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Chapter 47

"And you have the fucking audacity?" I slightly jumped, startled by the angry muffled voice. It sounded like Damon, but I couldn't tell that well.

I couldn't help the slight annoyance. I was having a really good sleep.

I sat up with a sigh, pulling the covers away from my body. Getting up from the bed, I slipped on a black robe and pulled it over me, before making my way downstairs.

"That ain't no way to.." I heard another man's voice speaking, but I couldn't make up the rest of the words. Hugging the robe tighter against me, I turned and followed the voices, which lead towards the living room closest to the house's entrance.

I froze in my spot, seeing the amount of men in the place. I saw Damon in front of an older man, maybe in his 40's or 50's, who was in an amazing shape for his age. And next to that man were 3.. bodyguards? I guessed.

No one in this room looked like good news.

Everyone's eyes averted to me when I entered, and needless to say, Damon did not look happy with my presence. The older man grinned at me, but it didn't seem in any way genuine.

"Ah, why isn't it delightful to see you again, Princess?"

I glanced at Damon hesitantly. I know him?

"Thank you, sir." I responded, offering him a small smile. His eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Baby, how about you go back upstairs until my dad-" Damon said, but he was cut off by the man, who I surprisingly just learned was his dad.

"Why?" He asked, glancing between me and Damon. "I'm shocked she's not throwing a fit at me. With the way you reacted when I came here, I assumed your little girlfriend might be worse to deal."

"What is he talking about?" I turned to Damon and asked. Why should I be mad at him? And why is the tension so damn thick in this room?

"Nothing, Luna. Just please go upstairs."

"Nothing? What am I missing here?" His dad said and chuckled. Crossing his arms over his chest with an amused smile on his face.

"I'm the one obviously missing something here, so enlighten me, how about that?" I told him.

"You're not mad because of what your sister did? Before your boyfriend decided to take her life?" He spoke, his eyes glancing at Damon almost daringly. I crossed my arms and frowned at his words.

Sister? Boyfriend 'taking' her life? Is that man crazy?

"Well, for starters I don't even have a sister. It's actually just my brother and I, so I have no idea what you're talking about." I said. But what does he mean by Damon taking someone's life?

I tried to not let fear creep up too high inside of me.

The man took a few steps closer to me, until he was right in front of me. I could now see the resemblance between him and Damon. His light brown, almost-hazel eyes, and strong, defined face with the unshaven, short stubble.

"Did you hit your head or something?" He asked, his tone full of sarcasm. His expression changed. Why does he seem to hate me so much out of a sudden.

The Mafia's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now