out the huge window, staring at the phenomenal view the place offered. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw a movement outside. Walking closer to the window, I narrowed my eyes, before my face relaxed in realization.

It was him. The boyfriend.

He paced around one of the tables sitting out in the backyard, a cigarette between his lips, looking lost in his own thought. I was surprised he was still up.

Did I mention before how gorgeous this man was?

It made my nervousness sky rocket.

I picked the thick shawl lying on the couch behind me and wrapped it around my shoulders before finding the door that lead outside. I was instantly met by the cold air, and I slightly shivered, thankful I covered my bare arms with something.

I slowly walked towards Damon, still hesitant about doing this. Maybe I should just talk to him tomorrow instead. Maybe he was tired. Or sleepy.

"Hi," I quietly said from behind him. He turned to me and threw his cigarette away.

I'm glad he did that. The smell bothered me a little.

"You're up." He stated, his eyes taking me in. "How did you sleep?"

I stepped beside him and shrugged. This view was incredible.

"Pretty good, actually." I answered before turning to him, finding him still looked at me. "Why are you still awake?"

There was a long pause before he decided to answer.

"I don't think you realize how hard it is for me to sleep without you in my arms. And knowing you're in another room because you think of me as some sort of a stranger. After all we've been through and how far we've come. I'm just a stranger to you now."


I didn't expect that one.

It hurt me to see him so effected by something I have absolutely no memory off.

I fully turned to him and wrapped the shawl tighter around me.

"I'm sorry." I softly said. He shook his head at me.

"Don't. I'm sorry I said this. I just needed to let it out. But none of this was your fault. In fact, it's all mine. It's all been my fault from the start." He said, making me frown.

"Why would you say that?"

He sighed and gently shrugged. I spoke again.

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